From a drop of water....

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Aug 14, 2020
Sometimes I don't get why I can see past (-) --> [past-future (+)] / and future (+) light times and cones while so many can't.

The Sun is eight light minutes away but light received from it is eight minutes old and the Sun from distance in space is un-observably and theoretically emitting light right which won't reach across the distance for another eight minutes for a total expanded time of sixteen minutes from observed light time emission (-) to (+) t=0 to light time emission occurring at t=0 to be observed in (+) eight minutes:

(t-) (t+) |t0| (t+) = expanded 16 minutes pasts ((-) following) and futures (t=0 in superposition (+)).

Centauri: Past (-) 4 years + [past-future (+)] 4years --> |t=0| + future (+) 4 years = 8 years. Expanded past and future light cones ((-)(+)), t=0 in superposition past(-)-future(+) to t=0 / future(+) from t=0.

Most distant Horizon as was: Past 14 billion years + [past-future (+)] 14 billion years --> |t=0| + 14 billion years = 28 billion years. Expanded past and future light cones ((-)(+)), t=0 in superposition [past(-)-future(+)] to t=0 / futures(+) from t=0.

A traveler time travels the expanded light cones ((-)(_+)) -- that the observer only observes -- by observationally traveling the same expanded distance ((-)(+)) in time but physically space traveling only the future light cone (+) which the observer does not and will not!!!! The observer will observe the traveler to time travel the full length of the two light cones while the physical traveler physically space travels the future light cone only, un-observed for however long or short a time it takes . . . which in any case whatsoever will and should be a much shorter time than any distant observer, at any distance at all, can observe. This is not the picture relativistic physicists, such as Brian Greene, tell us in articles, books, and videos, will be the observed case.

And they are right!!!! It will not be the "OBSERVED CASE" by the distant OBSERVER . . . which subject is observed to expand or contract tensor-like in time!!!! It will only be the refused, the trashed, real case of localized space travel in and through the future light cone (only) out of all local sight, out of all local observation, out of all local measuring, of distant observers.
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Aug 14, 2020
Physicists, that I've read, don't place the traveler in the future light cone (posts #200-201) regarding the observer . . . essentially placing the real time traveler in the relative future, all the way to a relatively far distant future, of the observer. And vice-versa, the real time observer.
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Aug 14, 2020
Amazing how simple, really, the Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe in a ponderous Planck (microcosmic level incarnation) Big Bang (macrocosmic level incarnation) Black (White) Hole (collapsed cosmological constant) Horizon set of infinities of horizon universes can get (I did warn "ponderous"):


Seven fundamental forces pyramidically from apex (and/or inverse base):
1) Life Force.
2) Gravitational (Antigravitational) Strong Binding Force.
3) Electro Weak Force.
4) Strong Binding / Nuclear Force.
5) Electromagnetic Force.
6) Weak Force.
7) Gravitational (Antigravitational) Force.


Fundamental Binary Base2 of universes:
1) '0' (null unity and infinity) and/or '1' (unity and finite) . . . and parity (+ / -).
2) '0' and/or '+1' . . . and parity '-1'.
3) '0' and/or '-1' . . . and parity '+1'.
4) Charge (-) and charge (+) and neutrality.
5) Matter (+) and antimatter (-) / Total energy of the universe = '0'.
6) Total mass of the universe = '0' (+/- |0| -/+) (positive (+m) to '0' and/or negative (-m) to '0').
7) Mass and energy are equivalent.


(Fractal zoom universe.)
(Fractal zoom structure, set and reset.)
(Fine structure constant.)
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Aug 14, 2020
Continuing reiterations:

'c' = (+)300,000kps |0| (-)300,000kps.
'c' = (+)300,000kps to '0'.
'c' = (-)300,000kps to '0'.
'c' = (+/-)'1'.

Except for the universal constant of the speed of time, current and concurrent, the speed of light measures the fastest local-relative speed in the universe (+)300,000kps but can never surpass the speed of time . . . always playing catchup and never quite succeeding.

