Feature This week's community question is about wormholes!

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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Totally unwarranted imagination, but if you imagine watching someone being shot using FTL observation, the bullet would leave their head (whatever) and travel backwards, entering the gun barrel before the trigger was pulled.

The point I am making is, in this admittedly totally hypothetical situation: you would not see the person being shot in the sequence trigger-bullet-impact, as in seeing the past happening, but you would see the present unhappen.

Just some useless philosophy to amuse you.

Cat :)
Totally unwarranted imagination, but if you imagine watching someone being shot using FTL observation, the bullet would leave their head (whatever) and travel backwards, entering the gun barrel before the trigger was pulled.

The point I am making is, in this admittedly totally hypothetical situation: you would not see the person being shot in the sequence trigger-bullet-impact, as in seeing the past happening, but you would see the present unhappen.

Just some useless philosophy to amuse you.

Cat :)
From one perspective you are correct. However, I imagine I'm traveling at faster than the speed of light; I catch up to and pass the bullet and arrive at the target where I stop. As I look at the oncoming frames of light, they show the marksman firing, the oncoming bullet's trajectory to its target in that order. i.e.: from my perspective I've traveled into the target's future from my past and the bullet's. Now for the 3rd cup of coffee and a Danish before considering the other perspective. Thank goodness for our slow speed of life. It's beyond me how "Uncle Albert" kept moving all of the pieces on this multidimensional chessboard.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
You are quite justified in exercising the same totally unwarranted imagination as I did. :)

All you have to do is follow my path, stop, and then go forwards again to follow trigger-bullet-head and you have gone back in time, and then watched the event forwards.

I could quibble bout the stop-reverse sequence, but I won't.
Its your totally unwarranted imagination after all. Who am I to argue?

Cat :)
You are quite justified in exercising the same totally unwarranted imagination as I did. :)

All you have to do is follow my path, stop, and then go forwards again to follow trigger-bullet-head and you have gone back in time, and then watched the event forwards.

I could quibble bout the stop-reverse sequence, but I won't.
Its your totally unwarranted imagination after all. Who am I to argue?

Cat :)
Nolo Contendere; This thread has been thought provoking, fun and loosen up some mental cobwebs. My thanks to all.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Nolo Contendere
"a plea by which a defendant in a criminal prosecution accepts conviction but does not plead or admit guilt."

I certainly would not countenance any suggestion of criminality ;)

Cat :)
Jul 2, 2020
If it is recognized that the background red shift is due to photon decay, all of the unresolved questions of the origin and future of the universe will be answered. See www.PhotonStructure.com (which was the very first photon structure site 2-1/2 decades ago and is presently being upgraded and is under construction in its 4th incarnation).
Mar 5, 2021
I don't think the wormhole / brain folds idea works.

As far as I know, brain folding just packs a larger area into a given volume. I have never heard of any communication across folds - but I stand to be corrected if anyone knows better.

Cat :)
One advantage of gyrification is thought to be increased speed of brain cell communication, since cortical folds allow for cells to be closer to one other, requiring less time and energy to transmit neuronal electrical impulses, termed action potentials.
Mar 5, 2021
I also think of wormholes as the handle of a cup (maybe an inverted space-time continuum), Instead of going through the cup, you can take the handle (less traffic!)


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
One advantage of gyrification is thought to be increased speed of brain cell communication, since cortical folds allow for cells to be closer to one other, requiring less time and energy to transmit neuronal electrical impulses, termed action potentials.
The Earth is thought to be flat by some people.

Cat :)
Mar 5, 2021
Does not the curved handle appear to be the longer route?

Cat :)
In wormhole theory, a non-orientable wormhole is a wormhole connection that appears to reverse the chirality of anything passed through it. It is related to the "twisted" connections normally used to construct a Möbius strip or Klein bottle. In topology, this sort of connection is referred to as an Alice handle

To me, the twisting could create more speed

More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-orientable_wormhole
Nov 13, 2020

Hiya, folks :) Here we are with yet another Community Question! This time around...I'm thinking we go ahead and test our imagination even further.

Nearly all space enthusiasts have, at some point, been fascinated by the noble wormhole. Honestly, who wouldn't be? It's a mysterious, spectacular phenomena that has frequently tested the limits of astrophysics. So, I want to know, if it was possible to pass through a wormhole safely and you were given the opportunity to do so...what would you expect to see on the other side?

I'm embarrassed to say that there's a part of my brain that insists I'd find myself in the same universe, but hundreds of years in the past. It seems the cartoons I saw as a child (and one Physics teacher who tolerated my incessant questions) have allowed that idea to stick to my brain!

How about you? What would you expect to see on the other side of a wormhole?

And remember, we'll be featuring some of our favourite answers on the weekly community round-up!

