Introduce yourself! (And show us your swag)

Hi folks, Stevie here!

Wanted to pop in and say hello to you fine people! I’m one of your new Community Managers. My background is in Scifi online games, I’ve been working with CCP Games on EVE Online and off since 2007. I was also part of the launch team and CM for VR rift launch title EVE: Valkyrie, worked with Star Citizen at UK meets and Insomnia Gaming Festival, which is a fun gaming event here in the UK.

In my spare time I enjoy streaming games, watching scifi and collecting supergirl merch. I’m also an ambassador for SpecialEffect, the gamers charity. SpecialEffect work with people with disabilities, developing controller set-ups, eye tracking tech and working with developers on accessibility in games (which is also a passion of mine).

I’m really looking forward to working on these forums, and chatting about Space and sci-fi in its many forms. I really enjoy working with passionate communities, and am 'over the moon' (Lol) to be able to be working with you folks.

Feel free to reply with anything you’d like me to know about you! If you wanna reply with your coolest bit of Space Swag, that would be awesome!

This is me in my Space Industries NASA jacket, which I love more then anything.


Fly Safe,
Aug 22, 2019
I'm Joe!

While I do happen to have a Sith robe, perhaps more appropriate to this thread is something more applicably nerdy. In the background of my office, I've a Dyson Sphere diagram showcasing just how to properly encapsulate a star to harness the immense power it could provide. But! For this, I'll take the easy way out and show off a cross-section model I have of Venus.


I was raised on the Space Coast in Florida, where the shuttle going up would rattle our windows and we could see every launch from the backyard. For a while, I interned in public relations with United Space Alliance, before getting into Community Management. For my part, I'm super excited about the return of the Space forums. Looking forward to some awesome discussion here! :)

Aug 22, 2019
Greetings space travelers,

I'm Josh, one of your new Community Managers. We hope you like the new digs. We've spent quite a long while getting it ready. We're glad it's finally time for lift off; it's been ten long years since we've been operational.

My relationship with space is very much grounded outside of reality. I'm a sci-fi nerd and gamer at the core (gamers rise up). I spend way too much time on the Stellaris faction creation screen and can easily get caught up in arguments over the viability of a dyson sphere. I'm fascinated by the growing space industry and curious to see what Musk, Bezos, and Branson have planned for us next.

More than anything I'm excited for all the discussions that will take place on these forums. It's truly been a long time coming and we're all beyond stoked. As for space themed swag, well I'm embarrassed that I don't have anything truly wild or ~cool~ to show off, so these two little guys will have to do:


I won them at a carnival as a kid (or maybe it was some kind of dave and busters type thing , it's far too long ago for me to properly remember). They've been a constant work space fixture ever since.

And with that I'll give you my bon voyage. If you need anything just give one of us community staffers a holler. Until then...

Oct 21, 2019
Steve here! Met Stevie through Eve Online originally... Who'd have thought a space nerd would play a space game huh! Excited with all things space, fiction or reality! Watched the whole spacewalk beginning to end last Friday, have been to Kennedy Space Centre on my birthday the last 2 years running (love seeing Atlantis on my birthday, I've stood underneath Discovery too!). Kerbal Space Program is life! And I'm a big fan of SpaceX's work, not only technologically, but with how much excitement they bring to the table! Space swag is a hard one... Probably my SpaceX Falcon 9 hoodie, which is super warm and comfy :)


But I have a habit of collecting space junk! :sweatsmile:



Staff member
Oct 21, 2019
Hello! This is Jef Castro and I assist with curating the visuals that can be found on Space photography inspires me in the most profound ways and I am filled with so much joy sharing that experience with all of our readers.

I had the privilege of working with illustrator Melanie Lambrick in creating our 20th anniversary posters that are available for free at various live events that has participated in:


The best part is that YOU can download them for yourself as well right HERE!


Staff member
Oct 21, 2019
Hey space fans! I'm Kim and I'm the reference editor for I'm a general science and space nerd. Feel free to ask me anything, and if I don't know the answer I will probably know where to find it :)

I don't have a whole lot of space swag, but my uncle retired from the Johnson Space Center a few years ago (he's an aerospace engineer and built parts for the ISS!), and he used to give everyone in my family NASA T-shirts for Christmas, so I have a pretty decent collection. Here's a ridiculous picture of me sporting an Apollo 11 shirt this summer on the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

Oct 21, 2019
Been coming to this website for decades. Had a profile, on the forums years ago. I'm also a well known space artist. My art has been used by people like Elon Musk and Robert Zubrin, and by "little" web sites like this one.

edit: oh yeah sorry swag

Hail fellow Spacers and well met.
I am David. I was one of the original members of Uplink forums as the Mental_Avenger. That was when Uplink had over 500,000 members. I was a member for about 10 years with somewhere around 18,000 posts. For two years I was a Moderator under the name Shadow. You will find posts by both of those names all over the recovered forum posts. Be forewarned, I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.

