From a drop of water....

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"Brevity may be the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

I see the microcosmic quantum realm modeling the unobserved, unobservable, macrocosmic classical realm "at a distance" in all its ever increasing complexity and chaos beyond relativity. The macrocosmic classical realm at a distance outruns observability and relativity ever faster and faster, ever farther and farther . . . ending up in that model of itself, as the self-similar model of itself, big time!

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle . . . "Could infer the possibility!"


"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn.

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds...." -- Albert Einstein.
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"Brevity may be the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

Self-similar ('G'=1) fractal "zooms" (gravitational) structure of the universe . . . set, and reset (via strong (nuclear) binding force (aka, Casimir force and effect)), to a fundamental base set!

Vector directions and "emergent SPACE" hyperspace "zooms" magnitudes!

Proxima Centauri is "observed" to be 3.8 light years from the Earthbound "observer." Minus 3.8 years (-3.8) in time to the Earth bound observer. And coordinate point SPACETIME minus 3.8 years (of past history) to an Earth bound observer's entanglement in concurrent REALTIME with an unobserved Proxima Centauri existing plus 3.8 years (+3.8) to the observed Proxima Centauri at minus 3.8 years (-3.8), both distant (+) and (-) entangling with the .Earthbound observer in a pointed triangle of reality and relativity. A traveler would, if at all possible, be "observed" to travel to Proxima Centauri 3.8 light years from (minus (-) 3.8 clock years relative to) the Earthbound observer . . . The traveler and traveler's clock "observed" to suffer from the concomitant apparent "time dilation." The unobserved, unobservable, traveler, physically entangled with REALTIME Proxima Centauri and Earth (and Earthbound observer), NOT suffering from any "time dilation" always tied to distance (always the there and then observable and observed "at a distance" rather than here and now wherever that may be (everywhere here and now is)).

Extending and expanding, magnifying, the triangle, the triangulation, in magnitude of "zooms" universe structure, Vega (25-27 light years away) (Vega: minus (-) 25-27 years, SPACETIME observed universe) (Vega: plus (+) 25-27 years, REALTIME unobserved universe).

Extending and expanding, magnifying, the triangle, the triangulation, in magnitude of "zooms" universe structure, Andromeda...!
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Given all of so much of a cosmological series above, I again had to bring what I wrote elsewhere in whole to here to help fill it out more:

"I'm angry as can be at my two favorite physicists, Einstein and Hawking, among so many others I've read over almost seventy-years!

I've suddenly realized that "emergent SPACE" (hyperspace) (subspace) (warp space) (JUMP-SPACE (wormhole(s)) (emergent gravity (including 11-dimensions of it, if not more)), as I've been seeing and describing it dimensionally for so long, can't be more than a 0-dimensional "vacuum void" in total actual dimensionality I keep "turning" to. And given that I see and describe, picture and model, REALTIME NOW as entangled, entangling, spontaneous concurrent REALTIME NOW instant (t=0)! And, given again, that I see and describe light's coordinate points' SPACETIME past-future histories as being strictly "observable universe" holographical universe.

Both space and time are infinitely multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, many worlds, and, simply, "Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe" complexity and chaos!" (And it, REALTIME NOW (t=0), "has -- comes with -- a guarantee and guarantor, collapsed cosmological (Horizon) constant (/\) P/BB T=1.")

"Brevity may be the soul of wit, but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
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Before leaving for the time being, I'm remembering more that might go with the above #578 . . . and more!:

I see these "nestars" as "electroweak stars" rather than "gravastars":
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It really bothers me, in a way, people, especially professional people who should see it better than all others, missing the point, missing the fact, that the set in the gravitational constant ('G') stands entirely outside and above . . . separate . . . from the constant of the speed of light ('c'), whether the space and time entangled concurrently existing masses of the set are two or more particle masses or two or more galactic masses . . . or two or more universes!
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Newton's gravitational constant is the finest representation of a 2-dimensional universal level of Flatland plane there is or could be. And it cannot possibly be observed for what it is, ever, because of the constant of the speed of light! Everything about it, the gravitational constant, being on exactly the same flat 2-d level, the same flat 2-d plane, of space and time.

