Introduce yourself! (And show us your swag)

Page 5 - Seeking answers about space? Join the Space community: the premier source of space exploration, innovation, and astronomy news, chronicling (and celebrating) humanity's ongoing expansion across the final frontier.
Feb 4, 2021
Hi, I am James and live in Portsmouth on the South coast of England. I have a very wide range of interests from nature to space and from politics to sport. I find myself associated with several site and interests but find it difficult to get too deeply involved due to the broadness of interest.
One of the things I discovered when I was a younger person was working out for myself how fast the Earth rotates and what velocity it travels at in its orbit. I realized that you do not need a scientist to tell you everything. Some things are logical and can be worked out by anyone.
Hi, I am James and live in Portsmouth on the South coast of England.
I'm in Texas, but as a teenager aboard a merchant vessel, our fist docking in the UK was Portsmouth. I still have the Girard turntable I bought there in 1970. [Please tell the salesman that, contrary to his claim, I did find one less expensive in London. ;)]
Mar 3, 2021
Robert Mitchell Livingston

My Theory of The Universe.

The Office Room I use to help me think of new space ideas.

My Theory of the Cosmos:

Any my quote is: I imagine a nation that believes in all life.
Thank you for reading my space theories!
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Mar 5, 2021
Hi space travelers;
Its your new captain on derk here,hold on,we are about to jump into hyperspace,we are moving into colestial space,we may be landing on Kepler-442b,there is a possibility of element of life,meanwhile confirm how much oxygen is left in the tanks
Mar 5, 2021
Hello, I've been an avid supporter of the space program every since I saw John Glen on the news in his capsule! I was just a little tot but I was fascinated when he returned and the news was covering it.
We are finally doing some exploring now thanks to the new space startups. Some of the wealthy are really doing good with their designs and ideas. Now there is a rocket that belly flops to slow down before the landing! I just love it!
Mike McC
Mar 5, 2021
Hello, I am Steve (or Steven).

I started working for gov when I was 15/16 years old for Martin Marietta in Theoretical Mathematics and Space Flight Mechanics during the summer, and then the next summer in Propulsion Systems. When I was there I worked on Viking Lander and other systems that were classified. Another student employee from MIT and I proposed putting a reflecting mirror system in space that could be focused so that we could heat up the jungles of Viet Nam to make them hot so that they would not want to be there or fight. I saw years later that the Soviet Union/Russia said they invented something like this, but I hate to tell them we thought about it well over 55 years ago. Of course, it was shot down by our bosses, but we really do not know what happened to it.
I worked on and off for Martin for a few more years, then started my own business. There I went on to invent a laser projector, the first large screen tv that was thin and had more than 3 million pixels (back then tv was about 307,200 pixels). The display was about 6 inches thick and weighed a couple of hundred pounds. I predicted that in the near future we would be able to get it to about 1/2 thick or less, weigh 50 lbs or less, be a 50 inch diagonal and hang on an ordinary wall. I was called a quack because the biggest CRTS in TVs at that time was a 35 inch diagonal and could weigh well over 400 lbs (some TVs weighed about 850 lbs). So I was a forefather of HD tv that you see now. I tried and get the industry here to back me, but no one saw a future for the US in electronics anymore, except for computers. It even went before Congress. I went to McDonald's, who did not see any future in changing signs for menus, went to Sea World, went to advertising agencies for outdoor signs, etc. No one saw a future in that industry.
Also, the youngest student to get a National Science Foundation grant (back then, cannot speak for all time right now. It probably is possible for someone much younger and smarter than I to have received one. I was way to young to drive so I had to have someone take me or pick me up and drive me to the location for the research) for study in Arctic and Alpine Research, a forerunner of climate change.
Now I am working on changing the molecular structure of water and other materials through manipulation of the electric magnetic field to produce molecules with the same elements but different properties. Probably closet to alien technology that I will ever come. It is almost alchemy, and we are at the very forefront of understanding what it can do. I think it will take several more decades to be adopted and understood where it will be more widely used. But so far I have been able to do small cold fusion with it, a very small temperature gain over unity (20C), and even room temperature superconductivity with copper. However, it is the water that really captures my attention by what it does for the human condition.
But have always been interested in sci-fi, rocketry, and cannot wait (although I will have passed on by then) for flying cars and vehicles that use gravity to "fly" over chemical rockets. I have found that technology does not wait for breakthroughs, but rather by people willing to invest in it and move into the future.
I wish I had the charisma that Elon Musk has for raising money for my dreams. Elon did not invent rocketry, but he brought it to the public space. He did not invent electric cars, but again he brought it to the market. He did not invent the hyper tunnel, but again...he brought it. He has a way of making people believe in his dreams and invest in them. And by doing so, he causes new technology to be invented and used. If you read old scifi from 100 to 50 years ago, you will see his ideas in them.

