Space and Time travel

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I have come up with a design that can travel faster than light by infinite multiples. The basic shape of the craft is similar to that of a spiral galaxy. The reason being is it's strong connection to the forces of gravity. At the center of the craft is a large, super dense, high-carbon, electro-magnet core with a + pole and a - pole. This core needs an extreme amount of energy, so a nuclear powered, magetic sphere core is needed to produce such energies. The design of magnetic flow should be modeled from the design of a spiral galaxy down to the smallest wavelength. These patterns of Electro-magnetism can be found in all things Matter. Most easily seen with a microscopic view of a snowflake (sample photo's). To simulate such a force of gravity, amplified by an extreme amount of energy would create a craft that could use it's surrounding forces to propell it's self, or to keep it's self stable. A computer is needed, like the systems of a modern F-18 fighter jet to constantly maintain stability of the craft. The gravity inside the craft would be like the gravity on Earth, so that high G-force maneuvers would not effect the human body until multiples of the speed of light are reached. For faster than speed of light travel, and for protection from the Electro-magnetic forcefield flowing through the craft, the pilot would have to wear a special suit to reduce these stress's on the human body. The magnetic bubble around the craft would protect the craft at faster than light speeds from being disintigrated, and the suit would be a magnetic forcefield created around the human body for further protection from these invisible forces of magnetism and gravity. <br /> Using math, we can decide how much force is needed to propell us through space at any multiple of the speed of light necessary to arive at our destination in the same instant we left our origin. Morally, we will have to choose to return to our origin before or after the instant we left. How much before or after


Have you tried posting this to the science fiction forum?


It is not fiction. What if I said that we reside in this craft, and this craft is our galaxy. As we travel through existence in this spiral galaxy we travel through time, for we see this as the present. What if we could map our entire galaxy every planet, moon star, and so on... To better understand the flow of gravity as a force of nature. Also, understanding the mass of each object to studie orbit patterns. Then, we could take this model, shrink it down into a craft as small as an Airforce jet. We could use Electro-magnetism and gravity as an energy source. There would be no need for jets any longer. I can see that small.


OK I'll bite.<br /><br />Why does it need to be in the shape of a spiral galaxy? Take a look around you. There are untold billions of elliptical, irregular and dwarf galaxies all doing the very same thing our spiral is doing. What's the signficance of the spiral structure?<br /><br />Hitching a ride with our local barred spiral are a number of dwarf galaxies (LMC, SMC, SAGDEG etc). They are gravitationally bound to the Milky Way. And none of them remotely resembles a spiral.<br /><br />You don't even need a galaxy at all. There are individual stars existing well outside the boundaries of any galaxy. They too travel through spacetime at similar speeds to the Milky Way. Why don't you make your ship in the shape of an oblate sphere?<br /><br />Irregardless of the shape, our galaxy is not travelling at superluminal speeds. Nor have I noticed us travelling backward in time. Thou I admit I am not the most observant fellow.


Those other galaxies are theorized as once being a part of a spiral, and that clustered galaxies are the result of galaxy collision or other unknown phenomenon. The spiral is the galaxy in order. It's not just a spiral galaxy that takes the shape. look at nature all around you. Your skin is bound together by these same patterns of force. look at this Diatom frustule. See how it's matter is bound together at the microscopic level. That is the same force that binds a spiral galaxy.


What exactly is a Diatom Frustule? It sounds interesting. You'll have to answer a barrage of questions at the big press conference, like, how do you control gravity, attain such a super dense carbon core, and why the choice of design? Well, I love hearing other people's theories about super dooper FTL travel and all that. Good luck.


This sounds nice in theory, but practically it would require much more than just that; like if I told you that I intended to build a car and then described the basic principles of its operation-I’d need to have a deeper knowledge of many of the parts and principles before I could actually build one.<br /><br />Also, doing such a thing would require many orders of magnitude more energy than any nuclear reactor in current operation could provide (I’ve even heard that the power of an entire sun might be required). Furthermore, talking about surpassing the speed of light with a huge, massive spacecraft is easy-providing detailed equations or a real life example of how this is possible is another (although I’ll read any that you have). <br />


<font color="yellow">What exactly is a Diatom Frustule?</font><br /><br />A diatom's "skeleton" is called a frustule.<br /><br />It is made of silica, and forms a kind of cell wall for the diatom. Fossilized diatoms have many uses. I think it's even been used as an ice-cream additive, but I'm not sure.<br /><br />A more appropriate pelagic species would be the crimson form of <i>Etrumeus teres<i>.</i></i>


