Introduce yourself! (And show us your swag)

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Aug 13, 2021
Hi everyone!

I'm Wael..
I'm interested in Astrophysics and Particle Physics. My background is electrical engineering.
I'm working now with friends for an extraordinary project to find a solution for the orbital space debris by finding alternative solution to the traditional Satellite communication.
I'm looking to meet new people interested in space.
Thank you ..


Aug 13, 2021
Hi everyone!

I'm Wael..
I'm interested in Astrophysics and Particle Physics. My background is electrical engineering.
I'm working now with friends for an extraordinary project to find a solution for the orbital space debris by finding alternative solution to the traditional Satellite communication.
I'm looking to meet new people interested in space.
Thank you ..
I forgot to mention, I'm into Amateur Radio too, and Wael your diagram reminds me of skywave propagation, and a bit of troposcatter. The 'photons' are around 30MHz or up to 10GHz, depending.
Aug 13, 2021
I forgot to mention, I'm into Amateur Radio too, and Wael your diagram reminds me of skywave propagation, and a bit of troposcatter. The 'photons' are around 30MHz or up to 10GHz, depending.
Hi Adam, thank you.. Actually we are studying to find a way to transmit signals in curved lines, this is in-order to find an alternative way to the intermediate Satellite between transmitter and receiver; so, we this can be helpful to reduce the unnecessary objects around Earth.

How can we do that? we are working on 3 approches:
1. We are re-studying the characteristics of photon in order to find an alternative way of sending information rather than change in Amplitude & Frequency. So, we can utilize the same concept of Skywave but with higher amount of information.

2. Interaction between photons/ bosons leads to new particles in different direction.

3. Imaginary particle has a special characteristic follows special engineering module propagates in curved lines.

This is brief about it..
Aug 23, 2021
Hi, this is Mark Bogar and I'm interested in the sciences. I am interested the human condition, if you are confronted by a problem then chances are you can find resolution in thoughtful scientific evaluation.

I have many interests, but when I sweep over the screen on my phone to see the news of the day I find it takes a lot of scrolling to get past the Astrophysical stuff. I bet it is a bit of a struggle to find the daily for you people too. It isn't just that subject alone that intrigued me, you name it and I am going to babble on about it. LOL!!! DIRT, it doesn't just get on your shoes, it's in your veins. Carbon and silicate are just like salt, you can't avoid it so you might as well wallow in it?
Hello! I am Terra Australis, TA is fine. I live in Australia. I am a High School Math and Science teacher, but my true passion is learning about the natural world and all space related matters.
Like many Aussies I like to see the funny side of things but most important things to me are truth, fairness, repect and empathy.
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Oct 3, 2021
I've always been interested in Space and other technical topics.
As it happens, back in the 1990s, Digital Equipment Corp published two books that I authored:
"Building Dependable Systems: The VMS Approach" and then later "Building Dependable Systems: The OpenVMS Approach".
They covered ways to make sure that your computer system was always working and always correct (even in the face of non-trivial internal failures).
Of course, such behavior is pretty important for computers and other systems in space travel, because one cannot simply pull into an orbiting repair shop and have your life-support system overhauled. (unless they put you up at the orbiting hotel while they work)
Kenneth Frankln Henderson, Jr.
Jul 30, 2020
Have posted on for only a little while. My name is Jim. Retired computer programmer and ESL teacher (13 years in a foreign country I prefer not to name.) Now living there with my wife. Spent couple years in US Army, a couple in Peace Corps in Malawi (witnessed return of Halley's comet while there). Six years in DC working for gov. Many years in Detroit area working for the private sector. Many hobbies: guitar and uke (thumb independent finger-picker - favorite picker: Tommy Emanuel), juggler, build and fly foam RC planes and wings. Bicycled across the US by myself in early 90s - made me realize you can do anything if you break it up into bite-sized chunks. Am a bit of a fundamentalist conservative Jesus freak. Love science and space stuff but don't care to travel there. Favorite scifi movie: Serenity. Love LOTR too. Narnia was a bit too child oriented for me. Like to to get out my telescope occasionally.
Love Musk - just read MUSK... by Vance, you either love or hate him but wow what he has done for the launch business is undeniable. Played with Estes rockets growing up. Favorite scientist: Claude Shannon. - made his juggling machine among other science toys. I check daily.
Oct 31, 2021
Hello. I’m the real online Moosegal. I’ve always been interested in space however my real dream was a much smaller version of colonizing a planet. I actually always dreamed of a private, gated community in the outreach northern area of Canada being invitation only.
I also have a son that just graduated the aerospace engineering at Carlton University so that would make me a proud mom. 😁

I have a decent amount of education, worked in many fields (welder fitter, educational instructor, private caregiver, researcher, professional driver and more). And as you can see … I’m old.

I am looking forward to reading your post. I’m more of a lurker however there are times when I will contribute.
Thank you for your time and now I’ll step aside and read some stuff.
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Nov 1, 2021
Hello All,
My name is Alex. I am happy I found the place where I can talk to someone with same interests and knoledge in space domain :)
I am living and working in UAE for the last 12 years, but originally mixed French-Ukrainian blood. Since my childhood, when my father let me look at the moon through his theodolite (something similar to telescope), i started to be interested in Space Exploration and Astronomy.
In 2008 graduated from Aerospace Engineering faculty of one of the East-European Univesities with major in Space Lanuch Systems Engineering.
I will be happy to discuss anything about Space Engineering and share or gain any knowledge about that.
And Thank you All for welcoming all new-comers.