To the Stars and Beyond. But let's also use our integrity and creativity to solve the problems back here on good ole earth. Let's create a society that is inclusive for all and fixes the pollution problems that we have now.
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Mar 5, 2021
I am an old guy who has been fascinated with space since childhood. I watched Glenn and the Right stuff guys liftoff from Canaveral in Black and white. I was at Fort Leonard Wood when Neil took his small step. I cried for Columbia and Challenger. I am amazed at the technology we have today, and astonished at how far we have come. I am disappointed we have not been back to the Moon, and I am tickled that we are now landing rockets like Buk Rogers instead of dropping into the ocean.
To say a lot has happened since Yuri and John first escaped earth's gravity would be an understatement, yet we still have so far to go. I watched our space program in it's infancy, and still watch it as it matures today.
I am an Amateur radio operator (HAM), and I have copied transmissions from the ISS, amateur radio satellites, and NOAA satellites. This is a picture transmitted from the ISS last year during the 20th anniversary of Amateur Radio on the Space Station.
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Mar 7, 2021

This is Ibrahim Fahad,

Red Planet and Moon fascinates me alot, i love to read and watch info about these .

we are lucky to be going through an Era of Opportunity Rover and Now Perseverance.
Mar 21, 2021
Hi all, I'm Epiphany. My "job" after retirement is as Director of "Lightly Bounded Insanity", with the byline "Exploring the landscape of reality, looking for undiscovered country." I'm interested in anything on the edge, with a particular emphasis on Space. Rockets, propulsion systems, communications, robotics, SETI, any new physics with potential application for space travel, etc.. I like Don Quixote projects with ridiculously small odds of success, so long as they are fun.

I talked Bill Gates (well, Microsoft Advanced Tech.) into give me the complete works of Monty Python. and I am eternally cursed for stepping on and killing a holy rat in Karni Mata, near Bikaneer, India.
Mar 21, 2021
My thing I find most intersting is ball lighning. It is remarkable to watch it while it is forming. I saw it about 40 years ago and have met others who have seen ball lightning.But not to the degree that I saw it. Most interesting.

I also saw ball lightning about 50 years ago in Yakima, Washington. Strangest thing I've ever seen, a totally silent ball of fire a meter across just floating in the air like a dust mote. I used to think it was Saint Elmo's fire, but after reading up it definitely appears to be ball lightning.
Mar 27, 2021
Good afternoon. As with many of us who have passed the 6th decade of living, some memories seem to be wandering around in the cranium more randomly than others. I seem to remember another board similar to this in the last century (about 1985 or so!) Glad to be aboard, since I have been following the space program ever since my Dad and I would go fishing at the turning basin at Cape Canaveral back in the 1950s. The road going to the basin was dune sand, and several times we had to find assistance to get out of the stuff until Dad got tired of that and got a jeep wagon [the big square one!] A few years after that, the road was paved, and there was a lot of traffic going that way. We could convince my mother to come with us (which meant the two younger sisters, a picnic lunch, old table cloth for the sand, and mosquito repellant in case the wind was very low.

We moved away from there when Dad bid on and got another station in South Florida in the farming territory. But, we were close enough to see all kind of things arcing through the sky with long tails of 'smoke' following behind. Of course, that was a result of Gargarin's flight in '61. I was hooked - but at 11 it was mostly because of the effect of programs on television about the space flight and particularly one called "Men In Space." To place that better, most of the flights into the nearest airport were still propeller pulled.

A lot of the older men in town were complaining about "wastin' all that money gettin' up there when there ain't nothin' up there anyway!" I had my first telescope by then and spent a lot of time looking at the moon and a planet or two when I could find them. Somehow, I got into a conversation with a couple of them when I overheard a question, and when no one could answer it it, I piped up and gave them the answer. All I know about that 60 years later is that one man was impressed, and Mom was mad, and a couple of the older guys would ask me about what I saw on the 'news' about the rockets 'goin' off' from Canaveral. Now, I am the old antique flatulent one - but I try to keep up with what is going on in space and am still hooked on programs such as Star Trek, etc., etc., etc. (But, I never could stand 'Lost in Space.)
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Apr 9, 2021
Hi folks, Stevie here!

