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Apr 28, 2020
Hi Mohammed,

Thanks for your welcome. I am a retired scientist and engineer, now returning my life experience and knowledge to the community to help advance key projects, and the main one for me is what has to be done to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. At university I studied chemistry with astronomy as a one year subject which I have always found to be fascinating. During my career I have worked in many sectors of the energy industries, from an oilfield service engineer with Dowell-Schlumberger, to managing refinery production runs and ship movements with Texaco Europe, to marketing in the energy department of Dow Corning Europe. I believe that the Big-Bang was just another event in the life of the universe where energy was condensed into matter, matter which is recirculated back into energy, probably through a black hole. It is energy that is ubiquitous throughout the universe, not matter.

PS: I have looked at the forum rules and agree to abide by them
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"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
Hi, I am Indian Genius (lol, I just gave the name because I hadn't got any other name in my mind). As my name suggests, I am an Indian. In August 28, I will become a teenager. I am a Space Enthusiast. I like to question everything, from RNA to String Theory, I want to know about everything.

I have a theory about Antimatter-Matter asymmetry, which you can read in the following mentioned URL. I know that I cannot prove my theory right now, because I don't have knowledge of formulae. I just made up the theory from logic. Maybe, you can find out mistakes in my theory, if you do, please point it out. I am a believer in Relativity rather than in String Theory.

I dream to study Astrophysics in Universities in the USA. I want to be an astrophysicist in the future and prove my theories right. By the way, I have been ranked first in my class for past six years.( I am not boasting) Hope if my dream comes true.

PS: The above mentioned URL:
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Apr 30, 2020
Will SpaceX please do something about the light streaking satellites that are Ruining NASA and pro astrophotography photos caused by your satellites.
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May 2, 2020
Hi everybody out there!

I'm a faithful sceptisist who tend to read a lot of posts and articles on the web. I've always read a lot of popular science.

The Exoplanet Exploration Program has really blown my mind. Not that it didn't seem likely that that was to find, but that there now's evidence, still!

Also the Hubble pics were something else. It felt so right to me that this was what to see if travelling through space - not a spotty, black and white image.

In the early nineties i came in contact with the Nibiru x/annunaki theory, and since then it slowly grew on me, underpinned by the confirmation of the 10th planet's existence. But i not exactly sure which parts to buy and which to debunk in the vast clustre of theories baked into the main one.
May 2, 2020
Hey you guys, I'm Eatmyrubber1969, 51 years old and don't feel a day over 25 at least. I'm in to the multiverse theory if you like, I like to believe it is a fact. I love giving my brain a good exercise by thinking about the wonders of the cosmos. Or is it?? It may be a simulation.
May 3, 2020
Well, here's how it's come about, lockdown! My birthday is 22nd April, not a lot going on in my world that day. Until I heard a local radio station going on about a new satellite train. Wondered what that could be, a train in space!
Spent the rest of the day chasing links, hunting, watching, gawping (maybe a Devon word) downloading and generally blown away by what I had just taken in.

Late 60s, totally absorbed with Apollo program at age 9/10. Models, posters, moon landing live etc.

APRIL 2020, as if discharging 60 satelittes in one go wasn't mind blowing enough I then found nirvana in OCISLY!

Unbelievable, did I just see that? The footage of CRS-8 landing on OCISLY. Had to watch it over and over, 1st time thought I was watching a CGI animation of what things would be like in 100 years!

Discovered since then multiple camera angles on OCISLY and on board camera on 1st stage of later landings. Not quite the grainy moon landing technology!

Looking forward to next Starlink launch, Dragon etc and beyond!

Swag: No, sorry don't have any swag. Although I was not far from Leonora WA in July 1979. Sat out on landrover roof one night looking out for Skylab re-entry, worth its weight in gold they said. No joy there, but did go and see the Rawlinna debris a week or so later in Kalgoorlie. Have to say at the time I thought it was a hoax! It looked like a load of tin foil wrapped up in smashed up thin ply board tied up with rope.

Only recently noted the link between Falcon, Merlin and Raptor. Doh!! Gyrfalcon sounds good for something.
Questions to come up in other posts.
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May 8, 2020
Hello everyone! I'm a young man interested in everything. I hope to learn many things from the AWESOME, kind people here! 😎
May 22, 2020
Dear Space People, greetings from planet Earth. My name is Ron Cole, I'm an old school special effects artist, all around creative person and a fan of both sci-fi and sci-real. You can get a better idea how my brain works if you watch an animated film I made titled 'In the Fall of Gravity' on Youtube. I'm totally into the sciences but be wary that I'm argumentative about black holes, the big bang and other debatable sciences and I'm a proud member of the Pluto Is A Planet society. But fear not, I don't throw tantrums about any of that stuff. :)
May 29, 2020
What blows me away is watching us land on the moon as a kid and then reading books like 2001 A Space Odyssey and then waiting, , , and waiting,,, and then celebrating 2001 new years and still waiting . .wait, we are not even able to fly to the moon anymore? . NOW FINALLY we are getting off this Earth and going somewhere and we seem to be doing it fast! Thank you SpaceX!