I think a discussion of this argument is a nonsense. Wormholes are for now only theoretical obiects, and could not exist at all.
For me, this question would find a better place in a sci-fi forum.
Nov 10, 2020
I think a discussion of this argument is a nonsense. Wormholes are for now only theoretical objects, and could not exist at all.
For me, this question would find a better place in a sci-fi forum.
Plus even if they do exist as part of a more compete description of reality unifying GR and quantum mechanics likely as some form of the ER=EPR conjecture (the one area were they haven't been ruled out completely in the absence of negative mass energy) they would almost certainly be nontraversable wormholes existing at the level of quantum fuzziness. To be traversable you need something to stabilize it against collapse which thus far does not appear to exist. The casimir effect or dark energy type fluctuations wouldn't be able to do that on their own as far as we can tell which is a good thing for the sake of existing as if dark energy did have the ability to support wormholes it would then also be able to produce a "big rip" which is probably the most horrifying and violent way for the universe to end as you would be able to see it coming as structures unravel starting at the top of hierarchical levels. Simply terrifying.
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Mar 5, 2021
Plus even if they do exist as part of a more compete description of reality unifying GR and quantum mechanics likely as some form of the ER=EPR conjecture (the one area were they haven't been ruled out completely in the absence of negative mass energy) they would almost certainly be nontraversable wormholes existing at the level of quantum fuzziness. To be traversable you need something to stabilize it against collapse which thus far does not appear to exist. The casimir effect or dark energy type fluctuations wouldn't be able to do that on their own as far as we can tell which is a good thing for the sake of existing as if dark energy did have the ability to support wormholes it would then also be able to produce a "big rip" which is probably the most horrifying and violent way for the universe to end as you would be able to see it coming as structures unravel starting at the top of hierarchical levels. Simply terrifying.
We may need to learn more about quantum gravity which affects the potential feasibility of wormholes. They may not need negative mass to exist. Until then, wormholes may be to us, as observers, a feat of our imagination.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Depends on which path is taken-resistance and traffic jams or one of clarity. Similar to paths that information from neurons can take in the brain, nervous system or muscles.
I was once stuck on a UK motorway for over 4 hours.
All traffic had to come off at the junction and back up the other side of the roundabout (circle).
The accident was actually on the motorway itself precisely at the junction.
That corresponds to "clarity" on that occasion.
Nov 13, 2020
Plus even if they do exist as part of a more compete description of reality unifying GR and quantum mechanics likely as some form of the ER=EPR conjecture (the one area were they haven't been ruled out completely in the absence of negative mass energy) they would almost certainly be nontraversable wormholes existing at the level of quantum fuzziness. To be traversable you need something to stabilize it against collapse which thus far does not appear to exist. The casimir effect or dark energy type fluctuations wouldn't be able to do that on their own as far as we can tell which is a good thing for the sake of existing as if dark energy did have the ability to support wormholes it would then also be able to produce a "big rip" which is probably the most horrifying and violent way for the universe to end as you would be able to see it coming as structures unravel starting at the top of hierarchical levels. Simply terrifying.
I add that all the attempts to unify GR and quantum mechanics are at the present highly speculative and this unification may be even impossible, as suggested for example by Andrej Sacharov.
Furthermore, the exact nature of dark energy is also unknown.
Jan 21, 2020
I see the picture of wormholes like this. Wormholes re there to transform only information from one point to the others. Likewise say black holes are storing the information within them.

Is my idea right or wrong? I shall appreciate if some can throw light on this.
Mar 5, 2021
I see the picture of wormholes like this. Wormholes re there to transform only information from one point to the others. Likewise say black holes are storing the information within them.

Is my idea right or wrong? I shall appreciate if some can throw light on this.
I'm assuming when you use 'information', you are referring to what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things-such as speed, movement, position, what our galaxy is doing, etc. I also assume from what I have read, that only the smallest particles travelling the speed of light can go through the black hole. Black holes may store information but there still is a question as to whether radiation that leaks from the black hole is taking information with it.

As far as transferring information, the folds of our brain are similar in function to the wormhole.

There can be mirror-image universes, parallel universes, etc., where information can be exchanged, creating chaos out of order and order out of chaos. To me, unboiling an egg is an example of this playfulnesss.
Mar 6, 2021

Hiya, folks :) Here we are with yet another Community Question! This time around...I'm thinking we go ahead and test our imagination even further.

Nearly all space enthusiasts have, at some point, been fascinated by the noble wormhole. Honestly, who wouldn't be? It's a mysterious, spectacular phenomena that has frequently tested the limits of astrophysics. So, I want to know, if it was possible to pass through a wormhole safely and you were given the opportunity to do so...what would you expect to see on the other side?

I'm embarrassed to say that there's a part of my brain that insists I'd find myself in the same universe, but hundreds of years in the past. It seems the cartoons I saw as a child (and one Physics teacher who tolerated my incessant questions) have allowed that idea to stick to my brain!

How about you? What would you expect to see on the other side of a wormhole?

And remember, we'll be featuring some of our favourite answers on the weekly community round-up!
I love the idea of how wormholes spark my imagination. The other side of the wormhole may not just be about what we see out there, but also where and when. On the other side, I might find myself on a different part of the universe, or a completely alternate universe or even the possibility of traveling to a different time.
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