<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>Job: We get it. Everyone here gets it. Everyone on the shuttle program gets it. We were all talking about hurricaine season and flight timing before the season got started. You can trust that everyone involved with this mission is watching the storm tracks on more than an hourly basis. A lot goes into these decisions you either don't understand or choose to overlook. Filling pages with weather plots does not make you right or wrong, it only dilutes the quality of the discussion here which I'd hoped would focus on the servicing mission to Hubble. Please start a new thread to discuss launch weather. Thanks in advance. <br /> Posted by SM4_Engineer</DIV></p><p>Wow, SNAP.</p><p>Just because people are talking about weather that might effect this mission, doesnt mean that they are questioning the descision to roll out. I know I'm not. You seem to be taking comments about Ike as personal attacks to NASA, when they aren't, it's just talk about things that could effect <strong>THIS MISSION</strong>. And yes, every body knows that odds of a direct hit are very very small, but you could still get enough 'side swipe' effect to delay pad flow a day or two, mainly depending on how quickly it turns north. </p><p> </p><p>Now having said all that, I do think this thread has gotten highly divergent and think it should be reined in. There isn't much reason to worry about (out loud) about Ike until it actually poses a concern to the pad flow. Right now it's just too far out for people to get in a huff about. </p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>