And may most politicians get a first hand experience of Dante's Inferno as well as all those companies out there taking millions and delivering everything late and badly.

Thank goodness someone is finally doing it ethically and right!
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May 31, 2020
Hello All,
I'm Khaled, I fell in love with astronomy the first day I sat in a class in college and was hooked ever since. Actually, it's the only subject I remember studying really hard for hahah.

I'm an enthusiast, have been since I got my first telescope in 1999 but sadly I had to put it aside when life got in the way. I'm ready and eager to take it up again and was looking for some inspiration. Luckily the NASA/SpaceX launch was that very inspiration I needed. I'm looking for some recommendations for a text book to get back into learning and I'm buying a telescope (finally!).
Does anyone have any good recommendations for a mechanical telescope for galaxy and star gazing, budget ins't an issue as this all stay with us for years but not too technical or complicated. Preferable to have one for astrophotography too.

Thank you and nice to meet everyone 🙏🏼
Jun 10, 2020
Hi, everyone. Bob here. 70-year-old retired Lutheran minister, amateur astronomer, and lifelong space nut. Prefer Babylon 5 to Star Trek but like both. I've read all the Dune novels, and have eclectic tastes in sci-fi. Hyukatake, Hale-Bopp, and the Great American Eclipse were among the highlights of my life, and while I'm no longer active in my astronomy club and am pretty much confined to urban binocular astronomy these days, I remember with affection and longing my days in a rural parish when I could hop in the car and drive five minutes to dark skies, an unobstructed view of the sky, and literally all the wonder in the universe.
Jun 10, 2020
Hello All,
I have visted this site for years but dont think that ive actually registered untill today Christmas Day 2019.
A bit about myself, I am a Space, Earth, Other Worlds, real and and Scifi fanatic, I Love Space, Technology, Futuristic ideas, inventions,and concepts.
My view on SciFi is Technology and ideas that we have imagined but havent yet built, discovered, received Government /Public Support and Approval for or have the funding to Produce and Replicate YET.
I personally believe that SCIENCE only is THE PROOF ,THE EVIDENCE of everything that was WRITTEN, THE WORD, we just have to Explore All aspects, Micro,Macro, Astro, Aquatic, (lol...there was no way to place an "o" in Aquatic).

Marvel MCU has stated in several of its movies that "MAGIC is just SCIENCE THAT IS UNEXPLAINED".
Dont get me wrong, I am not saying the Bible is Magic or Science.
I am a Three time Army Combat Veteran, A Retired Army Service Member of 27 years, a Bio, and IT Technology Student as well as
a HR Student, CEO/Business Owner,
currently pursing my Masters Degree
and I am also a Minister.
I believe that GOD Gave us Science to Prove his authenticity, Not to Discredit it . In the Bible it is mentioned several times that Magic was used... Moses brief battle with the Pharaoh's Magicians and the Staffs that turned into Serpents, The 3Magi/Scientist/Wise Men./KINGS...
The Wisdom GOD gave to King Solomon.

There are also not yet proven, I'll call them Scifi books and Ancient text about how it is said That Solomon had a magic carpet, technology, Solomon Mines, and other not proven stories, and the list goes on and on.

Another example; Take our New Military Branch, SPACEFORCE; an Awesome Idea, but until recently the concept was only Scifi in Comic books, Hollywood Movies, and these ideas like many other futuristic ideas that lights that Spark that fuels the Imaginations of Millions, and Spans across Countless Generations.

Thats What I Love about Science and Space. It MAKES YOU WONDER "WHAT IF ?" And WHY CANT WE? then finally LETS TRY TO DO THIS, OR BUILD THAT, OR GO THERE.
This has been My Catch Phrases for over 40plus years....

I have lots of Amazing Space, ideas, inventions, that i have written down currently and over the years that I hope to share with the Space Community, who knows maybe it will go from "Mere Thought and Concepts on paper From/ SciFi to reality." The title of the Book that I'm Writing.

After waiting sooo many years for this concept to finally be manifasted, SPACEFORCE, Unfortunately I can't join SpaceForce due to the fact that I recently Retired from Military Service, Texas. But I hope to one day have an important impact on future technology and all things Space and Science. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed my opinion and view of Space, Technology and Science.
I'm still waiting to see what the Space Force is actually going to do. My only problem with it is that while it's a cool concept, we seem several decades from it having an actual, useful mission that others aren't accomplishing quite well already.
Mar 3, 2020
Hi. My name is Sam. I live in Oregon. I am excited to be a part of this community of like minded people. I graduated from high school in 2008. I like math, computers, astronomy, and science. It's great to know I have people such as yourselves to talk with about some of my interests. I'm willing to answer questions if you have any. Thanks!
Jun 13, 2020
Hi. My name is Sam. I live in Oregon. I am excited to be a part of this community of like minded people. I graduated from high school in 2008. I like math, computers, astronomy, and science. It's great to know I have people such as yourselves to talk with about some of my interests. I'm willing to answer questions if you have any. Thanks!

