Great Job !
Watched the launch from my home, and also on line.
It was amazing to see all engines burning like a LED light in the night. Great Job.
Was amazed about a shorter lift off time, saving fuel, less issues with the pad, and to save water.
Was surprised about the use of using water to protect the pad during lift off. Great idea.
(Pad drains would be nice, to recover the water to be reused, pumped back to the water tank)
* Note : the pad itself seems to be a cluttered, not set in a open area like N.A.S.A. used to do, tanks and equipment isn't far away and brings a little concern to my mind, I would assume this is only a test site and those issues will be taken care of in the future in a different area.
Separation is a little puzzling to me, as I would think the 1st stage would stay in a vertical position for a longer period of time to absorb the trust of the Second Stage, and then turn. Avoiding trust from the 2nd stage in a horizontal position. This would also allow slowing speeds of the 1st stage before a turn. The view in the sky from the first stage after separation was truly something I will never forget. (RUD)
Loss of communication ?
Could the separation be part of this failure as they seemed to happen not long after each other? In some ways I believe it might have been part of the plan, built to not last but one trip, recovery and reuse with salt water not the best options or cost effective for reuse. (Recommended; a black box type information gathering for on board data collection and recovery if not already being done.)
Without failure we don't learn, we all must fall before we walk. I can say this launch was truly amazing. 100% better than the last attempt.
Keep up the good work and dedication.