mission success vs society success @ Oort

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Experts are needed for partially successful missions beyond Neptune or so.:
1) A battery and in-situ power expert would be able to make Earth's battery tech vacuum operatable. And be able to use power from a wide variety of sources. If they is 5g rogue object 3x further than Eris, they should be able to store magnetic power, if it is a 0.2g potato, tidal, using piezo-cords.
2) An exobiologist. Forests and aquariums. Colder temperatures is easier to maintain. Never synthetic biology but a knowledge of when GMO makes it too hard on species. Can birds take lower g's. Fur and hair are unwanted. Taming long-lives octopus pets.
3) A biologist. Nanoweaving carbon allotropes looks easy, I'm hoping biomass will be too to make soil. Do we want fungi and which ones? #2 or #3 should know what thickness of sapphire is busted, and how long a forest or aquarium have in seconds until they are lost to decompression. I'd like to know why an desert oasis is good enough for some people as well as too much gain in the poisonous tropical forest where every animal is bright red.
4) Metamaterial ion engine expert. The engines will blow up. It would be nice to be able to separate them from a ship at any fraction of a quarter c. Just RF ion engines with a meta-ring around them. This person will be very strong neuro-imaging eventually.
5-7) Various nanotechnologies. The weaving is useful. Controlling metal foil with magnets will work next century, there might be a precursor this person would excel at. A micron Sapphire Factory makes sapphire cheap if there is aluminium and oxygen, and one or two dozen other substances work well in the lattice. At first only 5 of the other substances (Niobium ex.) are cheap. Then a decade later 8 (Ice, carbide). This person might already know which ones will get easy to wrought a decade early. Maybe a superconductor expert.
8) Tether expert for habitats. They provide 1g; two ships tethered in the middle. A shift in a Triton mine is okay if you have a habitat to return to. If the tether breaks it is bad. If Earth's gravity were less a functional Space Elevator might be the same technical difficulty as surviving and minimizing tether loss.
9) A pilot. Maybe the only person with performance implants (as opposed to draining brain fluid). Big ships have drones surveying flight paths dangers and opportunities. Highscorer.
10) Neuroimaging. I'll do one type. There is another of metamaterials and light emitting nanoparticles. And some sort of quantum imaging should be possible. My score is beatable here too.
I can use neuroimaging to find these people once a mostly complete human physiology is ready for ingesting nanoparticles. I'd prefer 60% women a crew but ideally some of these experts as women would give some status seeking relief for missions lasting two years or longer. For this reason a recreation or hologram expert might be needed, if disasters are regular.
(add-on...) Mining probes might be an IT risk else an in situ mining expert is needed. I'm ready for Neptune, but AC is riskier than later BStar. I had a dream of my 10 yr old daughter with bold but sleek facial features and active lolling eyes. But she was so reflective I turned away at first. The future of human space rests on reflection. If your brain uses world mapping of various types/brain-volumes, and you keep Precuneus ethics in mind, you can also map your own potential actions. Hawking used math. NB may be capable of it but lacks engineering in his actions. I used it at 20 and never got that dream. It enables planning a utopia as well as WMDs. With reflection, I can go to Procyon, make nerf automatons reasoning with punchcards, and bring one back without reflection and one back with a glitchy form of it.
I don't know whether to look for these 3 brain active areas or networks, whether I will find them easily, and whether people should have them in the future. I envision 3 star systems, and all system humans being able to move across the galaxy who were in one system, to the next. This is enforceable but whether or not to ignore potential reflection in others is the hardest question of my life.
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Fur and hair are unwanted.

Evolution of human furlessness has been a long running interest of mine - explaining why I just picked that out of all the possibilities in your post for mention.

The (much overlooked) sensory role of hairs makes them useful - slide of cloth as we move, puffs of breeze, bugs and even close passes by hard objects can be felt via hairs. I can feel the air vibrations from flying insects that just pass close by, without any direct touch. They are a principle sensory organ of the skin, extending the sense of touch beyond the skin into the air around. Don't underestimate their usefulness.

I once went into a cave without a helmet (not recommended) but by moving my head slowly I could feel a low ceiling or stalactite with my head hairs before whacking my head - maybe 20-30mm of "warning". I also have (admittedly vague) recollections of an SF novel where people who'd bioengineered themselves for living in space in zero gee had elongated body hairs for feeling their way around in the dark. They converted feet to extra hands too - understandably. I don't remember the name or author, unfortunately.