The real challenge is to understand the flow of electric current. How does a lightning bolt travel? What do these patterns look like? How can we harness these patterns into a structure? <br /><br />In a boat on a body of water we are safe, but a boat caught in a large whirlpool will sink. Think of this super dense core as being center, and at each pole +, and -. A magnetic whirpool accures. We can't see it, but it is there. A child can play with it by opposing two magnets to repell each other. If we can create a motor that minics the magnetism of a modeled galaxy to the last wire, or wavelength, we could then create the gravitational force of a modeled galaxy, amplify it with energy, fit it into a F-22 sized craft, and go. It's not so much the outer shell that looks like a spiral galaxy, but the magnetic motor inside the craft that is modeled from a spiral galaxy. The array of magnetic force applied at any given rate is designed based on the most efficient means of magnetic flow. Spiral galaxies can show us a lot about gravity and magnetic flow as it happens in zero gravity. What is it that binds these stars and planets together? What is going on at the center of these galaxies? It would be the combination of densities displaced throughout the design of the motor to yield the sum of the mass. Changing the amount of energy would change the amount of mass. Thus, giving the craft the ability to stabilize it's self, or not stabilize it's self. Electro-magnetism exists at all levels of matter. Small and large, even micro and beyond. Microscopic images of snowflakes reveal these patterns of electro-magnetism at it's simplest form. Or the eye's of a fruit fly, what is it that makes the patterns emerge? <br /><br />It is the underlying pattern of magnetic force that binds all things matter. ALL THINGS. Everything that is matter is bound together by these micro patterns of magnetism. A spiral galaxy is just a very large version of this same pattern that emerges. To study the na


The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but having new eyes. <br />- Marcel Proust


Shrinking magnetism beyond a certain point is impossible as HDD designers discovered.<br />Exceedingly high electromagnetism within magnetic cores defeats itself by saturation.<br />Shrinking gravity will eventually cause it to consume it's surroundings.<br />I don't think this is even science fiction or am I misunderstanding your explanation.


No. I'm not talking about shrinking magnetism, but shrinking the size of the magnet. From galaxy sized to air plane sized. I have a small magnet on my refrigerator, and its not impossible. The design is key. I could draw you a picture, but I don't have a scanner handy. Using the sum of the parts to one's benefit. Placed in an array for maximum efficiency. Using electro-magnets we can regulate the amount of charge the magnet gives or recieves. Magnetism does not change. Magnetism and gravity cause matter to reduce in mass at the speed of light or greater.<br /><br />O.K. If we put a umbrella like structure on the tip of a bullet or torpedo the effect is a pocket will from around the bullet or torpedo. in water a bubble will from. reducing the surface of friction causing the bullet or torpedo to move extremely fast. This effectively reduces the drag created by the large body of the bullet or torpedo. Well, at light speeds we need to create this pocket around the craft, thus reducing the Mass of the matter which would reduce friction and drag. It would be like, as we increased in speed, turning a dimmer switch on the Higgs field. If, in fact, we can prove that this Higgs field is there. The speed of light is the threshold to the dimmer. as we pass the speed of light our mass reduces and the Higgs field gets dimmer. I remember when super computers filled entire warehouses and could only play tic-tac-toe. Size in this case does not matter as we now have notebook computers 10,000 times faster than the first crude super computers. Why do we need to wait 4 years to make this huge structure to prove the Higgs field? It seems to me a lot like the first super computers, but thats just my opinion.


Well, we cannot see this Dark matter, but we know it is there. Is that so science fiction? What is the model of our own galaxy? We do not know. Just because we do not know the model of our galaxy, it does not mean that the model cannot exist. 10 dimensions. 1 Time, 3 for what we percieve. but inside the vacuum of space 6 more emerge. take a cube. and plot a point at the center of each plane, up (north pole) being pointed in-ward, and down (south pole) being pointed out-ward from all 6 planes of the cube. each point of view is its own dimension. 6 in total. 3 + points of view, and 3 - points of view. Reality exist in only one or the other + or -, so matter, that we can percieve is of 3 points of view. 3 D. Numbers beyond infinity, beyond reality make up the other 3 dimensions that we cannot see. so 1 time dimension exist for this instant. another 3 dimensions for how we percieve things in 3 D, reality. another 6 dimensions make up the vacuum of space. But think of this, each point of view of the 6 dimensions contains a point of origin, a zero point, so from one's point of view, in one plane, up is in fact the same direction as down is from the opposite plane's point of view. So an infinite number of dimensions can be revealed using basic perspective principles. we know that matter comes in 3 generations. this is why. In the vacuum we have 6 dimensions, and from the perspective of each dimension comes 3 more dimensions that we can see, and so on, and so on. Reality can only percieve 3 dimensions of the 6 that exist. so, one could say, that in each dimension 6 more dimensions exist, and so on, and so on. But we can only percieve 3 as matter, thing that are apart of reality. The other 3 dimensions that are not apart of reality in each plane in the vacuum is the cancellation of the expance of the universe. This is the balance of the universe, and this is the reason why every particle has a + pole and a - pole. Just like the earth and the sun are balanced, so are ever


So what difference would the 'bar' at the centre of our galaxy have?


