Moon Landings Faked? (and all other space mission fakery)

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cosmored":1sni7tzz said:
People of average intelligence aren't swayed by handwaving and rhetoric. Let's hear some analyses of the evidence. First of all, do you pro-Apollo people think the Chinese spacewalk was real? The official NASA position on that is that it was real.

Go back and read all previous 33 pages of this thread before you pop in asking for "analyses of the evidence". Any time any evidence is given, hoaxers ignore said evidence. And yet, they treat their hokey excuse for "evidence" as solid.


I have a question for Quantam11, Cosmored and/or other Apollo hoax believers reading or posting in this thread. It's one of the two basic arguments supporting the fact that we landed men on the moon during the Apollo missions (the other being that the Soviets etc didn't blow the whistle) but as far as I can see nobody has yet answered, even though it has been asked and pointed out several times by various people.

Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world were either directly involved with, or contributed to, the Apollo missions. How come not a single one of those people has yet come forward to reveal it was all faked?
I dealt with that issue in the summary of hoax evidence I posted on page 16 (13th post from the top). Here it is again. ... d+war&aq=f
Well, why did they keep faking the Apollo flights, I still don't understand. Did the Soviet Union know it was faked? Why did they keep shut up if they knew it was faked? 'Cause a lot of people would think they kept the moon race going to prove the U.S. was better than the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union knew, why did they let the U.S. get away with this?
Well, I'll tell you - at the highest levels there is a coalition between governments. In other words, the Soviets said, if you won't tell on us - and they faked most of their space exploration flights - we won't tell on you. It's as simple as that. See, what Apollo is, is the beginning of the end of the ability of the government to hoodwink and bamboozle and manipulate the people. More and more people are becoming aware in the U.S. that the government is totally and completely public enemy number one.
The Soviets, with their own competing moon program and an intense economic and political and military rivalry with the USA, could be expected to have cried foul if the USA tried to fake a Moon landing. Theorist Ralph Rene responds that shortly after the alleged Moon landings, the USA silently started shipping hundreds of thousands of tons of grain as humanitarian aid to the allegedly starving USSR. He views this as evidence of a cover-up, the grain being the price of silence. (The Soviet Union in fact had its own Moon program).

Noam Chomsky's analysis of the cold war-
On the domestic front, the Cold War helped the Soviet Union entrench its military-bureaucratic ruling class in power, and it gave the US a way to compel its population to subsidise high-tech industry. It isn't easy to sell all that to the domestic populations. The technique used was the old stand-by-fear of a great enemy.

Also, see my earlier posts about the controlled press; if someone were to try to come foreward, the press wouldn't print what he said.

I live abroad and there's stuff on the front page about American foreign policy that would never make it through the censors in the US. A lot of Americans hear stuff through the grapevine but, as long as it's not reported in the media, it's not a problem for the government. The press just ignores them or refers to them as " The Lunatic Fringe".


Go back and read all previous 33 pages of this thread before you pop in asking for "analyses of the evidence". Any time any evidence is given, hoaxers ignore said evidence. And yet, they treat their hokey excuse for "evidence" as solid.
I was referring to the posts in answer to my info on faked space walks. Those two posts were mere handwaving.

I've never seen any of the evidence I posted on page 16 satisfactorily debunked. The explanations for the waving flag were not satisfactory. I'm still waiting for someone to address the issue of Collins' bouncing jacket corner. Let's hear your analysis of that. Also, do you think the Chinese spacewalk was real as NASA says it was (see post on faked spacewalks)?


cosmored":gciui5eg said:
The press just ignores them or refers to them as " The Lunatic Fringe".

Excellent point, well said. So do we here at SDC. Welcome! :)


cosmored wrote: The press just ignores them or refers to them as " The Lunatic Fringe".

Excellent point, well said. So do we here at SDC. Welcome!
Let's hear some actual analyses of the evidence instead of rhetoric, invective, and handwaving. Do you think the Chinese spacewalk was real? That is NASA's official position.