In observation of the universe at large, the speed of light is observed to be the slowest speed of all (-)300,000kps, everything else of the universe, concurrently, being in advance of it, all the way to far in advance of it, in space and time . . . particularly time itself, the fastest most current and concurrent, speed of all (t=0).

Past light cone, one light second distant, a (minus) of one (light) second, (plus) one (light) second, future light cone = (t=0) ....
Past light cone, one billion light years distant, a (minus) of one billion (light) years, (plus) one billion (light) years, future light cone = (t=0) ....
Past light cone, twenty-eight billion light years distant, a (minus) of twenty-eight billion (light) years, (plus) twenty-eight billion (light) years, future light cone = (t=0) ....

Any observer observes the past light cone but NEVER the future light cone! Every traveler, whether going away or oncoming, will physically zoom them both (through -- via -- the "fractal zoom universe" set and reset) from t=0 to t=0 always un-observed; always dealing in 'c' = (+)300,000kps |0| (-)300,000kps all at once (all at the same time . . . parallel and quantum entangling).


Aug 14, 2020
Reiterations continuing:

Physic of "observable" universe / physic of "observability" (period) = 0-point dimensionless centrality --> 1-d vibratory needle (string) --> 2-dimensional single-sided flatland-frame(s) front(s) (having no other side -- particularly no rear or backside whatsoever to be caught-- nor more dimensionality, than flatland 2-d, to it / them).

(Past (-))
(t=0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, .... Horizon (infinity's collapsed (/\) horizon constant).)
(Future (+))
((infinity's collapsed (/\) horizon constant) Horizon ...., -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, t=0.)
(0-point horizon ...., -1(-9), -2(-8), -3(-7), -4(-6), -5(-5), -6(-4), -7(-3), -8(-2), -9(-1), .... 0-point horizon)
(0-point horizon ...., -9(-1), -8(-2), -7(-3), -6(-4), -5(-5), -4(-6), -3(-7), -2(-8), -1(-9), .... 0-point horizon)

Time's horizon expanding from every single point of universe.
Time's horizon contracting to every single point of universe.


Aug 14, 2020
Never forget the third element always in some trojan position, whether finite ((+1) (unity)), finite ((-1) (unity)), or non-finite (null unity) infinite (0).


"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn. (Ad trojan (ad triangulation . . . you must have a reach beyond grasp in order to truly grasp)).)

You must have a reach beyond grasp in order to truly grasp! Amazing how little that simple physic -- in all its applications and implications -- is understood (how little that simple natural law is understood).


"If I had eight hours to cut down a tree, I would spend seven sharpening my ax." -- Attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
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Aug 14, 2020
I repeat here what I've said time after time, one way or another, that a closed up to 0-d point, 1-d needle, 2-d two way flatscreen Horizon [infinitely-dense-in-mass (+/-)] Horizon set of all horizon universes, or Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe, is at once -- is at the same time always -- an infinitely deep 'Abyss' (as in, "Stare into the Abyss, the Abyss will stare back into you"). A "fractal zoom universe structure" -- including 'fine structure constant' -- set and reset, where the zooms are to infinity (hyperspatial / sub-spatial infinite and infinitesimal), at once infinities of horizons of universe; at once infinities of horizon universes; at once 'Schrodinger' fundamental binary base2 infinite '0' (null unity) and/or finite '1' (unity).

To be and not to be! That is the answer! That all-encompassing, all enclosing, Horizon always in being and never was in being. Everything inside its cosmic web / everything outside its cosmic web / quantum entangling-like . . . and worm-holed like crazy.
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Aug 14, 2020
Not exactly as I keep describing it, or exactly what I keep describing but certainly a close alternative view of things being mentioned around these days . . . virtually a return to the either-or argument that caused Dr. Samuel Johnson to kick the rock refuting Bishop George Berkeley circa 1763CE:

A Schrodinger-type universe, an 'is' and/or 'isn't', and possibly, probably, both finite and infinite, definite and indefinite, at the same time (all at once).

