Introduce yourself! (And show us your swag)

Page 6 - Seeking answers about space? Join the Space community: the premier source of space exploration, innovation, and astronomy news, chronicling (and celebrating) humanity's ongoing expansion across the final frontier.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Well, that worked, but I couldn't begin to tell you how I did it.
Just pure luck I think.

I typed and got into it, Then there was an option to select image. Done. OK so far so good. Then I pressed one or two options without really understanding it. I will try again when relevant and see if I can do it again.

Cat :)
Jun 1, 2021
Hi, I'm new. I know very little about space and the universe but I'm just really curious and want to learn more. I'm fascinated by the infiniteness (probably not unique there). I love science fiction TV shows which I know are completely unrealistic but it does raise a lot of questions...
Jun 5, 2021
Hello. my name is Jeff and I am a confirmed iconoclast who loves poking holes in your beliefs and theories. I am especially enjoying the current media attention to UFOs/UAPs because the world of science has traditionally and unfairly stigmatized that subject...
Jun 12, 2021
HI everyone!
I‘m Richard and have had a love for science, space, multi dimensional travel and so much more since time began… lol. Growing up watching Doctor Who (an amazing British show) Star Trek, Space 1999 ( we should have colonized the at least the moon by now) and so many more. Falling in love with computers, technology before the first computer and then seeing my first computer chip in grade five. Well, the interests and passion for exploration and knowledge has only grown.

In seeing so many of the technological advancements come true from the shows I’ve watched leads me to know we have so much exploration to tackle...

“To Boldly Go Where No Human Has Gone Before”

Thought i would make the Star Trek phase politically correct for the 21st century…
Hi all
My name is Graham, I have recently retired and as I have already managed to work through most of the "To Do" list, which I had promised my long suffering wife I would get through, once I had free time. I am now looking forward to some "Me Time" and the chance to discuss topics that really fascinate me.

Serendipity has led me to the forum and after reading through a few of the posts here, I must admit that I'm rather Impressed with the content and input from members. This forum also appears to be free of the hubris which is so prevalent on other science related forums. :)Happy days.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Hi all
My name is Graham, I have recently retired and as I have already managed to work through most of the "To Do" list, which I had promised my long suffering wife I would get through, once I had free time. I am now looking forward to some "Me Time" and the chance to discuss topics that really fascinate me.

Serendipity has led me to the forum and after reading through a few of the posts here, I must admit that I'm rather Impressed with the content and input from members. This forum also appears to be free of the hubris which is so prevalent on other science related forums. :)Happy days.

Welcome! I don't get killed easily! MEOUW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cat :)
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Jul 4, 2021
Hello. my name is Jeff and I am a confirmed iconoclast who loves poking holes in your beliefs and theories. I am especially enjoying the current media attention to UFOs/UAPs because the world of science has traditionally and unfairly stigmatized that subject...
Carl Sagan once said 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.' Of course it would be incredibly exciting if irrefutable empirical evidence was obtained. But, until then we must maintain a professional decorum. If we allow ourselves the mistake of arbitrarily proclaiming that 'we'll make contact any day now!', and we're wrong, we'll lose our credibility. It is absolutely correct to remain disciplined in our responses, until all the evidence is analyzed, and the correct response can be publicly released.
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Jul 10, 2021
Hello I am Prakhar but I call myself Artemis or Apollo I likes space things and NASA

Just a short discription
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Jul 4, 2021
"I can't figure out how to attached downloaded and camera pictures! Can somebody please help me? "
I would like to know if things have become easier. The best I can do is to give a url for the pic or complete article. This means you have to put your images on line.
Is there an easier way?

Cat :)
Hey cat, Patrick fenex here. Sorry about being AWOL the last day and a half. Family crises. I'll be back later tonight.
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Aug 2, 2021
Hi folks, Stevie here!

Wanted to pop in and say hello to you fine people! I’m one of your new Community Managers. My background is in Scifi online games, I’ve been working with CCP Games on EVE Online and off since 2007. I was also part of the launch team and CM for VR rift launch title EVE: Valkyrie, worked with Star Citizen at UK meets and Insomnia Gaming Festival, which is a fun gaming event here in the UK.

In my spare time I enjoy streaming games, watching scifi and collecting supergirl merch. I’m also an ambassador for SpecialEffect, the gamers charity. SpecialEffect work with people with disabilities, developing controller set-ups, eye tracking tech and working with developers on accessibility in games (which is also a passion of mine).

I’m really looking forward to working on these forums, and chatting about Space and sci-fi in its many forms. I really enjoy working with passionate communities, and am 'over the moon' (Lol) to be able to be working with you folks.

Feel free to reply with anything you’d like me to know about you! If you wanna reply with your coolest bit of Space Swag, that would be awesome!

This is me in my Space Industries NASA jacket, which I love more then anything.


Fly Safe,
Awesome Stevie! ✌😎
Aug 2, 2021
HI everyone, I'm Gregg from New Brunswick, Canada. I'm fascinated with Space and finding out what space is all about.
...understanding how it effects us and to learn what our purpose is here on earth.
Are we supposed to someday leave earth and colonize other worldly planets?
Are we ready for the truth?
Will we ever know?
Not knowing is what makes Space so intriguing! ✌😁👍
HI everyone, I'm Gregg from New Brunswick, Canada. I'm fascinated with Space and finding out what space is all about.
...understanding how it effects us and to learn what our purpose is here on earth.
Are we supposed to someday leave earth and colonize other worldly planets?
Are we ready for the truth?
Will we ever know?
Not knowing is what makes Space so intriguing! ✌😁👍
Welcome aboard!

You might enjoy some nice discussion by posting these questions in the appropriate forum.
Aug 6, 2021
Hi everybody plus aliens! :)

My fascination with space can be blamed on our good friends the National Geographic during the time of Apollo; and on seeing in the early 70s what my parents said was an Apollo spacecraft returning to Earth one night from our verandah, blazing across the sky from west to east to land somewhere in the vast Pacific. Followed by reading every Arthur C. Clarke novel and short story I could get my hands on, during my teenage years, and likewise every James Blish novel and short story, etc. You get the picture :)
Aug 10, 2021
Hi All. I am Isaac, a Space enthusiast, an I.T. Technician by profession and the President/Founder of the Mars Society Kenya.

My desire for Space began when I was a kid. I always fancy travelling to Space for adventure. With the recent global Space race and Mars as the Crown Jewel, I purpose and dedicate my life to revive the Space economy in my country, Kenya. It will be my greatest joy when I finally get to Mars and find a fellow Kenyan and peering through the window of my house, I see the nosecone of a Kenyan-made spaceship at a distant.
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Aug 10, 2021
Hey gang!

My name's Benjamin and I'm a ridiculous fan of all things 'space'. I know the original Sagan Cosmos by heart, I've been to a few NASA Social's to see a launch (SpaceX and ULA), I've got a geeky online store, and I run a few FB pages with quite the large followings; Science Actually (230K), Earth Archives (160K), and Mineral Archives and Astronomy Archives (just under 4K collectively).

Happy to be here and looking forward to spacing out to some space with your space people!

(that's the fam - I'm the gorilla back left. :) I wear NASA stuff as often as I can, for my birthday the gang all sported NASA shirts)
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Aug 13, 2021
Hi I'm Adam, I don't have much "swag" as such, apart from....



Apart from that, I'm a software developer with a smattering of electronics, and an interest in science.

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