Tell us what the force is that makes the corner of Collins' jacket stop going up, and go back down in this video. ... m-par.aspx
(4:10 time mark)

I say it's strong gravity. What do you pro-Apollo people say?


cosmored":1dcpibnc said:
I have a question for Quantam11, Cosmored and/or other Apollo hoax believers reading or posting in this thread. It's one of the two basic arguments supporting the fact that we landed men on the moon during the Apollo missions (the other being that the Soviets etc didn't blow the whistle) but as far as I can see nobody has yet answered, even though it has been asked and pointed out several times by various people.

Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world were either directly involved with, or contributed to, the Apollo missions. How come not a single one of those people has yet come forward to reveal it was all faked?
I dealt with that issue in the summary of hoax evidence I posted on page 16 (13th post from the top). Here it is again. ... d+war&aq=f
(excerpt) ... ...

The Youtube link is not to a specific video, but to at least one whole page on Youtube showing Apollo "hoax" videos. To watch all that lot would take at least a couple of hours. Which video in particular addresses the question of why nobody out of hundreds of thousands of people involved with Apollo has come forward to say it was faked? And please could you give your own argument in support of this please?

The second link is to an interview with Bill Kaysing and after looking through it, (please correct me if I'm wrong) I can find no direct answer by him as to why nobody has come forward. He seems to allude to possible government death threats and so on in some places (death threats against hundreds of thousands of people?) And why should Mr Kaysing have inside knowledge of all this supposed worldwide government collusion anyway?

cosmored":1dcpibnc said:
... Well, why did they keep faking the Apollo flights, I still don't understand. Did the Soviet Union know it was faked? Why did they keep shut up if they knew it was faked? 'Cause a lot of people would think they kept the moon race going to prove the U.S. was better than the Soviet Union. If the Soviet Union knew, why did they let the U.S. get away with this?
Well, I'll tell you - at the highest levels there is a coalition between governments. In other words, the Soviets said, if you won't tell on us - and they faked most of their space exploration flights - we won't tell on you. It's as simple as that. See, what Apollo is, is the beginning of the end of the ability of the government to hoodwink and bamboozle and manipulate the people. More and more people are becoming aware in the U.S. that the government is totally and completely public enemy number one ...

The argument you gave about the Soviets was not my question - that's already been debated, is still being debated in various posts and is ongoing. My question was about all the NASA employees, contractors etc around the world who have not yet come forward.

cosmored":1dcpibnc said:
... I've never seen any of the evidence I posted on page 16 satisfactorily debunked ...

As I said a few pages ago when you mentioned that post on page 16 - there were over 100 links in that post and I very much doubt anyone has spent several hours going through it and watching all the videos etc. (I certainly haven't.) To be fair to everyone on both sides of this debate, points should be as brief and to the point as possible and not presenting too much to swallow in one go.


We say we're way too tired of arguing with people who ignore scientific refutations for 2 score years (for Apollo) or years (the spacewalk stuff you're selling). Nothing we can say will change your mind, and we've beaten it all to death for years here. Just cause you are new, doesn't mean we haven't talked it to death here.

So babble away, it will get all the attention it deserves.

Please note I haven't waved my hand at all yet, though one hand is rising :)


I think most of the employees were fooled too. Anyway, if one of them tried to come foreward, he'd be risking his career and/or his life.
Q: What about the vast number of people involved in Apollo, wouldn’t someone have spoken out.

A: Pan’s claim there were half a million people involved in the Apollo program, but that includes all the humble engineers working on machine parts in many companies around the globe. So if someone is making a part in some engineering factory in Seattle, and his boss tells him it’s for the Apollo spacecraft, is that engineer proof the landings took place? No of course it is not proof, and even if that engineer knew they never made it to the Moon, he would still brag to his friends that he made a part that went to the Moon just to make him feel proud in some way or other. Parts for the Apollo program were made at many different factories around the globe. For example the laser reflector supposedly left on the Moon was manufactured in France. NASA collected the unit from the French company, and that was the last they saw of it. It’s probably stashed away in some archive at Langley, but one things for certain it’s not on the Moon. Are those French engineers proof they landed on the Moon? No of course not, as very few, (probably less than 200 people), were actually involved in bringing the whole lot together, so as to minimize what was actually taking place. No need for any of them to speak out because (A) They are 100% patriotic to the USA, and would say nothing that would go against America, even if it were true. (B) They do not need millions of dollars to safeguard their future, as they have already received substantial amounts from NASA just to “keep mum”. Read comments from people who worked on the Apollo program in the APOLLO FEEDBACK section.
Q: Why do prominent astronomers like Sir Bernard Lovell and Patrick Moore support the Moon landings if they were faked?