While I'm at it, gravity (antigravity) / antigravity (gravity) is 'fractality' personified . . . is eigenvector (square matrix) . . . so to speak. So is c^2.
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Aug 14, 2020
Reiteration from the Atlanoverse:

A black hole, as I see it to be, is entirely an EWF magnetic monopole (dipole moment (given the measurable outside horizon: the definite / finite bark this side of the indefinite / infinite (infinite '0') tree within)) point-portal singularity. An expanded quantum singularity (literally a blown "atom") from the microcosm into the macrocosm, and back again, and no plural quanta (quantity) of singularity (sic).
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Aug 14, 2020
Antimatter (reiteration):

Exactly what is antimatter and where is the antimatter universe?!

Antimatter is time reversal made physical concurrent with time forward as we know it. It is a bit of history, a microcosmic particle and atom of history, a macrocosmic time frame of history, made objectively real and physical . . . brought out of time, out of history (the paralleling dimension of the paralleling antimatter universe) into currency... into concurrency. TIME, as the concavity of TIME reversal (of times / of histories), made objectively real physical matter (anti) and energy (negative) in our time.

That distant Horizon set of all horizons (all horizon universes) is a paralleling dimension of reality, a paralleling universe that has its own distinctive reality, encompassing within its Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe Horizon all past and all future, all the reality of an infinite mass density of infinitely many paralleling pasts and futures, always in the same place at the same time . . . Hawking's "Grand Central Station" always spontaneously in being! The LHC, for just one instrumentation in our universe, has accessed it (history / histories / times / TIME) and drawn from it (the antimatter universe) in suspended matter and energy animation form, bottling it (bottling time reversal).
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Aug 14, 2020
Post #210 cont'd:

Question: What is the only physic that will always travel faster than an objectively real and beat that objectively real to every point B from every point A in the universe?!

Answer: Histories.
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Aug 14, 2020
From post #210....

"Hawking's 'Grand Central Station' always spontaneously in being!" To mean always spontaneously emergent from infinity. This particular constant of "emergent" being an "endless beginning" to "endless frontiers."

What end?! Ends in the [closed-up] Horizon's "endless beginning" to "endless frontiers." "Spontaneously emergent" from infinity.

A physicality of TIME in its histories is what I've been long working for at least partially! Never mind SPACE's "fractal zoom universe structure" missing here-in. Never mind coordinate SPACETIME's coordination missing here-in. Just a physicality of TIME in its "histories" is what I'm pressing to get at, to get better understood, here-in! Where is the antimatter universe? It's in those "histories." It is the physical microcosmic and macrocosmic "time reversal" to those "histories" when rid of the distance, the separation, in TIME. When rid of TIME! And we can bottle it . . . we have bottled it . . . put it, this particular genie, back in the bottle (partially, that is).
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Aug 14, 2020
Post #210 thru #213....

Universe Time State 1): Entropy will always increase over time.
Universe Time State 2): Entropy will always decrease over time.
Universe Time State 3): Entropy? What entropy?


Aug 14, 2020
Time goes forward.
Time goes backwards.
Time stands still.
Oddly enough, Bill, I see a way to almost disagree with the third. A friction. A collision. Or a vortex. Or a black hole in one dimension that is at once a white hole in another dimension.

My lawn I had once would tell you that that third is wrong. It was once weeds then I got it Utopian perfect, and had to work damn hard to keep it from turning to back to weeds. And a fantastic looking car I once bought, turned out to be a rust bucket, time trying like heck to go in reverse to some initial condition. And, furthermore in my lifelong study of human history as well as natural history and natural laws, vital dynamic frontier civilizations out of stone utopian savageries turning back to stone utopian savageries (all told, "dust to dust, ashes to ashes," as a saying goes).

