Movie Production schedules - Remakes

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Empire magazine has a list of Science Fiction films in developement I thought I'd share with you. Amazing how many remakes (i'll mark them in bold) there are on the list, of course that its in developement doesn't mean it will see the light of day.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Disney.</font><br /><br /><b>Witch Mountain</b> Staring the Rock as the cabbie<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Fox</font><br /><br /><b>The Day The Earth Stood Still </b> Staring Keanu Reeves<br /><b>The Fantastic Voyage</b> From the makers of The Day After Tomorrow<br />Magneto, X-Men prequel.<br />They Came From Upstairs, kids movie (although I like the title, you can guess the plot from that)<br />Used Guys, In a dystopian future run by womenm two men go in search of Mantopia!<br />Wolverine, X-Men spinoff<br /><br /><font color="yellow">New Line</font><br /><br /><b>20,000 Leagues Under The Sea</b><br />$40,000 Man, not sure whether to call this a remake or not... A legendary astronaut becomes badly injured and the government want to rebuild him, but only have $40K to do so.<br /><b>Escape from New York</b> Gerald Butler is Snake<br />Gear of War, technically a remake of a video game but I don't think it counts and most are a "remake of a book"<br /><br /><font color="yellow">New Regency</font><br /><br /><b>Capricorn One</b> Mars will be the object of the conspiracy this time<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Paramount</font><br /><br />StarTrek, JJ Adams prequel<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Paramount Vintage</font><br /><br />The Grays, alien race living on earth in secret.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Universal</font><br /><br /><b>Barbarella</b> Bunnie could star in this!<br /><b>Land of the Lost</b> Remake of one of the Land of films with Will Ferrell<br /><br />I could of included more fantasy films of which most were remakes, I've said before I don't have too much of a problem with most remakes but I do believe there is plently of excelle <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


Was any mention of 'When Worlds Collide' made ??<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>


It wasn't actually but I do believe I've heard there could be a remake of that.<br /><br />Yeah, well its on imdb<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


Details on DTESS<br /><br /><b>The Day The Earth Stood Still (2008)</b><br /><br /><b>Studio:</b> Fox<br /><br /><b>Director:</b> Scott Derrickson (Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Visitation (producer), upcoming The Birds remake)<br /><br /><b>Producers: </b><br /><br />Erwin Stoff (The Matrix, Austin Powers, The Devil's Advocate, A Scanner Darkly, Constantine, Biker Boyz, The Replacements)<br />Paul Harris Boardman (Exorcism of Emily Rose, upcoming The Birds remake)<br /><br /><b>Cast:</b><br /><br /><b>Klaatu:</b> Keanu Reeves <img src="/images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> <br /><br />Why not Ralph Fiennes, Liam Neeson or about any other Brit/Aussie actor? I just can't see Reeves being sophisticated enough, or Lord knows having the right accent, after seeing his lame attempt at them in Bram Stokers Dracula.<br /><br />My perfect casting would be Clive Owen. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Mars was the object of the conspiracy in the FIRST version of Capricorn One.<br /><br />The new "I Am Legend" is a remake of "The Omega Man", which is a remake of "The Last Man on Earth", which was a screen adaptation of the story "I Am Legend".<br /><br />Hollywood has lost all capability of doing anything original. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong><font color="#ff0000">Vote </font><font color="#3366ff">Libertarian</font></strong></p> </div>


Haha, Oh dear! I've only seemn it once and I think I missed the start. <br /><br />My bad. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


I may of thought the same until I saw King Awful, sorry Arther.<br /><br />I was glad to hear Daniel Craig has signed for 4 further Bond films. Top Casting!<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>


I agree that Keanu is such a bad casting choice for this role. While I loved him in "The Matrix" he cannot imitate an accent to save his life. Aside from the horror that was his British accent in "Brahm Stokers Dracula" his attempt at a southern accent in "The Devils Advocate" made what could have been an interesting movie almost unwatchable. Egads. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Dude! I know the perfect actor to play Klaatu! He'd be awesome for it! Outstanding even!<br /><br />Billy Bob Thornton.<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


I'm jealous of him in "Monsters Ball"; he got to roll around nekkid with Halley Berry <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Yuck, I had to turn my eyes away from that scene, Halley, good looking, Billy Bob, not so much. OK I didn't look away, but blech, extremly unattractive people should not get nekkid in movies. I would say the same for the lesbian sex scene in "Monster" I know she was made up to look bad, and put on weight to play the role, but damn, they could have left a little bit more to the imagination. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Well, to be honest I wasn't looking at Billy Bob <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


larper:<br />Mars was the object of the conspiracy in the FIRST version of Capricorn One.<br /><br />Me:<br />Thats correct. But I think the movie was taking aim at the Apollo project because of the fact all the props in the movie looked much like Apollo type hardware. The most obvious being the LM on mars.<br /><br />Even in 1978 when the movie was released, anyone paying attention to the Viking landings two years prior would know an LM would not be able to land on mars without an aeroshell.<br /><br />The makers of Capricorn one were taking aim at the Apollo program by way of mars, IMO. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><strong>My borrowed quote for the time being:</strong></p><p><em>There are three kinds of people in life. Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen...and those who do not know what happened.</em></p> </div>


"Klaatu: Keanu Reeves... I just can't see Reeves being sophisticated enough, or Lord knows having the right accent..."<br /><br />Ummm... Why must (would) he have a British accent? Did I miss something?<br /><br />Yikes... I just pictured all the technology on Earth shutting down and Keanu's tradmark "whoa" breaking the silence.


<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>The Day The Earth Stood Still Staring Keanu Reeves <p><hr /></p></p></blockquote><br /><br />*blinks*<br /><br />The Day the Earth Stood Still.<br /><br />Starring Keanu Reeves.<br /><br />*shoots self*<br /><br />Okay, it won't be THAT bad, but I almost certainly will not see it. I mean, Keanu Reeves???? Seriously? From Michael Rennie to Keanu Reeves????<br /><br />Okay, I'm gonna look that up and see who will be replacing whom from the original.<br /><br />Director:<br />1951: Michael Wise<br />2008: Scott Derrickson<br /><br />Klaatu:<br />1951: Michael Rennie<br />2008: Keanu Reeves<br /><br />Helen (female lead):<br />1951: Patricia Neal<br />2008: Jennifer Connelly<br /><br />IMDB also lists a Dr Grainer played by Jon Hamm in the 2008 version. No character of this name appeared in the original film. I would guess that it would be a replacement for the character of Professor Jacob Barnhardt, who in the original was played by Sam Jaffe. But I don't know. It does suggest some modifications are being made to the story. After all, today an Einsteinian character would just look like a cliche rather than an anonymization of a real person.<br /><br />Keanu Reeves, though? Good grief.<br /><br />The director is also a disappointment (though not a surprising one). A young relative unknown called upon to try to one-up one of the best film directors who ever lived. Obviously the production company either doesn't know what their doing or simply doesn't care and just wants to make something sufficiently entertaining to draw in enough opening-week viewers.<br /><br />Jennifer Connelly isn't terrible. She may be able to follow Patricia Neal, and have the wherewithal to make the character her own. Depends on how much she relies on her director; I have my doubts about this Derrickson fellow. He's got a very short resume, including other remakes and a direct-to-video installment of the Hellraiser series. Whoopee. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#666699"><em>"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly . . . timey wimey . . . stuff."</em>  -- The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>
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