Introduce yourself! (And show us your swag)

Page 9 - Seeking answers about space? Join the Space community: the premier source of space exploration, innovation, and astronomy news, chronicling (and celebrating) humanity's ongoing expansion across the final frontier.
Nov 24, 2022
Hi folks, Stevie here!

Wanted to pop in and say hello to you fine people! I’m one of your new Community Managers. My background is in Scifi online games, I’ve been working with CCP Games on EVE Online and off since 2007. I was also part of the launch team and CM for VR rift launch title EVE: Valkyrie, worked with Star Citizen at UK meets and Insomnia Gaming Festival, which is a fun gaming event here in the UK.

In my spare time I enjoy streaming games, watching scifi and collecting supergirl merch. I’m also an ambassador for SpecialEffect, the gamers charity. SpecialEffect work with people with disabilities, developing controller set-ups, eye tracking tech and working with developers on accessibility in games (which is also a passion of mine).

I’m really looking forward to working on these forums, and chatting about Space and sci-fi in its many forms. I really enjoy working with passionate communities, and am 'over the moon' (Lol) to be able to be working with you folks.

Feel free to reply with anything you’d like me to know about you! If you wanna reply with your coolest bit of Space Swag, that would be awesome!

This is me in my Space Industries NASA jacket, which I love more then anything.


Fly Safe,
Nov 24, 2022
Hi all,

been posting for about a week and was impressed with the level of knowledge on this forum. I'd like to introduce myself...

I am Karl and I am an amateur astrophotographer. You can check out some of my best images on My Instagram.

My space interests are obviously astrophotography but I also find the whole Fermi Paradox and aliens question fascinating.

I like to keep an open mind on all things Space and Cosmos and beyond because mysteries are a real part of being a human are they not?

I am also in the process of building a resource for those interested to learn more about space and astrophotography and would love to get your feedback on what I am doing. Check my website, Astroimagery for more on this.

I'd love to get to know more of you here as I'm new and would love to hear from anyone sharing my interests or wishing to do some kind of collab....

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Jan 5, 2023
Thursday, 5 January 2023

Hello from New York City. A space nut as a kid, I tried my hand at designing an insignia for the upcoming Apollo 17 in the summer of 1972. Sent the crew members photos of it - and heard back from them individually!! In January 1973 (Yes, 50 years ago this month) I talked to a Mayoral Press Secretary who, after hearing that I had corresponded with the Astronauts, invited me to be his guest to personally meet the Apollo 17 Astronauts after the ticker-tape parade.

In the VIP private reception, this 15-year old from The Bronx, introduced himself to the astronauts WHO REMEMBERED THE PHOTOS and made him feel like the center of the world. The Mayor of New York came over to see what the fuss was about - and Gene Cernan said "You mean you haven't met the most famous kid in your City?" What a day.

Keep up the great work at

- Brian G. Andersson
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Jan 7, 2023
I’m a member of an international non-profit advancing humankind’s ability to reach low earth orbit by a single stage winged aircraft. I also run a think tank aerospace software simulation company in Perth called
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Jan 9, 2023
Hello all, just thought would introduce myself here. My journey started when I read a book about Apollo 11 and saw the photos of the Saturn V, CSM, LM and the Moon. Was hooked ever since, and read as much as I could about all the Gemini, Apollo, and Space Shuttle missions. I just love the idea of exploring out there and while I will never have a chance to go to space at least I can learn and experience through books, video and the Internet.
Jan 10, 2023
Hi,nice to be here! Im just a hard sci-fi nerd that bailed school and read astronomy books instead. Extreme fascination with space, our solarsystem and space exploration /commercial space industry /and mining in space. Working in e-commerce and with commercial /product photography since 2006. Oh, almost forgot. Im from Sweden.
Dont be a stranger 😊
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Jan 26, 2023
Hi folks, Stevie here!

Wanted to pop in and say hello to you fine people! I’m one of your new Community Managers. My background is in Scifi online games, I’ve been working with CCP Games on EVE Online and off since 2007. I was also part of the launch team and CM for VR rift launch title EVE: Valkyrie, worked with Star Citizen at UK meets and Insomnia Gaming Festival, which is a fun gaming event here in the UK.

In my spare time I enjoy streaming games, watching scifi and collecting supergirl merch. I’m also an ambassador for SpecialEffect, the gamers charity. SpecialEffect work with people with disabilities, developing controller set-ups, eye tracking tech and working with developers on accessibility in games (which is also a passion of mine).