One floats the other always. The first two dimensions have to exist constant, and work in existing, or there is no third dimension out of the two if you know what I mean. The flat universe out of positive and negative curvatures is in no way still. And people should remember that that Horizon constant I am always describing and referring to is spontaneously emergent from infinity (and/or infinities) both within and without that Horizon at the same time as a type of Schrodinger play. I'm mighty fond of Erwin Schrodinger and his cat, that cat that is both alive and dead (your "it is" and "it isn't" all at once (both at exactly the same time)). So not an impossibility!

And the heavier than air ship might even fly. The universe works in mysterious ways.

".... And who knows, the horse might sing."


Aug 14, 2020
Time stands still for anything traveling at c.
A CMBR photon still thinks it is year 0.
You hit on the problem with Einstein's viewpoint. You have the standard view and make the standard argument, Bill, but only the photo is frozen and not all the oncoming frames of light time and all the times receding away from the photo-still at the speed of light. Frames are coming and going, and times are changing all over the place external to Einstein's photo (and I do mean photo! as in photo freeze). It is something Einstein didn't think about when he took his mind's trip to the speed of light, the exterior universe to the front, rear, and side of him as he travels at the speed of light having to deal in the Heisenberg principle of uncertainty . . . having no certain idea of his position in the universe external to himself . . . having no fixed position external to himself except relative to that most distant Horizon that he will be 0-point-centered upon and quantum entangled with like everything else in the universe.

He would also suddenly realize that if he were to measure the speed of light locally to himself, it would measure +300,000kps relative to himself, to his '0'kps, while he swore that he must be doing +300,000kps relative to the observer standing by the railroad track on Earth. And he would be absolutely right!!!! He would be doing +300,000kps relative to the observer standing beside the railroad track on Earth, even as he was measuring the speed of light to be +300,000kps relative to himself. He would be occupying -- spread out over -- a lot more quantum entangling space, a lot more light-time zones, a lot more histories, all at once in his soliton warp or wormhole of space than that observer standing by the railroad track on Earth.

He travels to Centauri, say 4-light years away. He observes it to be 4-light years away, an observed distance in time of minus 4 years (past light cone) he must cover in addition to the plus 4 years (future light cone) he will take to travel at the speed of light to get to Centauri 38.4 trillion kilometers away (if I have my conversions right). That is observably (for him) 8-years past-future to be covered in 4-years of travel time in the future light cone to cover 38.4 trillion kilometers at the speed of light.

Einstein makes it in 4-years, observing Earth to be 4-light years distant, observationally existing in a time around the time he left it. The Earth observer, though, would see that Einstein was only halfway to Centauri needing another 4-years to arrive at Centauri, for an observed, from Earth, total of 8-years in transit for a traveler, Einstein, doing the speed of light to Centauri 4-light-years away. Also, the observer on Earth, if could see it, would see that Einstein had only aged 4-years in that 8-years of observed travel (in the light reaching Earth from beginning to end) that Einstein actually did in 4-years. Einstein, if he could, would see the Earth-bound observer to have aged [not-at-all] -- a photo-freeze -- in that 4-years of his travel. He might even observe himself just as he was leaving the Earth for Centauri . . . as Einstein would say, "Spooky action at a distance."

This Einstein did not observe time to stand still for himself as he traveled at the speed of light (4-years in his own clocked time to Centauri 4-light-years from Earth). He observed it, Earth and time on Earth, to stand still for the Earth, the observer on Earth, and himself just as he was hitting the throttle of his light=speed craft. He would observe, then, that he was two particles in two different places at the same time, one in motion, one a frozen photo backing away from him toward a distant Horizon, itself never receding from him but maintaining its precise distance from him. None of the distant "observed times" would be "real time" at a distance. His real time would be his clock having four years of time passed on it as he sits 4-light years away in the general area of the Centauri system, seeing the Sun of Earth 4-light years from him. He could account for eight years having "observationally' to have passed (past and future light cones) for Centauri in that four years of his own time he took to get there from Earth. Even as a particle frame of light at the speed of light as measured in the distance covered, this hypothetical Einstein in his own mind's eye had to deal in two light cones external to himself, while in transit, rather than one.