A: Scientists and astronomers around the globe know full well that the Moon missions were faked, but relay on NASA to gain access to the vital data beamed back to Earth from the Hubble space telescope. They cannot slag off NASA otherwise NASA would deprive them of this essential information, which they so much require.


We say we're way too tired of arguing with people who ignore scientific refutations for 2 score years (for Apollo) or years (the spacewalk stuff you're selling). Nothing we can say will change your mind, and we've beaten it all to death for years here. Just cause you are new, doesn't mean we haven't talked it to death here.

So babble away, it will get all the attention it deserves.

Please note I haven't waved my hand at all yet, though one hand is rising
In other words you don't have an explanation for the movement of Collins' jacket corner. That's obviously gravity; objective truth-seekers would be analyzing this to death. Sorry to say this but your behavior is not that of objective truth-seekers. The viewers are watching and judging.


What is being said is that every thing you mention has been more than adequately explained before.

What is being said is that the scientific method requires YOU to explain yourself when opposed to scientifically accepted solutions, not the other way around.

If you're too intellectually lazy to seek these solid explanations out for yourself, the fault is not ours. All people here do is remind you of their existence. The rest is up to you.

And in particular...

/Mod Hat On

In keeping with the spirit and the rules here, you have been repeatedly asked to document your assertions, why they diverge from the mainstream accepted explanations, and how it is that you are correct and the mainstream is not.

Do so.

/Mod Hat Off


No, in other words I'm not going to waste my time talking to a brick wall. If others wish to, they can. I have some real science, hosting a public night at our observatory tonight. I will wave my hands at the sky :)


So do I, but it's an overcast one :(
Still, we get to answer inquisitive questions...and maybe show a science movie or two :)
And maybe the President and I can continue out Pluto planet/not a planet discussion... :lol:


cosmored, one of the moderators at Bad Astronomy states that collins' jacket corner is perfectly consistent with zero g: ... -deal-with

From another forum, an HB is claiming that this video shows signs of close-to-normal gravity:

in the way that the jacket and dogtags are bouncing when Collins runs and how the cuffs are resting.

While these videos show true zero-g:

I pointed out that the dog tags in the latter video act much like Collins' in that they bounce up and back again; the key difference is that Collins is running vigorously while the woman is just lunging out a bit the one time, so the dog tags just bounce the one time, and not so vigorously.

Feel free to add other comments.

Actually, the way that the astronaut floats up when he stops running makes it pretty obvious that they are in zero G. Also, the oscillatory motion of the jacket is a natural consequence of the oscillatory motion of the astronaut regardless of the number of G's. However, it still won't sway a conspiracy theorist who will either ignore anything that contradicts his/her theory or claim it as part of the conspiracy.

The truth is that trying to debate those clowns is essentially trying to reason with people who don't listen to reason. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if conspiracy theorists 25 years from now claim the Space Shuttle flights to be a hoax.

That should clear up the issue for you.

Tell me this, if the moon landings were faked, then what about the equipment, science experiments, and laser reflectors they deployed? Show me any type of unmanned technology at the time that could do all of that. Also, how did they make their sets completely consistent with what the moon looks like? Seems a little odd that they would know the exact detail on every single hill and mountain in the fake landings doesn't it?

Or perhaps back then they had an ultra-telescope that was classified which told them how to make the sets just right :roll:


Yuri_Armstrong":f8di2lnl said:
Tell me this, if the moon landings were faked, then what about the equipment, science experiments, and laser reflectors they deployed? Show me any type of unmanned technology at the time that could do all of that.



Okay, now you see it.


Re: Is NASA Faking Spacewalks Too?

CommonMan":20z8gdhg said:
Oh, not again! Give us a break! You people are falling for a con by someone who started all this fake stuff, and they are rolling on the floor laughing at all you fools.

Ah, another Apollo proponent bereft of refutation...Just more name calling....I guess you can only use what you have available to you eh?