I have a strong background in the sciences of Astrophysics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Physics is my friend. Physics explains everything except people.

When I was very young, we had My Book House, the Book Of Knowledge, and another large set of books at home. I think I read every one of them. By the time I was in High School, I had also read about 2000 Science Fiction books. That gave me an incredible vocabulary. My favorite subject in school (besides the sciences) was English Grammar.
When speaking or writing, I use the most succinct and most accurate words. That often leads to some people making derisive comments insinuating arrogance or pretension. I often use the term “ignorant” or “ignorance” to point out the lack of knowledge regarding a particular subject a person exhibits. That in no way insinuates stupidity, nor is it name-calling. It is in fact, exactitude of meaning. I just wanted to clear that up to avoid possible future misunderstandings.
I am not a sesquipedalian In fact I tend to be eminently more succinct, while at the same time, truculently punctilious. I can be surreptitiously pertinacious, and somewhat fastidious, preferring exactitude over inaccuracy.

I am looking forward to seeing some of the old gang around here again.

Speed of Light = 1.802,614,041,067,005 MegaFurlongs/MicroFortnight
Last edited:
Aug 22, 2019
Been coming to this website for decades. Had a profile, on the forums years ago. I'm also a well known space artist. My art has been used by people like Elon Musk and Robert Zubrin, and by "little" web sites like this one.

edit: oh yeah sorry swag

Feel free to add your art to our media gallery. We're really trying to beef it up now that were in launch mode.
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Hi, my name is Rod. I retired in early January 2016 and really enjoy stargazing as well as solar observing using a white light solar filter tracking sunspots. I use a 90-mm refractor and 10-inch Newtonian on a dob mount. I am new to the Forum but enjoy reports and posts. On the 18th, I was out near 2300 EDT and observed a meteor flash by as I viewed M45 using the telescope. Perhaps it was an Orionid, rain and clouds this morning for me at the peak. Back on October 4th, I enjoyed seeing Saturn's shadow on the rings as the planet approached eastern quadrature. It was a great, 3-D view in my 10-inch!
Aug 22, 2019
Says I don't have permission to do that. I suspect you need to be some minimum number of points to add media.
Right you are! Didn't think of it, but we have a 5 post, week old account rule in place to prevent spammers and other ne'er-do-wells from posting there. I've updated your account permissions, give it a shot now :)
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Oct 26, 2019
Hi there,
Jonathan here...
I have read over the years, many conspiracy regarde dooms day with asteroids. I can’t recall where this list of potential impact with Earth is or came from.
From the back of my memory, there was dates of a few asteroids impact coming in 5 to 10 years from now.
Looking at NASA, Space X... they look like they are in a race of building a station on the Moon and Mars. Is this only scientific purpose or we are in a race of saving the human race?
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Reactions: Connor
Oct 28, 2019
My thing I find most intersting is ball lighning. It is remarkable to watch it while it is forming. I saw it about 40 years ago and have met others who have seen ball lightning.But not to the degree that I saw it. Most interesting.


Staff member
Aug 22, 2019
My thing I find most intersting is ball lighning. It is remarkable to watch it while it is forming. I saw it about 40 years ago and have met others who have seen ball lightning.But not to the degree that I saw it. Most interesting.

I think the first time I ever heard about ball lightning was in an episode of the X-Files. I could be incorrect, but that was where I first linked the phenomenon with UFO stuff, though I know now that was a pretty common thing back in the 70s and 80s.
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Dec 11, 2019
Hey all,:)

I am an extraterrestrial from what you humans would call the Pleiades. I am here to try and higher Earth Humans vibrations and consciousness..................

Just kidding. :D Or am I?;)

I am just here to learn a few things and maybe share some things that I know. Well think I know. Maybe at some point I will put a picture of me in my avatar. I hope yous all have a nice day and a good laugh.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Hi All. I am Catastrophe, named after what happens or would happen when asteroids or other items hit planets like the comet bits that hit Jupiter a while back.. We are told not to worry for the next few hundreds or thousands of years but what about those two asteroids which passed quite close a few years back? One we didn't know about until it was gone.

Anyway, keep clear of asteroids and enjoy life!
Best wishes to all
Dec 11, 2019
Hi All. I am Catastrophe, named after what happens or would happen when asteroids or other items hit planets like the comet bits that hit Jupiter a while back.. We are told not to worry for the next few hundreds or thousands of years but what about those two asteroids which passed quite close a few years back? One we didn't know about until it was gone.

Anyway, keep clear of asteroids and enjoy life!
Best wishes to all

Did your parents name you that? :D jkjk....I am sure that's not your real name, I assume you named yourself! On that note I think if a huge asteroid was headed for us I don't think they would tell us because of the panic that would happen.

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