"Brevity may be the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
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Aug 14, 2020
Post #217 continued:

So, this hypothetical Einstein taking his mind's eye voyage to Centauri from Sol at a resulting calculation of velocity of the speed of light (+300,000kps) for 4-years travel time on his clock, will observe to his rear an Earth where days and years of time stands still in a photo-freeze while observing to his front a Centauri that observably externally -- as opposed to time observed passing internally (4-years) -- takes by external observation of Centauri (4-years' past light cone and 4-years' future light cone) 8-years to reach.

The observer on Earth sees, if he could see, everything to take 8-years to clear. With communication via light to him at the speed of light, it appears to him that this Einstein's voyage at the relative speed of light is actually taking place at half the speed of light, though this Einstein appears to age only four years and his clock to only clock four years' time passage.

An observer in the Centauri system, if he existed and if he could witness what light would show him, would swear that this Einstein voyaged instantaneously teleporting through a wormhole to reach Centauri from Sol, regardless of clock readings since he witnessed this Einstein, for an instant in time, to be in two places at once, therefore a quantum entangling-like "spooky action at a distance" taking place.
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Aug 14, 2020
referring to posts #216-#218:

Sometimes, Bill, I see that you are wrong or at least partially wrong, and how and where you are at least partially wrong. But you are always a great inspiration because I can usually realize clearly where you are coming from with what you have to say and work from it. Whether you want it or not, my thanks.

**As you will note, I'm not taking into consideration here anything (such as gravity) other than time, space, light, light speed, and possible-impossible observations.**
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Aug 14, 2020
As Gen. George Patton said, "Brevity is the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction."

A.) Gravity (antigravity) / Antigravity (gravity) force.
B.) Strong (nuclear) binding (alternate: Casimer-Polder) force.
C.) Eigenvector (square matrix) structure.
D.) Fractal zoom universe structure, set and reset (self-similar geometric structure).


Aug 14, 2020

Place the microscope (in this case the JWS Telescope) about 14 billion (or 28 billion . . . whatever) light years away from the collapsed cosmological constant Planck (limit) Horizon and you have a much closer shot at micro-scoping that microcosmic Horizon inside every single point particle/field of ours and the entire Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe's being.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other ...." -- Arthur Canon Doyle, 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet'.

"Brevity may be the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
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Aug 14, 2020
In #217-#218 I dealt in a hypothetical Einstein's mind's eye trip to the Centauri System a hypothetical 4-light years away, this hypothetical Einstein making the 38.4 trillion-kilometer trip in four years according to his ship's clock at exactly the speed of light (app. 300,000kps). He could have done it faster, but since light is serial emission and not solid, the twinkle, twinkle, little star for the Earth observer would have been serially spaced differently in the twinkling. The wormhole of coordinate spacetime, or the warp of coordinate spacetime, would have been segmented differently.

The fastest the Earth observer could ever witness this hypothetical Einstein's arrival at Centauri would be four years even if this Einstein made the trip instantaneously. The Earth observer would just have witnessed this Einstein to not have aged at all, nor any time advancement attached to Einstein's ship's clock. A Centauri observer would witness an arrival for this Einstein four years before witnessing this Einstein to leave Earth. This is all with wormhole transit instantaneity. The observation of this Einstein's departure would be an observation of 4-d ship, 2-d flatscreen, 1-d needle string vibration, 0-d point, gone. The observation of arrival at Centauri would be 0-d point, 1-d needle string vibration, 2-d flatscreen, 4-d ship, departure and arrival spontaneously quantum entangling end to end of the wormhole. This Einstein would have to be very careful regarding his navigation of a door . . . going through a macrocosmic-microcosmic-macrocosmic doorway.