Wow, that's great Sam! Nice to meet a fellow earthing. May you live long and prosper and may the force be with you
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Jun 13, 2020
Well, Ive already been all over the place with no proper intro... So, I figured I would say hello. My name is Galvin, I am from the Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde. I am Chinook-Rogue River native american and live in the land which I can trace my ancestry to before Lewis & Clark "founded" our territory. We are canoe people and taught the first settlers on the Oregon trail how to properly make a canoe. I dance traditional, sing and produce quite a bit of art and beadwork in my spare time.

My Introduction and first thoughts of there actually being places other than this world was from television of course.. Particularly seeing Mork (from ork, of course), ET and ALF. Yeah, pretty corny.. But I'm gonna be honest.

My intrigue with space continues to this day. I love seeing our controversial meteorite "Tomanowos".. A meteorite which looks like its about 30 ft tall when you are a child and has been used for prayer, drinking water and healing purposes for generations and generations. I also really enjoy driving to the top of Mt St Helens to watch meteor showers and hear them actually burn through the atmosphere when we have bigger showers.

I won't bore you with much about work, accolades, etc. I just want to say hello and Hayu Masi (thank you) for having me.
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Jun 17, 2020
Hi my name is Chris aka Indian girl 1966, I am new to this forum
and as you can all see I am still trying to figure things out
I hope to have this forum figured out soon
anyway a little about me I love 💘 read,watch the NASA channel and play on my tablet
Dec 11, 2019
Hi my name is Chris aka Indian girl 1966, I am new to this forum
and as you can all see I am still trying to figure things out
I hope to have this forum figured out soon
anyway a little about me I love 💘 read,watch the NASA channel and play on my tablet
Hi, Is Chris short for Christine? Oh boy the NASA channel. :D How do you not fall asleep watching the NASA channel?:D
Jun 24, 2020
Hi, Tim here. I have no swag and no creds. I'm just a middle aged guy interested in learning everything about everything...and I have so far to go! I really enjoy learning why things are the way they are especially when they lead to path dependence. The things that blow me away is the power of very large numbers and relativity. For example, a solid state hard drive full of 1's weighs slightly more than an SSD of all 0's because of the electrons stored in the ram. Or, the Parker probe, the fastest spacecraft we've launched would still take almost 20,000 years to reach the nearest extrasolar planet we know of. And relativity...mind-bending! The difference between something simple like mass and relativistic mass: the fact that you have more relativistic mass when you're running (because E=mc2). Or me, watching something move away from me causes red shift, but the observer it is moving towards experiences blue shift, so you get two different but equally valid measurements from the same event.
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Jun 30, 2020
I work in one of the smallest of space; cells. My field is cellular metabolics. I have a PhD and use that work to discover, design and develop cancer adjunct therapies. I recently lost to cancer the one true love of my life, after 43 years of sharing everything together...24/7... we worked, played and loved every minute of every day. I miss her greatly.

The one item most, if not almost all, humans lack is perspective.

Limitations in their eyes prevents them from seeing the real universe where everything is connected. They see empty space between the trees and them... oh they know there is air, but they don't see it, never see how everything in the multiverse is connected.
Their perspective is limited by their eyesight and therefore, if they don't see it; it doesn't really exist.

Millions of years the humans have spent eliminating those who do not willingly agree to be mesmerized by power, by superstition, by "magic," by deities.... and in those millions of years the genetics of the free thinking, the unassimilated, the intelligent have been suppressed and destroyed.
Oh they didn't just eliminate those who refused to cower at the feet of the spell-casters, the faux deities, the most powerful thug/chief/leader: they killed their whole families.
Then they marched forward to murder uncountable trillions who did not believe as they did, did not want their "leadership," refused their deities or social dogma.

Until today; the genes that most survive are the sheep-genes. Those who would believe every fable, every lie, every agenda especially if it gets them a reward in return. And they are everywhere, every color, every gender, every collection.

They call themselves "Civilization" when in fact, they are the least civilized of any creation they know. Ants are more "civilized" then they.

Watching them I do not believe they will survive. Already their greed and ignorance is causing this planet a great extinction event and, guided by their poor perspective, its ignorance and their self-centered existence, they couldn't care less.

And neither could the multiverse. Pass away human mammals, along with countless others that also failed.

To reach the stars we need ALL humans to come together. We ALL have a part of the collective talent given human life on this planet. Each and every one of us have a talent we were given, born with.
Talent doesn't know income level, it doesn't know regional distinctions, it doesn't know sex, race, color, language or creed. Collectively we reach the stars. Individually we are doomed to be the next extinction-event.
I was born in the 1950s when reaching for the stars was our goal. The goal of Clarke, Campbell, Asimov, Heinlein.... so so many more that, using their talent of seeing the possibility of the future; educated us, uplifted us, inspired us.
Quoting my generation:
"... Come on people now
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another
Right now ..."
Jul 12, 2020
Hello. Jeff here. Just joined. Very much an amateur astronomer. Very amateur. Have visited over the years. I live in the DFW area. I have a celestron 114mm telescope but (sadly) haven’t gotten it out in a while.
Looking forward to some interesting conversations here.
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