Thanks everyone - I also didnt realise the spare had both Side A/B in one module. Nothing new on the spare, but this from the New Scientist article doesnt sound good:<br /><br />(http://space.newscientist.com/article/dn14908-hubble-replacement-part-has-glitches-of-its-own.html)<br /><p><em>The spare, known as the Science Instrument/Command & Data Handling (SI/C&DH) system, was developed years after Hubble's unit and is not an exact replica of it, says Hubble manager Preston Burch of Goddard.</em></p> <p><em>For example, Hubble's unit stores data using older, "core" memory technology, some types of which are very robust against power failures. The flight spare, however, uses modern CMOS memory, which can be lost when the unit loses power.</em></p> <p><em>The flight spare was tested around the time of the telescope's launch in 1990, and again in 2001, during tests of a cooling unit for the probe's Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer. Records show that glitches occurred in the device during those tests, Burch told <strong>New Scientist</strong>.</em></p><em>The team is still digging through paperwork on the unit, but the system seems to have trouble relaying commands. "There were a number of problems that were discovered with it," Burch told New Scientist. "Those anomalies were never fully resolved."<br /><br />The team is now re-assembling the unit and plans to power it up on a mock-up of the telescope's electrical system, called the Vehicle Electrical System Test facility, or VEST, as early as 20 October.<br /><br />But given the device's troubled history, the planned February launch might be "very ambitious", Burch told New Scientist. "We won't have a lot of confidence in our February schedule until we've had an opportunity to run this thing on the VEST for a week or two to see what we've got."<br /><br />If problems with the unit are difficult to fix, this might result in additional delays to the servicing mission. This could strain NASA's already tight shuttle launch schedule, since the agency hopes to launch the repair mission with a back-up shuttle at the ready and the shuttles are set to retire in 2010<br /><br /></em><br />This mission may not happen by Feb 09. Anyone know what else would happen instead? Does NASA have another mission lined up for the Shuttle it can bring forward? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>