I’m really looking forward to working on these forums, and chatting about Space and sci-fi in its many forms. I really enjoy working with passionate communities, and am 'over the moon' (Lol) to be able to be working with you folks.

Feel free to reply with anything you’d like me to know about you! If you wanna reply with your coolest bit of Space Swag, that would be awesome!

This is me in my Space Industries NASA jacket, which I love more then anything.


Fly Safe,

Thanks so much for the articulate and fun post, Stevie! My name is Sudhir Kade and I've been a space and star buff since six years of age or so. I really appreciated your fandom and your insight. I hope to learn a great deal from the other informed others. I happen to be a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek - I'm told the term is Trekker, not Trekkie...

As well as BattleStar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Dr. Who, and so many others...

Wishing all well out there, hope to post again soon - Sudhir.
Jan 26, 2023
Thanks so much for the articulate and fun post, Stevie! My name is Sudhir Kade and I've been a space and star buff since six years of age or so. I really appreciated your fandom and your insight. I hope to learn a great deal from the other informed others. I happen to be a fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek - I'm told the term is Trekker, not Trekkie...

As well as BattleStar Galactica, Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Dr. Who, and so many others...

Wishing all well out there, hope to post again soon - Sudhir.
Jan 26, 2023
Hello, my name is Michael Phong Mitchell. I am an adoptee who was adopted two times. I was born in Saigon.

Interestingly, my first time to be interested in astronomy was at the age of four. While I was standing in line to board a helicopter on a clear crisp night, I looked up at the sky. At the time, I did not realize it was the start of my obsession with the subject.

I went to my first foster home because the man who brought me over from Vietnam to the USA could not take care of me and I was in an orphanage. My first foster parents had a son who brought home a picture of a planet called Jupiter. He said it was a very hot planet. I became obsessed with the subject from the age of eight to ten. I read about the solar system very often. After two years, my foster mother ripped and threw out my science book!! I was furious with her about it. I lost interest in the subject for a long time.

When I was adopted by an American man with his Filipina wife, my adoptive mother introduced me to Star Trek, the TV series that changed my life forever!! Star Trek became tied for my first favorite TV series. It was due to Star Trek that my interest in Astronomy grew once again!! I have never lost interest in Astronomy since. I became even more obsessed with the subject. I do try to keep updated with the solar system. I had always wanted to be an Astronomer, but my parents destroyed my dream of ever becoming an Astronomer!! For that, I will never ever forgive them for it!! They never encouraged me to do any of my dreams, only what they wanted me to do in life. I have been playing games since I was seven years old so I am an avid gamer. I first played games as an escape from reality. My first space game was a cardboard game of Battlestar Galactica, which I did not know the name of. I played with Alphie, which had Astronomy. I was willing to play any game, especially space games. I played Ferion, Star Fleet Command, NES-Star Trek: The Original Series, NES-Star Trek: The Next Generation, Galaga (one of my favorite space games), Star Wars, Star Trek Online (which I am furious about because I am a lifetime member and I am not allowed to play anymore while I am in Vietnam!!), and strategy games.

So on January 17, 2017, I moved back to my motherland, Vietnam and married a wonderful Vietnamese woman who encouraged to renew my obsession with Astronomy. So, I will eventually do what I love to do: content writing for Astronomy. I love to write. Since I love both Astronomy and writing, I want to become an Astronomy Content Writer!!
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Feb 24, 2023
Been a reader for year. finally decided to make a comment. My life? Worked for Barrios engineering at JSC for several years as a tech making me a "rocket scientist" not really. Waiting for SpaceX to finally schedule a launch in S TX so I can watch a launch closer to my home.
Mar 1, 2023
Hi all, been reading for years but just now joining the forums. Been into astronomy all my life but really got the bug in 1997 after seeing Saturn for the first time through a cheapo 60mm refractor. Got an 8" Orion dob in 2000, upgraded to the 10" in 2002, and just got the 12" last year. I also have 5 pairs of binocs - 8X42's (orion), 12X63's (orion), 15X70's (orion), 25X100's (celestron), and the Orion BT100 binocular telescope. I love taking my gear to dark skies in WA/OR/CA and have been to Nevada and Utah a few times as well. Nothing like a dark sky at 9000 ft. + elevation!

I'm interested in all things astronomy: JWST, Hubble, the rovers on Mars (Curiosity and Perseverance), and of course the search for ET life, whether elsewhere in our solar system or beyond. I also enjoy the history of older programs such as the early space race (Mercury/Gemini/Apollo) and Voyager.