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Nov 29, 2021

I'm Philippe, a Belgian retired in China (I'm 72) and I'm staring to learn about the stars formation. For the moment I'm busy to try to understand the collapse and fragmentation of molecular cloud, the Jeans law and it's application
Have a nice day
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Dec 14, 2021
Timothy R. Brummer
Aerospace Engineer. Former Launch Operations Engineer at VAFB SLC-4, with fifty Titan II, III, and IV launches performed. All top secret spy satellites. One failure. Also Space Shuttle design engineer.

Jan 10, 2022
Hi, this is Jeff from South Louisiana! I have always been interested in the 'heavens'. I owned a cheap telescope once, but got rid of it because it was rather bulky. I am looking for something much smaller to view the moon with or some of the star groupings, etc.

Anyway, Several years ago, I got to hear at an in person meeting, Story Musgrave talk about the Hubble repair. That was cool. a few weeks back, I slipped over to the Space Center in Houston and heard a former Shuttle Commander come out and talk about the Mir missions the Shuttle made.

At this point, I am completely stoked about the JWST. I can't wait to see what we discover!

Jeff W Waldrop
Jan 16, 2022
Hey folks, I'm Shaktik(from India) and I am currently working in a fin-tech company based in Bangalore, India. Space science and the search for other Earth-like planets have always been a passion of mine. I've recently been doing some research on how life would continue on Gaia a few hundred years from now. I believe that will guide us in finding other solar systems that have rocky planets like ours where life can survive.

Well, that's a brief about me. Now to the "swag" part, I've worked as a vocalist musician in the entertainment industry for 5 years in Bangalore, doing live shows and organizing karaoke gigs. I sketch, paint, and sometimes work out to keep myself running. Big time a Sci-fi fan and spend most of my time watching documentaries on planetary sciences. My younger self was an athlete and a basketball player too. I have also recently started writing a book on human perspectives and perceptions(a little psychological). So I guess I'm trying to touch all the fields existing in the human fields as possible before I say adieu.

Anyone interested to have long discussions and debates on planetary theories and talk about our existence in the future as a species, do feel free to reach out Mod Edit - Personal Information Removed any time.
Jan 30, 2022
Hello everyone,
Glad to be here. I `ve been interested in cosmology and space since I was a kid. Nerd? I guess so.
I try to keep up on the latest in cosmology and astrophysics. Strictly for the layperson, no math!
Anyway, two tomes I have read recently are Green`s The Fabric of the Cosmos, and Galfard`s The Universe in Your Hand. A lot to think about there. I look forward to participating in this site!
Feb 9, 2022
I'm Robyn. I'm in awe of the astronomical discoveries happening currently. The research, speculation, and endeavors surrounding space and the earth/space connection is both informative and amusing.

Perhaps these discussion will help me decide whether to say, "Beam me up, Elon," or
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Mar 15, 2022
Hi, everyone. I'm new to this forum and my main and almost sole interest is in dark matter.
Please tell me if my premises are correct and if this is the right platform to discuss such a topic... I wouldn't want to go off half-cocked. hahaha!!!

To my understanding... and please, check me on these:
Dark matter comprises most of empty space in the known universe.
It can't be seen or proven to exist, yet...
It can be felt, or better said, its influence on surrounding matter can be detected.
And it acts like somethings there, but... really... nothing's there.

Am I on track so far?
If not, please comment, and I would rather not hear any crap... I happen to be serious,
even though you may catch me laughing.

May 7, 2022
Hello! This is Chuck Mathieu aka theNerdonot. I've always been passionate about all things space and have dipped my toes in the complexity of our physical world by developing my own solar system simulator. One interesting feature is its ability to animate Near-Earth Objects encounters on a daily basis. This project is still a work in progress though ( More broadly speaking, I enjoy orbital mechanics, rocket propulsion, and studying problems related to trajectory optimization.

Got into astronomy through an online certificate program initiated by the Australian National University Astronomy Department led by Brian Schmidt and Paul Francis. I would recommend this certificate to anyone interested in learning about some of the unsolved mysteries of our universe (FYI, here is the link to the syllabus

Looking forward to participating to some interesting discussions.
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May 10, 2022
I found this forum whilst googling Gaia Theory. :) So it might be apparent that I am more familiar with psychological, social and philosophical views on reality, and using my intuition, than with facts, math and physics. I did however awe tremendously when I was watching "The Cosmos" with Neil deGrasse Tyson, and it does pique my interest.

Even though it will be difficult for me, I want to take some babysteps into understanding a bit more about math and physics. Perchance gain some clarity into parts of my mind that are foreign to me.

I'll add the philosophical side of me to my profle later, and end this introduction here.

Day Moon
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May 24, 2022
Hi all

My name is Rod, I am an Australian and live in New Zealand. I have a fascination for our heavens and the intricacies it hold. I have been interested in astronomy since I was a teenager and was shown Saturn through a church friend's telescope. I have never forgotten its beauty in all the years since and would love to have the chance to see it through my own scope. That would allow me to share this experience with my grandchildren.

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