Quantum11":279kwucv said:
Yuri_Armstrong":279kwucv said:
Tell me this, if the moon landings were faked, then what about the equipment, science experiments, and laser reflectors they deployed? Show me any type of unmanned technology at the time that could do all of that.



Okay, now you see it.

That was a Russian spacecraft. Now show evidence that NASA was in cooperation with the soviet space program, then show evidence that this vehicle was capable of deploying the many science experiments and laser reflectors left behind by the astronauts.


Smersh":1gifzpbb said:
I have a question for Quantam11, Cosmored and/or other Apollo hoax believers reading or posting in this thread. It's one of the two basic arguments supporting the fact that we landed men on the moon during the Apollo missions (the other being that the Soviets etc didn't blow the whistle) but as far as I can see nobody has yet answered, even though it has been asked and pointed out several times by various people.

Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world were either directly involved with, or contributed to, the Apollo missions. How come not a single one of those people has yet come forward to reveal it was all faked?

Thanks for posting this question...

The Russian argument is one of pure speculation. And I can speculate that they didn't want to harm relations with the
US. The reasons are plentyful. One being favorable trade agreements. But, again, that would be speculation, just as speculating that they would have outed Apollo. And speculation is not proof. Right?

As for the hundreds of tousands of people who were either directly involved or contributing question: Love this one. Again speculation as to the degree of knowledge any one person, or group would have had access to.

Obviously the astronauts, and those involved in filming and relocating them during their 'short time in space'. Some of the individuals involved in receiving the pre-taped feeds would have known. Other than that...All those other hundred thousand people contributing to various parts of the mission, from construction to testing would have been compartmentalized.

Take a look at what Thomas Ronald Baron reported in regards to the quality control of North American Aviation.

It must be noted that all of these problems were given to my supervisors at the time they took place or shortly thereafter. Many of the problems could and should have been eliminated or prevented if NAA took the proper steps to do so. Almost every case of trouble gave a clear warning as to what was going to happen. This is why I say, that if the leadman, or assistant supervisor took the proper action the problem for the most part, could have been avoided.

Lack of coordination between people in responsible positions.
Lack of communication between almost everyone.
The fact that people in responsible positions did not take many of the problems seriously.
Engineers operating equipment instead of technical people.
Many technicians do not know their job. This is partly due to the fact that they are constantly shifted from one job to another.
People are lax when it comes to safety.
People are lax when it comes to maintaining cleanliness levels.
We do not make a large enough effort to enforce the PQCP.
People do not get an official tie-in time period.
We do not maintain proper work and systems records.
NAA does not give the working force a feeling of accomplishment.
There is not one procedure that I can remember that was completed without a deviation, either written or oral.
Allowing ill practices to continue when the Company is aware of them.
The constant transfer of QC and technical types of people to different types of tasks. Many of the techs will tell the QC man that they have never done that type of job before, or used that type of equipment before. This is one of the most prevalent problems NAA has.


Notice the first two..Lack of cooridination between people in RESPONSIBLE positions.
Lack of communication between almost everyone.

Compartmentalization will do that to you.

So, in short, hundreds of thousands of people would not be IN on it. That and the Russian speculation is no proof at all of a moonlanding. Just two red herrings, pro apollo people throw out there, hoping to divert attention from all of the evidence mounting against Apollo, and NASA!

BTW, shortly after Baron sat before the Teague committee, he, his wife, and stepdaughter were hit by a train. And the 50 page report he had lengthened to 500 pages dissappeared.

There was a fear that the criticisms in his report could have crippled the Apollo program.

The following video goes into the Apollo 1 fire, knowledge that NASA had about the risks of the plugs out test that were ignored. It even touches on Baron, and his involvement with the investigation.



Yuri_Armstrong":30arg80g said:
Quantum11":30arg80g said:
Yuri_Armstrong":30arg80g said:
Tell me this, if the moon landings were faked, then what about the equipment, science experiments, and laser reflectors they deployed? Show me any type of unmanned technology at the time that could do all of that.



Okay, now you see it.

That was a Russian spacecraft. Now show evidence that NASA was in cooperation with the soviet space program, then show evidence that this vehicle was capable of deploying the many science experiments and laser reflectors left behind by the astronauts.

