<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'><font color="#800000">What the hell is perchlorate doing on the martian surface.</font> Thats rocket fuel. No way. <font color="#ff0000">It must of came from earth.</font> My theory is the water samples they brought from earth. The TEGA is very sensitive and will sniff out the smallest amounts. We have all kinds of stuff in our water supply. Also pheonix engines dont use perchlorate. This is very sad news, but fascinating also. <br />Posted by stupidlaminatedrock</DIV><br /><br />Sigh....<strong><font size="3">Perchlorate didn't come from Earth.</font></strong></p><p><font size="2">Now that I have your attention...</font></p><p><font size="4" color="#0000ff"><strong>Perchlorates are formed photochemically !</strong></font></p><p><font size="1">For example, see:
http://sephas.dri.edu/Docs/Miller_Photochem_tranform_rxns.pdf</font></p><em><font size="2"><font size="6"><p align="center"><strong><font size="3">Photochemical Transformation Reactions on Desert Soil Surfaces</font> </strong></p></font><font size="4"><p align="center"><font size="2">Submitted to the Nevada NSF EPSCoR Program: </font></p><p align="left"><font size="2">Scaling Environmental Processes in Heterogeneous Arid Soils (SEPHAS) </font></p><p align="left"><font size="2">By </font></p><p align="left"><font size="2">Glenn C. Miller, Professor </font></p><p align="left"><font size="2">Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences </font></p><p align="left"><font size="2">Mail Stop 199 </font></p><p align="left"><font size="2">University of Nevada </font></p><p align="left"><font size="2">Reno, NV 89557</font> </p><p align="left"><strong>....SNIP....</strong></p></font><p align="left"><strong>Desert Soils and Titanium Dioxide as Semiconductor Photocatalysts:</strong> <font face="Arial,Arial" size="2"><font face="Arial,Arial" size="2">In the previous two years, we have initiated experiments that have demonstrated the photochemical formation of perchlorate on titanium dioxide and desert sands in the presence of chloride (Table 1a, 1b), and we believe that at least part of the perchlorate found in desert soils and groundwater is from this photocatalyzed reaction. The concentrations vary dramatically with different soils, and further information is required for a more complete understanding of the soil properties that catalyze this reaction. Titanium dioxide (TiO<sub>2<font size="3">) is common soil constituent and a semiconducting material which can be photochemically stimulated by light energy. It is primarily extracted from sand deposits. Two active forms of TiO2 are commonly known in heterogeneous photocatalytic reactions, rutile and anatase, with anatase being photocatalytically more active. When the anatase phase is excited by light quantum of energy equal to or greater than the band-gap energy 3.2 eV (corresponding to a wavelength (</font><font size="3"><font face="Arial,Arial"><font face="Arial,Arial">λ</font></font><font face="Arial,Arial"><font face="Arial,Arial">) ~385nm) it promotes an electron from the valence band to the empty conduction band and produces electron-hole pairs that undergo further redox reactions. The electron reacts with O2 and the hole reacts with OH<sup>¯ to produce ·OH (Fig. 1). It is thermodynamically favorable for the hole to oxidize water to ·OH and for the electron to reduce O2 at -0.13 eV. This type of photocatalytic reaction requires a semiconductor with band-gap energy greater than 3 eV, making anatase an ideal photocatalyst [29]. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2 is substantially influenced by the anatase or rutile structural form, surface area, impurities, porosity, surface hydroxyl group density, etc. These properties affect the photoproduction of electron-hole pairs, the surface adsorption and desorption process and the redox process [29]. </sup></font></font></font></sub></font></font></p></font></em><p align="left"><sub><font size="3"><font face="Arial,Arial"><font face="Arial,Arial"><sup> ++++++++++++++++++++++</sup></font></font></font></sub></p><p align="left"><sub><font size="3"><font face="Arial,Arial"><font face="Arial,Arial"><sup>Or see:</sup></font></font></font></sub></p><p align="left"><strong><font size="4">Photochemical formation of perchlorate from aqueous oxychlorine anions</font></strong> </p><p align="left"><em>Anal. Chem. Acta</em></p><p align="left"><sub><font size="3"><font face="Arial,Arial"><font face="Arial,Arial"><sup>
<font size="1">http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TF4-4JD0H75-5&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=b5cb9611f8b3bb84567a03149cc336aa</font></sup></font></font></font></sub></p><p align="left"><sub><font size="3"><font face="Arial,Arial"><font face="Arial,Arial"><sup>++++++++++++++</sup></font></font></font></sub></p><p align="left"><sub><font size="3"><font face="Arial,Arial"><font face="Arial,Arial"><sup>Oh finally, you may find this article to be interesting too:</sup></font></font></font></sub></p><p align="left">
<font size="1">http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TF4-4JD0H75-5&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=b5cb9611f8b3bb84567a03149cc336aa</font></p><p align="left"><font face="Arial,Arial"><font face="Arial,Arial"><font size="3"><strong>Detection and characterization of oxidizing acids in the Atacama Desert</strong> </font></font></font></p><font face="Arial,Arial"><font face="Arial,Arial"><div class="articleText" style="display:inline"><h3 class="h3"><font size="3">Abstract</font></h3><p><font size="3">Evidence of atmospherically produced perchlorate is being accumulated, yet information regarding its formation process is largely unknown. <font color="#ff0000">For the first time, the present study demonstrates that perchlorate can be generated as an end-product of photochemical transformation reactions of chlorine precursors such as aqueous salt solutions of hypochlorite, chlorite, and chlorate upon exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation.</font> For example, under exposure to UV light from photochemical reactor lamps at a peak wavelength of 253.7 nm for 7 days, the observed perchlorate concentrations were 5, 25, and 626 μg/L at initial chlorite concentrations of 100, 1000, and 10,000 mg/L, respectively. In addition, perchlorate was generated within 7 days from aqueous chlorite solutions at mid-latitude (33°59′N, 101°89′W) spring and summer solar radiation. Via UV radiation from the artificial lamps and sunlight, chlorite was converted to chloride (68%) and chlorate (32%) as end-products on the basis of molar percentage. However, perchlorate was not detected from aqueous chloride solutions at initial concentrations up to 10,000 mg/L under the experimental conditions. Relevant mechanistic pathways were proposed based on the fact that chlorine dioxide (as a primary intermediate) may play a significant role in phototransformation of the precursors leading to perchlorate.</font></p></div><font size="3">using the Mars Oxidation Instrument </font></font></font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature" align="center"><em><font color="#0000ff">- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -</font></em> </div><div class="Discussion_UserSignature" align="center"><font color="#0000ff"><em>I really, really, really miss the "first unread post" function.</em></font> </div> </div>