Wanted to pop in and say hello to you fine people! I’m one of your new Community Managers. My background is in Scifi online games, I’ve been working with CCP Games on EVE Online and off since 2007. I was also part of the launch team and CM for VR rift launch title EVE: Valkyrie, worked with Star Citizen at UK meets and Insomnia Gaming Festival, which is a fun gaming event here in the UK.

In my spare time I enjoy streaming games, watching scifi and collecting supergirl merch. I’m also an ambassador for SpecialEffect, the gamers charity. SpecialEffect work with people with disabilities, developing controller set-ups, eye tracking tech and working with developers on accessibility in games (which is also a passion of mine).

I’m really looking forward to working on these forums, and chatting about Space and sci-fi in its many forms. I really enjoy working with passionate communities, and am 'over the moon' (Lol) to be able to be working with you folks.

Feel free to reply with anything you’d like me to know about you! If you wanna reply with your coolest bit of Space Swag, that would be awesome!

This is me in my Space Industries NASA jacket, which I love more then anything.


Fly Safe,
Hi Stevie
I love that jacket, wicked. Reminds me of my Operation Deep Freeze (Antarctica) jacket when I was pat of that program in the late 70's - although that was green with an orange liner.
Apr 10, 2021
Hey I'm chase!

I'm an space obsessed 11 year old and want to go to space myself I have been to space museums around the country! This seemed like a good place we're I can learn so I joined!
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Apr 22, 2021
510 I in the right place?

I'm not a fan of a lot of sci-fi, especially the fairy stories.
I don't play games.
I don't collect sci-fi associated memorabilia.

I am a retired engineer with an interest in the nuts and bolts of space exploration.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Yes. You are. Just hang around for a bit. I guess you are not US. Traffic here can be quite time critical.
It can be quiet European 'daytime' but busier late GMT.

I am a retired Chemical Engineer (B'ham UK) more interested Cosmology-Astronomy-Planetary Science-Geology but there are several serious space exp posters here.

Cat :)
Apr 23, 2021
Hello fellow space enthusiasts I really don't like to talk too much about me ,but since I'm new here I thought I might introduce myself to the community. I have been following the space program since I was 6 years old when Alan Shepard rode his Redstone rocket into history, so you might say I sort of grew up with the space program. Although I'm more of a nuts and bolts hardware guy ,I will be happy to discuss the sci-fi stuff as well, Star Trek , Star Wars , Aliens, etc. I think there's something here for everyone. Space was an exciting place during my childhood and early adult years, then it sort of fell out for awhile but now with all the new start ups and the new momentum with the push to return to the Moon, on to Mars and beyond I can feel the excitement building up again so that's why I thought I'd join this community. I am looking forward to a lot of info sharing and lively discussions I hope I can be a good contributor as time goes on. Thank You for this wonderful new opportunity.
Apr 25, 2021
Hey space fans! I'm Kim and I'm the reference editor for I'm a general science and space nerd. Feel free to ask me anything, and if I don't know the answer I will probably know where to find it :)

I don't have a whole lot of space swag, but my uncle retired from the Johnson Space Center a few years ago (he's an aerospace engineer and built parts for the ISS!), and he used to give everyone in my family NASA T-shirts for Christmas, so I have a pretty decent collection. Here's a ridiculous picture of me sporting an Apollo 11 shirt this summer on the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

Hey space fans! I'm Kim and I'm the reference editor for I'm a general science and space nerd. Feel free to ask me anything, and if I don't know the answer I will probably know where to find it :)

I don't have a whole lot of space swag, but my uncle retired from the Johnson Space Center a few years ago (he's an aerospace engineer and built parts for the ISS!), and he used to give everyone in my family NASA T-shirts for Christmas, so I have a pretty decent collection. Here's a ridiculous picture of me sporting an Apollo 11 shirt this summer on the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

Hi Kim, my name is Jarrett LeClaire and I am hoping to find some direction with who I can talk to about some material/equipment that I have. In March of 2019 I had the high bid in an auction for a "Lot" from JPL. The "Lot" filled a 40 foot container and had all sorts of different equipment, power washers, rock crushers, just a whole bunch of different stuff. I have a bunch, probably 30 plus pieces of equipment that look like "computer" stuff that fit in racks, like a server rack. All of these pieces of equipment have "DSN" stickers on them. I have done some research and figured out that "DSN" means Deep Space Network. I spoke to an engineer at JPL, this was about a year ago, Pre-Covid. He knew a little bit about what I bought and he thought there was a good chance that I actually have a "DSN" system that was operational. Since Covid hit I have not pursued this at all other than trying to reach out to the engineer that I can't seem to find now. I would like to find out what I have, if it has historical value I don't want to split up the system. Any help in figuring out who I should talk to would be greatly appreciated.