Show evidence that NASA was in cooperation with the Soviet program? Are you kidding me? You do remember Apollo-Soyuz right? And if the Rusians were aware of the deadly radiation in space, which they were...Then they were cohorts in crime with NASA, by not outing the Apollo program. And since they never really gave it their Russkie all getting to the mooon...............................Why.............Because they knew it was impossible due to their readings of the Radiation in space.

As for many of the so-called are talking about digits, and words on paper. No proof at all. Just like their made up numbers for radiation exposure, which are completely unbelievable.

Besides the fact that lasers had been bounced off the bare surface of the moon as early as 1962.

I suggest you watch the Moonfaker Exhibit D. All of the supposedly rock solid evidence of Apollo falls completely apart under closer scrutiny.



MeteorWayne":rd1prynv said:
cosmored":rd1prynv said:
The press just ignores them or refers to them as " The Lunatic Fringe".

Excellent point, well said. So do we here at SDC. Welcome! :)

It's comments like these which add nothing to supporting Apollo as the real deal. It's just the same name-calling that doesn't breed intelligent, sourced debate. It's useless other then serving as flame bait. Again, if you are going to host a serious conversation about Apollo, and it's authenticity, then do so. Save name-calling for forums that don't belong to an intelligent community such as

You won't be able to ignore the dangers of radiation when one of your loved ones loses the function of their nervous system after low-dose radiation treatments. It takes a few years, but you'll be wheeling them around in a wheel chair one day if their cancer doesn't kill them first.

Check with radiation treatment specialists to ascertain that fact. Or hell, look it up yourself:

Radiation Injury to the Nervous System: The nervous system can be damaged by radiation therapy. Acute and subacute transient symptoms may develop early, but progressive, permanent, often disabling nervous system damage may not appear for months to years. The total radiation dose, size of the fractions, duration of therapy, and volume of [healthy brain] nervous tissue irradiated influence the likelihood of injury. Considerable variation in individual susceptibility complicates the effort to predict safe radiation doses.


It all comes back to radiation now doesn't it? Those lucky astronauts...LUCKY. That's how scientists describe their success. SIMPLY LUCKY. Laughable. So much for the Scientific Principle. LOL



ZenGalacticore":1v8sxgm6 said:
cosmored":1v8sxgm6 said:
People of average intelligence aren't swayed by handwaving and rhetoric. Let's hear some analyses of the evidence. First of all, do you pro-Apollo people think the Chinese spacewalk was real? The official NASA position on that is that it was real.

Go back and read all previous 33 pages of this thread before you pop in asking for "analyses of the evidence". Any time any evidence is given, hoaxers ignore said evidence. And yet, they treat their hokey excuse for "evidence" as solid.

And yet when evidence which appears to look bad for Apollo and NASA isn't given the time of day.

Why would Alan Bean not know if he went far enough out to encounter the Van Allen Belts?
No one wants to explain that.


Notice how Bean claims that the flashes of light in the VAB's were not discovered until after his mission. Then listen to Buzz talk about how he knew about them. Contradiction anyone?

I've repeatedly asked why NASA lied about MAJOR SOLAR FLARES that are easily checked for yourself at the NGDC. The best I've gotten back on that is some bull about MAJOR being relative. It's the LIST of MAJOR solar flares recorded by NOAA. How much more relative do you need to get than that?

How long do you think you could survive in an environment whose every square inch is filled with hundreds of millions of solar particles every second? And before you try and exclaim how wonderful aluminum serves as shielding, I suggest you research radiation shielding and the dangers of fragmentation/secondary radiation.


cosmored":1si2oo8j said:
... Q: What about the vast number of people involved in Apollo, wouldn’t someone have spoken out.

A: Pan’s claim there were half a million people involved in the Apollo program, but that includes all the humble engineers working on machine parts in many companies around the globe. So if someone is making a part in some engineering factory in Seattle, and his boss tells him it’s for the Apollo spacecraft, is that engineer proof the landings took place? No of course it is not proof ...