Other interests include Sci Fi, history, and dumping entirely too much $ in my headphone/amp/DAC setup...
May 12, 2023
hi im EnderMuffin123
i play geometry dash
my name is EnderMuffin122(dont ask)
i hope to get a youtube channel someday but i probably wont
i hope to get to know u all

have an at least decent day,
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Jun 29, 2023
Hail fellow Spacers and well met.
I am David. I was one of the original members of Uplink forums as the Mental_Avenger. That was when Uplink had over 500,000 members. I was a member for about 10 years with somewhere around 18,000 posts. For two years I was a Moderator under the name Shadow. You will find posts by both of those names all over the recovered forum posts. Be forewarned, I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.

I have a strong background in the sciences of Astrophysics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Physics is my friend. Physics explains everything except people.

When I was very young, we had My Book House, the Book Of Knowledge, and another large set of books at home. I think I read every one of them. By the time I was in High School, I had also read about 2000 Science Fiction books. That gave me an incredible vocabulary. My favorite subject in school (besides the sciences) was English Grammar.
When speaking or writing, I use the most succinct and most accurate words. That often leads to some people making derisive comments insinuating arrogance or pretension. I often use the term “ignorant” or “ignorance” to point out the lack of knowledge regarding a particular subject a person exhibits. That in no way insinuates stupidity, nor is it name-calling. It is in fact, exactitude of meaning. I just wanted to clear that up to avoid possible future misunderstandings.
I am not a sesquipedalian In fact I tend to be eminently more succinct, while at the same time, truculently punctilious. I can be surreptitiously pertinacious, and somewhat fastidious, preferring exactitude over inaccuracy.

I am looking forward to seeing some of the old gang around here again.

Speed of Light = 1.802,614,041,067,005 MegaFurlongs/MicroFortnight
David, I get your point, I am totally ignorant on all things geek and space, but in my field I have glossary OCD. Seemingly for the same reasons you make your points. Seek clear messages and enlighten when possible. (that is my version of "Live long and prosper")
Greg chick, I live near the Mojave Station in Tehachapi.
Dec 29, 2022
New here. Have also referred this site to my three sons who are into all things space.
Not sure this is right for me. I research lots of space & celestial history/news. But I am not computer geek.
In my lifetime I have observed an unbelievable change in our world & beyond, and in myself as a result. Nothing surprises me anymore. Proof can change daily. I'm also into prayer & meditation & for me, is all tied together with celestial knowledge. My prayers are for knowledge, meditation delivers answers & guidance.
It seems sometimes there are different answers/views to different people.
I grew up to question everything, which guides me to further knowledge.
Thanks for providing a site for people who continue to search for knowledge. This is what makes us interesting beings.
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Jul 23, 2023
Hey, everyone! You all can call me Happy. Like many aerospace engineers of my generation, I ended up working in IT. I never lost my love of all things Space, though.

My profile photo is me in front of Discovery at the STS-133 NASA Tweetup (now known as NASA Social)..

This was an amazing opportunity to see the launch, learn about NASA, the Shuttle program, and our astronauts in person, and share the experience on social media. It was amazing.

If you share your love of space on social media, definitely apply with NASA to participate in one of their in-person social programs.
Jul 26, 2023
Hi folks, Stevie here!

Wanted to pop in and say hello to you fine people! I’m one of your new Community Managers. My background is in Scifi online games, I’ve been working with CCP Games on EVE Online and off since 2007. I was also part of the launch team and CM for VR rift launch title EVE: Valkyrie, worked with Star Citizen at UK meets and Insomnia Gaming Festival, which is a fun gaming event here in the UK.

In my spare time I enjoy streaming games, watching scifi and collecting supergirl merch. I’m also an ambassador for SpecialEffect, the gamers charity. SpecialEffect work with people with disabilities, developing controller set-ups, eye tracking tech and working with developers on accessibility in games (which is also a passion of mine).

I’m really looking forward to working on these forums, and chatting about Space and sci-fi in its many forms. I really enjoy working with passionate communities, and am 'over the moon' (Lol) to be able to be working with you folks.

Feel free to reply with anything you’d like me to know about you! If you wanna reply with your coolest bit of Space Swag, that would be awesome!

This is me in my Space Industries NASA jacket, which I love more then anything.