Apr 3, 2020
Hi Kim, my name is Jarrett LeClaire and I am hoping to find some direction with who I can talk to about some material/equipment that I have. In March of 2019 I had the high bid in an auction for a "Lot" from JPL. The "Lot" filled a 40 foot container and had all sorts of different equipment, power washers, rock crushers, just a whole bunch of different stuff. I have a bunch, probably 30 plus pieces of equipment that look like "computer" stuff that fit in racks, like a server rack. All of these pieces of equipment have "DSN" stickers on them. I have done some research and figured out that "DSN" means Deep Space Network. I spoke to an engineer at JPL, this was about a year ago, Pre-Covid. He knew a little bit about what I bought and he thought there was a good chance that I actually have a "DSN" system that was operational. Since Covid hit I have not pursued this at all other than trying to reach out to the engineer that I can't seem to find now. I would like to find out what I have, if it has historical value I don't want to split up the system. Any help in figuring out who I should talk to would be greatly appreciated.
Start a thread and post some pictures of what you have. Some of our members might be able to assist in identifying or suggesting a source.
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Apr 28, 2021
Hi folks, Stevie here!

Wanted to pop in and say hello to you fine people! I’m one of your new Community Managers. My background is in Scifi online games, I’ve been working with CCP Games on EVE Online and off since 2007. I was also part of the launch team and CM for VR rift launch title EVE: Valkyrie, worked with Star Citizen at UK meets and Insomnia Gaming Festival, which is a fun gaming event here in the UK.

In my spare time I enjoy streaming games, watching scifi and collecting supergirl merch. I’m also an ambassador for SpecialEffect, the gamers charity. SpecialEffect work with people with disabilities, developing controller set-ups, eye tracking tech and working with developers on accessibility in games (which is also a passion of mine).

I’m really looking forward to working on these forums, and chatting about Space and sci-fi in its many forms. I really enjoy working with passionate communities, and am 'over the moon' (Lol) to be able to be working with you folks.

Feel free to reply with anything you’d like me to know about you! If you wanna reply with your coolest bit of Space Swag, that would be awesome!

This is me in my Space Industries NASA jacket, which I love more then anything.


Fly Safe,
Hi folks, Stevie here!

Wanted to pop in and say hello to you fine people! I’m one of your new Community Managers. My background is in Scifi online games, I’ve been working with CCP Games on EVE Online and off since 2007. I was also part of the launch team and CM for VR rift launch title EVE: Valkyrie, worked with Star Citizen at UK meets and Insomnia Gaming Festival, which is a fun gaming event here in the UK.

In my spare time I enjoy streaming games, watching scifi and collecting supergirl merch. I’m also an ambassador for SpecialEffect, the gamers charity. SpecialEffect work with people with disabilities, developing controller set-ups, eye tracking tech and working with developers on accessibility in games (which is also a passion of mine).

I’m really looking forward to working on these forums, and chatting about Space and sci-fi in its many forms. I really enjoy working with passionate communities, and am 'over the moon' (Lol) to be able to be working with you folks.

Feel free to reply with anything you’d like me to know about you! If you wanna reply with your coolest bit of Space Swag, that would be awesome!

This is me in my Space Industries NASA jacket, which I love more then anything.


Fly Safe,
I'm Jeff, fairly old and not used to participating in public forums. My friends think I permanently wear a tin-foil hat.
My current hobby is trying to solve a question that I asked myself a while back. I believed SpaceX was going to be successful in building the Starship, so I asked myself what comes next. For me the answer is a space station that is built using Starship. My focus has been to design the station using the KISS principle. It's actually been a lot of fun and very educational to me.
Probably the most entertaining part of my design ( definitely not the most important) was figuring out how to spin up the gravity portion of the station without using thrusters. ( the station only spins in one direction). I really like to problem solve!
While I designed the station to be completely doable, right now it's just my version of science fiction.
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Apr 30, 2021
Hi everybody! I thought I would at least give you a brief intro on myself...
Tho there isn't much to say... except I believe space is the future....
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Stars can't shine without darkness
Apr 9, 2021
Hello everyone! I have not properly introduced myself. My name is TJ. Although I love to make music, I absolutely love space! I think my favorite space moment was the Great Conjecture. You will see me a lot in conversations because I love to talk to others about certain things.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"I can't figure out how to attached downloaded and camera pictures! Can somebody please help me? "
I would like to know if things have become easier. The best I can do is to give a url for the pic or complete article. This means you have to put your images on line.
Is there an easier way?

Cat :)

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