One engineer in one factory might not be proof, but some engineers who work with higher-up engineers attend management meetings sometimes and somebody would have had to tell his boss to make the part and his boss's boss and so on. People talk in both large and small corporations, and talk to other large and small corporations who are also involved, either as customers or suppliers of those corporations. Mulitiply that by all the engineer's around the world and each one's boss and his/her boss's boss and also who are talking to other corporations and that adds up to an awful lot of people who might get wind of NASA ordering parts that are never going to be used. NASA would also have to give the same story to every one of their suppliers about why they need the parts and would have to organise it so that everyone in NASA who communicates with the suppliers tells the same lie. It's all a recipe for having a lot of holes in the procedure isn't it?

cosmored":1si2oo8j said:
... and even if that engineer knew they never made it to the Moon, he would still brag to his friends that he made a part that went to the Moon just to make him feel proud in some way or other ...

What, every engineer would brag if he or she knew they didn't make it to the moon? Human beings are not all clones of each other and every one of us is different. Quite a few of those people, knowing that NASA wasn't going to the moon, wouldn't brag but would feel they ought to expose the hoax.

cosmored":1si2oo8j said:
... Parts for the Apollo program were made at many different factories around the globe. For example the laser reflector supposedly left on the Moon was manufactured in France. NASA collected the unit from the French company, and that was the last they saw of it. It’s probably stashed away in some archive at Langley, but one things for certain it’s not on the Moon ...

And what about all the other many millions of components, large and small, that would have to have been built to service the hoax? Are they all stashed in Langley as well? They'd need an incredibly large storeroom wouldn't they? Or there would need to be lots of smaller storerooms located around the world for all these parts to be stored, and people who can be trusted to to watch over each and every one to make sure word doesn't get out they are storing thousands of unused parts, large and small, for the Apollo project that didn't actually happen. And what happens when the trusted managers of these storerooms retire or die? Who takes over from them?

cosmored":1si2oo8j said:
... Are those French engineers proof they landed on the Moon? No of course not, as very few, (probably less than 200 people), were actually involved in bringing the whole lot together, so as to minimize what was actually taking place. No need for any of them to speak out because (A) They are 100% patriotic to the USA, and would say nothing that would go against America, even if it were true. (B) They do not need millions of dollars to safeguard their future, as they have already received substantial amounts from NASA just to “keep mum” ...

200 people at the centre to organise a hoax on that scale still seems like a lot of people at the very core who would all have to keep quiet, and those people would constantly have to be in communication with probably ten times that number of people at the next stage down the 'pecking order,' not all of whom even work for NASA, and making sure they give the same story as their 199 colleagues in case people further down would get suspicious.

What about the media, making reports and documentaries about all the preparations for the Apollo missions and for each and every one of the missions that sent men to the moon? What about space enthusiasts in the general public, making trips to the Cape, Houston and elsewhere to see all the preparation, hardware and the launches themselves?

And what exactly do you mean by 'patriotic?' Patriotic to the US to the extent that they wouldn't think of blowing the whistle? How would these 200 'patriots' have been selected in the first place and by whom?

cosmored":1si2oo8j said:
... Q: Why do prominent astronomers like Sir Bernard Lovell and Patrick Moore support the Moon landings if they were faked?

A: Scientists and astronomers around the globe know full well that the Moon missions were faked, but relay on NASA to gain access to the vital data beamed back to Earth from the Hubble space telescope ...

Those are two very highly respected astronomers you've mentioned there and in the case of Sir Patrick I've been following his work, reading his books and watching him on 'Sky at Night' since the late 1950s. It was he that first got me interested in astronomy, when I was about 9 years old. Sir Patrick is probably the world's foremost expert on the moon and he'd been talking very enthusiastically about men going to the moon one day, even before I first started reading his books and before the Apollo missions were even planned or thought about.

To suggest that he and Sir Bernard (they're not even American by the way - they're both British) would conceal such a hoax is actually so ridiculous and insulting to them both I can't find words to express it. Not to mention all the other 'astronomers and scientists around the globe' you alluded to. That said, do you have proof they are also part of the 'cover up?' :roll:


Oh my goodness Smersh, are you actually on the side of the believers? As one Brit to another... please tell!

OK - that was taking the piss! But I still think Smersh is coming over to the side of reason!!!! Good luck mate!