We will observe a universe of north and south, east and west, horizontal and vertical, and little realize that the infinite universe of an entangling concurrent "is" means reduction to the same dimensional plane for the space and time of it all! The superposition surface hypersphere has the Chaos Theory's fractal fundamental "hot-smooth" layer as one layer, the other layer, other, reverse, side of the coin (the coin (T=1)), to the equally fractal fundamental "cold coarse-grain chunky" layer.

No matter haw many times I refer to it, some have yet to realize the what, where, and why, of the center-point of the hypersphere: Hawking's "Grand Central Station of the Universe (U) and universally all encompassing relevance of the 'speciality' of its single handed/single digited (t=0) Grand Central Station 'Clock'! To the Station and that Clock Albert Einstein went when he took his mind's eye trip to the speed of light. It took me forever to see the open system, the opening system, the accelerating expansionism, the fractal "zooms" universe structure, of the universes to be in that Hawking-Einstein hub ("all roads," all spokes from the rim(s), the man said, "leading to Rome" (leading into, and out of, the wormhole(s) center-point(s) of the hub of all)! Point, line, and plane, of the Flatland 2-d canvas.

Why even try the infinite surface of the hypersphere, curving observable surface, when the asymptotic straighter lines of reach and travel, are along the un-observable universe spokes (un-observable to the observer "at a distance") and through the un-observable universe hub! The universal gravitational constant ('G') in its universal framework frames the way.
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Continuing to advance my argument in more than one thread:

Understand one thing I repeat all the time in different contexts, you cannot possibly have one world without two worlds! You cannot possibly have unities without equal but opposite divisions (null unities)! No action without an equal and opposite reaction. Entropy always advances backwards in a constant of return to the Wild of the Frontier state, the beginning of the universe, the breakdown, the collapse into chaos of complexities become too complex. It is amazing the total war now always being fought between historians and physicists when historians advance the fact, the continuum, that the future is always the past, the past always the future, in Deja vu; always repeating (every instant of eternity . . . eternity always in an instant) in large aspect, though rarely, if ever, in finer details. The Universe (U) knows its business though physicists may believe it is ignorant of itself and, in general, stupidly on the way to becoming a frozen dead letter in stretching to infinity while diminishing in all it is rather than constantly amassing all its variant masses in a constant of emergent SPACE, thus conserving its totality of mass and energy in zeroing infinities into discreet quanta at all times from eternity to eternity.
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Eternity is timeless, so Einstein gets the static Universe (U) he wanted and visited in his mind's eye trip to the speed of light (t=0), and Hawking gets the eternal reduction, cancellation, to zero (t=0) he told his fellow physicists to never worry about. The eternal is also, of course, the superposition collapsed cosmological constant (/\) P (BB) 'Mirror Horizon' (T=1 / G=1 / c=1.... (unity)).
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Lift it in realization from this setting . . . as I've done so many times for so many pictures and models to my own...:


The negative energy (the high energy) state of the universe is the electric state (the electron field (-) of the universe . . . which has possible duality -- possibly doubles -- as something else NOT matter positive (NOT matter (+)).

And off on a tangent no less up-liftable:


"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.
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A reminder:

The constant of "Big 'G'" is a property of entangling (including "quantum entangling") concurrent REALTIME NOW instant and has no relationship whatsoever to light's coordinate points' past-future histories SPACETIME.

Couldn't resist it having its own thread, it needs to stand-alone on its own, but it belongs here as addition to this post as well!
The constant of BIG-'G' proves: LITTLE-'g's destination is always "ZERO-g" in accelerating expansion of opening the system, the universe, to the open system! Its ultimate destiny, though, is eternally asymptotic due to the strong force and/or the Casimir force effects (Close! Very, very, close to zero-g but never a cigar)!

For a closing system to the point of closed systemic point (equal but opposite to the above), look elsewhere, both micro- and macrocosmic, to the monopoles, or monopole moments, of the electro-magnetic and weak forces . . . the power-filled electroweak force! The 'Point Singularity-Portal' of the collapsed cosmological constant )/\) Planck (BB) Horizon. "Portal?!" Refer back to the constant of BIG-'G'....
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Uh huh! So, Einstein may not have rid us of the "Ether" (archaic: "Aether") after all!


So, the universe may not lose its 'Ether', either.
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