Looking for Info on how we are going to Moon

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Does anyone have any information on the transportation concepts being considered for the return to the Moon?<br /><br />The Apollo method,<br /><br />the 90-day study concept from the early '90's (Earth orbit to Lunar orbit, meet Lunar Lander and then aerobrake return to Earth orbit),<br /><br />von Braun's direct from Earth orbit to Lunar surface to Earth orbit concept,<br /><br />others?<br /><br />Reusable? Use once? What kind of propellants (storable, LOX/LH2, Lunar derived such as LOX/ALUM)?<br /><br />______________________________________<br /><br />Does anyone have any information on what size and kind of Lunar base is being planned?<br /><br />Mobile? Fixed? (if fixed, where? Equator, or Lunar Pole?)<br />Permanent? Temporary? Man-tended?<br />And what purpose? Science, exploration, resource extraction, combination?<br />Any ideas or info as to how many people it will be sized for in the beginning?<br /><br />I am hungry for information as to what ideas are being considered and investigated.<br /><br />Its exciting times we live in eh?<br /><br />To the Stars


http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&biw=725&q=lunar+roadmap+alternatives+%26+key+questions<br /><br />This is a google search result page. Just click on the number one hit for an interesting PDF file, "lunar roadmap alternatives & key questions." That should get you started.<br /><br />Then pop over to this thread...<br /><br />http://uplink.space.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=missions&Number=225846&fpart=1&PHPSESSID=<br /><br />Where there has been some talk about this subject.<br /><br />Another thread here...<br /><br />http://uplink.space.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=missions&Number=224877&fpart=1&PHPSESSID=<br /><br />
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