Gamma rays are pure electromagnetic waves that have
no mass or charge, allowing them to penetrate materials more deeply than alpha or beta particles. The line between x-rays and gamma rays is fuzzy. Both are forms of electromagnetic radiation. Yet gamma rays are behaving opposite to Newton’s Laws. See the 3 examples below:
At the same time, sources of cosmic gamma rays are extremely weak (that is, they produce relatively few gamma-ray photons for us to detect near Earth). Like
X-ray detection, gamma-ray detection is done photon-by-photon.
1.) So this is exactly WHAT WE SEE AT A BLACK HOLE, the center is dark giving off no photons.
Indeed, this is the crucial simplification of the Equivalence Principle-- you never need to know what the substance is, all substances "fall the same" because nothing is happening to the substance, it is just the consequences of being "left behind" by whatever actually does have forces on it and is actually accelerating.
2.) This would imply that Normal Gravity would push two neutron stars away from each other as Newton’s Laws do with the Earth pushing the moon away, and the moon is traveling towards the same direction force is applied aligning with Newton’s Laws, however two neutron stars have the opposite forces than normal gravity. When force is applies, instead of being pushed it’s attracted, which is opposite of Newton’s Laws.
Incidentally, it is interesting to note that even in Newtonian gravity, massless objects would "fall the same" as those with mass.
3.) Yet observation shows that is NOT what we see. Sound is a negative mass object, measured and proven and it trajectory is upwards opposite of Normal Gravity. We know sound enough isn't strong enough to create a black hole through negative mass, which means that gamma rays must have negative mass to behave opposite of Newton's Laws since this is the only proven thing to this point that shows gravity working opposite to Newton's Laws.
Based of the evidence above, one could deduce that if gammas rays display the same behaviors as negative mass, and negative mass has been measured/observed multiple times and is naturally occurring, then we should exploring this missing piece, or
we can continue to ignore it for another 100 years.