The sun let out another flare and the photos are stunning

Solar cycle 25 began in 2020, though the last X-class flare came in 2019. So the peak activity will be around 2025 or so. These cycles last from 9 years to 13 years, 11 years on average.

This cycle may still prove to be below average in overall activity, as was cycle 24 (lowest in 100 years). I found this quote interesting (from here ):

Ron Turner is an analyst at ANSER, a research institute in Virginia. He’s been studying the sun’s 11-year cycle for many years. He told earlier this month that:
… "It might be too early to anticipate a strong solar cycle … I took sunspot numbers from the early years of Solar Cycle 24 and overlaid them on Solar Cycle 25. They’re an almost perfect match.''

Also... From bouncing around the web, it's interesting that the Farmer's Almanac incorporates solar cycles into their empirical weather modeling. [see here]