The best Jack Daniels in all the galaxy I'm afraid... And IF! you like cranberry and Vodka, well there will be a plethora of cocktails already mixed.<br /><br />fo' sho' tho' ... I have a sketch that shows the geometry of this equation, the math, I just need to scan it, so I will show you the secret to multi-dimensional space when I get to kinko's <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />.... It is quite simple realy, it makes string theory work, It solves the cosmological constant problem, and I'm sure some great minds will come together on this and think of many more things it can help us to understand. It is a model of a single universe, at its simplest state. Soon I'll get this drawing up and the whole world can share in its spledor. I do not believe that any one man should benefit from this knowledge, or become even, well known, though I'm afraid " FAME" is an unwanted byproduct of innovation.


see how in this crop circle 6 dimensions exist, but only 3 are in our plane. what we call reality.


I have no aversion to vodka and cranberry.<br />Nor to a hearty dose of Johnny Walker <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />Twas recently in the news, though, that ours is a bar-spiral galaxy rather than a spiral galaxy. Those in the know think it could be due to stuff streaming into the black hole at the centre non-uniformly.<br /><br />As I understand your theory from previous posts, to make things with non-zero rest mass travel faster than the speed of light you would use magnets for energy. Somehow this energy, though the graph is assymptotic at c, could overturn the first postulate. You theorise that only a time machine in likeness with a spiral galaxy, with an extremely miniscule magnet with immense energy could do this. Is my understanding basically there? If so, what would a 'line' of more densely packed material going through the centre of this time machine do?


Yeah, but the shape, is just a model of the design of a galaxy. Not exactly like it, but a model of it. what are the forces controling this existence of ours? A line passing through the center would break the infinity threshold and emerge into the other 3 dimensions of our universe that are not apart of reality. We would cross over. Its not a Time machine. Time is byproduct of traveling great distances at great speeds. To achieve a proper mapping of of our galaxy we must explore its entirety. We have a problem, we are talking about a lot of light years away. The only way to travel these distances is to go faster than light by any number of multiples in order to get to the far reaches of just our own galaxy. The unwanted side effect of this, is Time governed by one's perspective. So, lets say I wanted to travel to the center of our galaxy, check out whats there, and then come back. Given the distance and the speed would determine one's time. So lets say I go on a 25 year tour, but want to come back to earth 1 second after I left. I would have experienced the 25 years, but to everyone else on earth, I was only gone one second. I would appear to age 25 years in 1 second from the perspective of earth. So Time is only relative to one's perspective. Interstellar space craft, yes. Time machine, No.<br /><br />To travel faster than the speed of light one must travel with the aid of Electro-magetism and Gravity. Together. What I'm saying is to reduce friction of the space craft, a bubble in the Higgs field is needed to surround the craft, thus eliminating friction. Just like we create bubbles around torpedo's to make them travel underwater faster. But the water of space is this Higgs field. So, inside the bubble, things would be some what normal, but from a view outside this bubble, we are moving at the speed of light or faster.


The title is right and the thread is dying, so I'm borrowing it for something that's almost on the same topic: <i>time travel physics.</i><br /><br />According to Special Relativity, time travel is not technically forbidden. Theoretically, the equation is balanced, so it allows flow in both directions. Hence... time travel.<br /><i>Hold that thought.</i><br /><br />According to the Standard Model, an antiparticle should be the same as its particle, but with an opposite spin. This is known as "Charge Parity" (CP).<br /><i>Hold that thought.</i><br /><br />In 1964, James Cronin and Val Fitch at the Brookhaven National Laboratory discovered something that shouldn’t exist: a CP violation in K mesons. The mysterious phenomenon was investigated and it was suggested this was why there was so much matter in the universe and so little antimatter. In 2001, an international team at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) confirmed a second CP violation in B mesons.<br /><br />Put your noggins to work: <i>Does this asymmetry bar time travel as we imagined it?</i> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p style="font:normalnormalnormal12px/normalTimes;margin:0px"><strong>Mere precedent is a dangerous source of authority.</strong></p> <p style="font:normalnormalnormal12px/normalTimes;margin:0px">-Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)</p> </div>
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