Aug 14, 2020
You'll notice above my hypothetical Einstein traveling to Centauri four light years away and reaching it in four years never reaches the speed of light he will always measure to be +300,000kps (186,000mps) relative to himself and observe to be -300,000kps (-186,000mps) outside his mind's eye ship in the universe at large. He wasn't pressed flat or infinitely compressed to a black hole, in his voyage. The universe permitted him to make the trip inertia-less, superconductingly friction free, the only way he could make the trip.

Plus . . . as I've said several times before, the small print at the bottom of many automobile mirrors will tell the driver that the oncoming real time object will be closer to him or her in the universe than the light born image shows it to be. Equally but oppositely the real time autos, or anything else, expanding away from the traveler will be farther away than the light born image shows. Light, at the speed of light, never deals in real time "at any distance" but real objects, real time objects, do . . . as my hypothetical Einstein discovers above in his voyage, whether four years long, or four days or four hours long at warp speed, or near instantaneously through a wormhole, to the Centauri System. As every observed coordination but one told him, he never came close to traveling at the speed of light.


Aug 14, 2020
The Edge of Space:
I've enjoyed baseball ever since I can remember, especially the pitching aspect of it. The geometry of the rising, or riding, or sliding, against gravity fastball. The straighter and straighter line between the pitcher's hand and the catcher's mitt . . . the ball being sent by the fast-balling pitcher to the edge of space. Yes, to the edge of space on the ball field. A hyperspatial antigravity line of space . . . the two points then closing up in a more [tensorial] spacetime weave.

The fastest travel between two distant points on Earth is an arcing curve by way of the edge of space (the edge of interplanetary space) . . . essentially a straighter line between the two points. A hyperspatial antigravity line of space . . . the two points then closing up in a more [tensorial] spacetime weave.

The fastest travel between two distant points in the Solar System will be an arcing curve by way of the edge of space (the edge of interstellar space) . . . essentially a straighter line between the two points. A hyperspatial antigravity line of space . . . the two points then closing up in a more [tensorial] spacetime weave.

The fastest travel between two distant points in the galaxy will be an arcing curve by way of the edge of space (the edge of intergalactic space) . . . essentially a straighter line between the two points. A hyperspatial antigravity line of space . . . the two points then closing up in a more [tensorial] spacetime weave.

The fastest travel between distant galaxies in the web-weave of galaxies will be an arcing curve by way of the edge of space (the edge of inter-universe space) . . . essentially a straighter line between the two points. A hyperspatial antigravity line of space . . . the two points then closing up in a more [tensorial] spacetime weave....

There is of course the ability to re-turn. To open or divide, or expand, but especially to open, the distance between two points of universe in returning . . . as in returning to Earth -- essentially opening it -- from distant points (("verse": turn: to turn) ("uni-": in this case, unit and/or unity)).

Stephen Hawking, in his earliest writings in particular my favorite physicist, said he had a difficult enough time thinking 2-dimensionally, much less 3-, 4-, or more dimensionally.


From #220:

As Gen. George Patton said, "Brevity is the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction."

A.) Gravity (antigravity) / Antigravity (gravity) force.
B.) Strong (nuclear) binding (alternate: Casimer-Polder) force.
C.) Eigenvector (square matrix) structure.
D.) Fractal zoom universe structure, set and reset (self-similar geometric structure).
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Aug 14, 2020

Dictionary: A line that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any finite distance.

Bing: An Asymptote is a straight line that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any finite distance. In other words, it is a line that the curve gets closer and closer to, but never touches. The term is used in mathematics and engineering to describe the behavior of functions and curves as they approach infinity or zero.

The term is used in mathematics and engineering to describe the behavior of functions and curves (thus a physics . . . and thus a cosmology as well) as they approach infinity or zero (and/or infinite zero).

Asymptotic: adjective form of asymptote.

(** The Edge of Space** cont'd.)
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