I once posed the question of whether anyone at the ISS ever deliberately used their feet to hold and pass thing (on Quora) and an astronaut with ISS experience replied with "Gross!" To me it seemed natural and logical to make use of them - as I often do when barefoot at home, lifting things without a thought from floor to hands; dexterity with feet may not come naturally but can be acquired with practice but narrow mindedness can be found in all kinds of people.
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I didn't mean humans. Hair gets in the ventilation and a biologist might know if dander of shaved animals is a problem. In space, astronauts are always getting sore eyes but buerretted human hair gives people self worth. The bioengineered hairless humans is good idea where people want cleaner air. I cut out a newspaper article in 2000 of a man who didn't feel sorry for himself: a motorcycle lower income Asia mechanic who used his feet to grip hand tools.
The above mission was for civilians living in space and winning the peace. I missed 1970's. The Cold War had a few nations scaling multinationals or inferior Crowns to make Kodak Labs type labs to bring civilian markets into the cycle of making colloids, etcs. Each planet from Jupiter to Pluto should be a Kodak lab of sort, to have (mostly Earth) made technology for its missions, as well as plans to use the technology and data/media learned during its mission, to send back to Kodak inventors. It lead to Europa mission sensors. The real 70s Show is materials science done in labs. The former mission has direct civilian markets.
There is also a type of mission that is hard and may be the deathcard for its participants. For Jupiter or a Brown Dwarf rogue object, you want traditional Armageddon virtues. You'd get medical radiation gradient sources to try to copy. You'd have hardened sensors. Jetson's rockets. A knowledge of just how durable you and your technology are. Microwave skin grafts would be improved. This mission isn't 60% women, it is 10%. It isn't necessarily to neuro-image. I played the "Orbital Trader" demo to dream of it. You go back and forth trading between different solar systems planets. Two different systems of ethics to open up space an optimal amount.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
It took Voyager 2 12 years at an average velocity of 19 kilometers a second (about 42,000 miles an hour) to reach Neptune, which is about 30 AU from the Sun

How far beyond Neptune do you want to go? Do you want to stop? Return?

Cat :)

Before synthetic biology threats and after space becomes comfortable I want to go to Neptune. But I might be needed to set up a mine or for rescue missions. Neptune is close to Earth but don't want many launches and re-entries in heavy G. I might go 1/12-1/3 of the way to A.Centauri in rescue and research capacity, if there is a nice rogue object. Power might be able to be stored in magnetic fields, rendering better faster meta-ion engines. If not I don't want to go far beyond Neptune. If medical advances happen, I assume I'll try a visit to B.Star to set up a base and get samples. This tricky as too much medical imaging (say 100+ years) leads to WMDs, and much of medical research is like that. I assume I will do classified research at a further star if I am still alive and return that research to Earth. Yes on antimatter, probably not on GUT, and yes on lots of cool sci-fi stuff classified away from hacking. I like Earth society and society of automatons equally since classified R+D increases Earth's or Neptune's quality-of-life. After that, Earth will decide if it wants to move two colonies and I'm not sure what I will do then


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"I assume I will do classified research at a further star if I am still alive and return that research to Earth" . . . . . . . . .
"After that, Earth will decide if it wants to move two colonies and I'm not sure what I will do then"

Well, you have a couple of million years to think about it. Please don't forget to send me a postcard when you get back.. Bon voyage!

Cat :) :) :)
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One reason 3 systems is stable is antimatter war is a two on one win. Maybe .01c is a move speed; a nearby supernova an obvious reason to only scatter up to 3. It would be a town of 175 automatons on Procyon. I'd bring back a dozen. Things like floating pedestrian cities should be possible using Earth's Magnetic fields but it might be classified. Neutrinos could track a ship a few light years. They aren't enough to hack I think so mostly good.
Between 100-500 years of future medical imaging R+D results in some risks. If you want an MRI past micron resolution, you might do the research on a star or rogue object for 300 years after 80 years of Earth MRI progress. Space weeds might be good Jovian R+D; throw them into the planet if unwanted. I'd expect Jupiter stimulates cancer and heart disease R+D, so it really high risk-reward. If batteries can be charged with its magnetic field, I'd risk Moon #18-#60, and I suppose a Callisto rescue, to set up a mine.
Mars's moons are alot like some of Jupiter's for dynamiting a station out of. Jupiter is the most hawkish attempt to get the benefits of space without personally researching longevity gains. NASA would get metal for 6 tri-system ships here before they get enough for two at Enceladus a decade later.
The ships would be (Jupiter Moon) orbit to (Mars) orbit. Rockets to and from the mines. I will make lattices at the mine site. Rocket fuel is needed. I assume NASA would 3d print metals. I can stamp them but it will be energy intensive and I won't master it as easily. I stayed away from most of the U of T ship building books and didn't go there for superconductors which would've made my metals knowledge better.
Maybe a crew of 8 for the 2 orbit ships and less if you want a Uranus satellite if refuel and rescue is there. I can probably make lattice-based GPR in situ; I did read the U of M antenna book and the RF coil pulses book at London. GPR can find the signatures of meteorite brecchias. Comets will be a problem for both lasers and GPR. I paid $2 for the U of T elastomer book but it isn't space-worthy. A sapphire satellite lifted from Earth will find metal ores on the Moon. There are a variety of mining methods now and to be invented to find samples. Uranium stickers can also find platnium group metals. That's where my learning stopped, but I'll pick it up with more nanotech. I assume NASA gets the first 6 ships and Russia will negotiate physics and maybe mining employees. There many ways to make metals and the method affects the quality, but the more stuff made at the Callisto mine, the easier it is to have sent the mission in the first place.
I couldn't tell you how much pressure and heat I need to hit a sapphire lattice with to make it orbit-orbit worthy or if metamaterials are easy or hard to make on Callisto. You might want to make solar panels there and send them closer to the sun for making ship stuff inwards, IDK.
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