Jim48, sorry but even the Apollo astronauts that went to the moon would be the first to argue your totally incorrect point!
We have NOT even begun to hardly explore the moon at all!! You that claim to be a scientist do not know that?
Actually, when I stated earlier that we had explored an area about the size of the San Fernando Vally, even there I was exaggerating! Perhaps the West End of that Vally (whose size I do have some idea about, as I have lived almost my entire life here) at best.
Now the total surface area of the moon is explorable (unlike a great deal of the Earth's surface that is buried under miles of Ocean water), and its area is about the same as the total areas of Australia and Africa put together.
Now, could you even begin to say that you had thoroughly explored both the continents of Australia AND Africa by exploring the West San Fernando Vally?
For instance, while some scientists may have suspected that there might be water ice in the deep and permanently dark craters at the poles of the moon, we certainly did not find out the truth of that until recently!
Then how about that part of the moon that is permanently hidden from the view of the Earth, just how many astronauts have walked there?
You know Jim48, I am quite possibly an insufferable elitist as some here seem to believe, and what has a tendency to get this particular educated elitist is when people here make ignorant remarks such as "Been there, done hat!"
As for Mars, it IS only some 400 times as far away at best than the nearby moon is. Don't you think that it just might conceivably make it far harder to reach if we do not first have a true space faring civilization between the Earth and the moon? One that is capable of using the fantastic resources of the moon to build such an infrastructure?
We are NOT going back to the moon at probably the south pole just to explore at all, we ARE going back to begin the exploitation of those resources that will make such further out explorations as Mars and even beyond even possible for mankind!
And yes, I have not only read, but even own Dr. Zubrin's excellent books, do you?
But I also have read and own the even better book by Dr. G. K. O'Neill, who knew and understood just what it is really going to take to get humanity into space as a space faring civilization far more than Dr. Zubrin did!!
Besides which, if we can not even get back to the moon, where we originally got back to some 40 years ago, just what makes you even begin to think that we could then get out those 400 times further to Mars? To say nothing of being able to even do anything useful or worthwhile when we got there!!
Evidently, what some are saying now is that it might even be too much for us to even go back to the moon, what makes you think that such people are EVER going to approve going all the way out to Mars?????
I do not really mean to be nasty or even sarcastic here, but this particular argument has been hashed over again and agin on these boards, and at least a large majority or so of those here (there WAS a pol taken over this, if somebody can find it and give the actual numbers, I would appreciate it) were totally convinced that going back to the moon was not only more important than going on to Mars at this time, but was even essential to even going further out to Mars and beyond at all!
Personally, I am more than willing to go with that majority, and making such statements as "Been there done that" gets my own goat just a little less than those that have denied that we ever actually set our footprints on the moon in the first place!! :x :x :x :x
But, nothing personal, Have an Excellent Day Anyway!!

We have NOT even begun to hardly explore the moon at all!! You that claim to be a scientist do not know that?
Actually, when I stated earlier that we had explored an area about the size of the San Fernando Vally, even there I was exaggerating! Perhaps the West End of that Vally (whose size I do have some idea about, as I have lived almost my entire life here) at best.
Now the total surface area of the moon is explorable (unlike a great deal of the Earth's surface that is buried under miles of Ocean water), and its area is about the same as the total areas of Australia and Africa put together.
Now, could you even begin to say that you had thoroughly explored both the continents of Australia AND Africa by exploring the West San Fernando Vally?
For instance, while some scientists may have suspected that there might be water ice in the deep and permanently dark craters at the poles of the moon, we certainly did not find out the truth of that until recently!
Then how about that part of the moon that is permanently hidden from the view of the Earth, just how many astronauts have walked there?
You know Jim48, I am quite possibly an insufferable elitist as some here seem to believe, and what has a tendency to get this particular educated elitist is when people here make ignorant remarks such as "Been there, done hat!"
As for Mars, it IS only some 400 times as far away at best than the nearby moon is. Don't you think that it just might conceivably make it far harder to reach if we do not first have a true space faring civilization between the Earth and the moon? One that is capable of using the fantastic resources of the moon to build such an infrastructure?
We are NOT going back to the moon at probably the south pole just to explore at all, we ARE going back to begin the exploitation of those resources that will make such further out explorations as Mars and even beyond even possible for mankind!
And yes, I have not only read, but even own Dr. Zubrin's excellent books, do you?
But I also have read and own the even better book by Dr. G. K. O'Neill, who knew and understood just what it is really going to take to get humanity into space as a space faring civilization far more than Dr. Zubrin did!!
Besides which, if we can not even get back to the moon, where we originally got back to some 40 years ago, just what makes you even begin to think that we could then get out those 400 times further to Mars? To say nothing of being able to even do anything useful or worthwhile when we got there!!
Evidently, what some are saying now is that it might even be too much for us to even go back to the moon, what makes you think that such people are EVER going to approve going all the way out to Mars?????
I do not really mean to be nasty or even sarcastic here, but this particular argument has been hashed over again and agin on these boards, and at least a large majority or so of those here (there WAS a pol taken over this, if somebody can find it and give the actual numbers, I would appreciate it) were totally convinced that going back to the moon was not only more important than going on to Mars at this time, but was even essential to even going further out to Mars and beyond at all!
Personally, I am more than willing to go with that majority, and making such statements as "Been there done that" gets my own goat just a little less than those that have denied that we ever actually set our footprints on the moon in the first place!! :x :x :x :x
But, nothing personal, Have an Excellent Day Anyway!!