Fly Safe,

hi from united states


Aug 13, 2023
Hi guys... AfricanSamurai here

Happy to be on the forum and looking forward to discussing our wonderful universe which we are part of.

I am a nature and wildlife enthusiast and now finding so much interest in astronomy and the cosmos.

Thanks for the welcome, so happy to be here.
Aug 15, 2023
HELP!! I am 32, and grew up with having the old King James Bible beat into my head.... I always had a lot of doubts and questions, more so than was acceptable. Needless to say I was told astrology was withcraft, and anything that went against the story of Jesus and the Christianity story was the devil.... I was nearly 30 when I began watching the shows on Aliens, and seeking out some New Age beliefs.... Long story short, I am new to EVERYTHING, and want to learn. I also am just flummoxed about what to believe now, reincarnation, UFOS, dimensions?
I'm here to learn and hear what ya'll have to say. Very excited to begin this journey. 🤍🖤🤍🖤
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Aug 20, 2023
Hi, TexasPops appreciates the welcome.
Ever since I was a kid, I have looked up at the sky and said, "okay, give me a little more insight as to what this is all about".
A few years ago, I attended a summer course at Oxford University on "The Cosmos". That course just created so much more curiosity. One of the mysteries to me is that the universe is expanding. What is it expanding into? Where does it end? And so many other unanswerable questions, but interesting theories.
Anyway, thanks for having me.
Aug 20, 2023
Hi folks, Stevie here!

Wanted to pop in and say hello to you fine people! I’m one of your new Community Managers. My background is in Scifi online games, I’ve been working with CCP Games on EVE Online and off since 2007. I was also part of the launch team and CM for VR rift launch title EVE: Valkyrie, worked with Star Citizen at UK meets and Insomnia Gaming Festival, which is a fun gaming event here in the UK.

In my spare time I enjoy streaming games, watching scifi and collecting supergirl merch. I’m also an ambassador for SpecialEffect, the gamers charity. SpecialEffect work with people with disabilities, developing controller set-ups, eye tracking tech and working with developers on accessibility in games (which is also a passion of mine).

I’m really looking forward to working on these forums, and chatting about Space and sci-fi in its many forms. I really enjoy working with passionate communities, and am 'over the moon' (Lol) to be able to be working with you folks.

Feel free to reply with anything you’d like me to know about you! If you wanna reply with your coolest bit of Space Swag, that would be awesome!

This is me in my Space Industries NASA jacket, which I love more then anything.


Fly Safe,
hello!! i'm a high school student who wants to pursue aerospace engineering. currently, i don't really have anything to flex my "spacism" but recently i made this youtube video on chandrayaan-3, it came out really bad because i have really bad anxiety so i wrote everything down and then read it. i can use it to introduce myself here but i'm going to shoot a better one tomorrow if i get the time! :)
<<Linked content removed by moderator>>
Aug 27, 2023
Hail fellow Spacers and well met.
I am David. I was one of the original members of Uplink forums as the Mental_Avenger. That was when Uplink had over 500,000 members. I was a member for about 10 years with somewhere around 18,000 posts. For two years I was a Moderator under the name Shadow. You will find posts by both of those names all over the recovered forum posts. Be forewarned, I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.

I have a strong background in the sciences of Astrophysics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Physics is my friend. Physics explains everything except people.

When I was very young, we had My Book House, the Book Of Knowledge, and another large set of books at home. I think I read every one of them. By the time I was in High School, I had also read about 2000 Science Fiction books. That gave me an incredible vocabulary. My favorite subject in school (besides the sciences) was English Grammar.
When speaking or writing, I use the most succinct and most accurate words. That often leads to some people making derisive comments insinuating arrogance or pretension. I often use the term “ignorant” or “ignorance” to point out the lack of knowledge regarding a particular subject a person exhibits. That in no way insinuates stupidity, nor is it name-calling. It is in fact, exactitude of meaning. I just wanted to clear that up to avoid possible future misunderstandings.
I am not a sesquipedalian In fact I tend to be eminently more succinct, while at the same time, truculently punctilious. I can be surreptitiously pertinacious, and somewhat fastidious, preferring exactitude over inaccuracy.

I am looking forward to seeing some of the old gang around here again.

Speed of Light = 1.802,614,041,067,005 MegaFurlongs/MicroFortnight
Good to be here......I enjoy serious space talk & learning.....I watch just about everything I can about space...and do much reading....I think Space has a lot of surprises coming for us and I hope USA & others keep building large earth & space telescopes and other space searching crafts.
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