Tools for space colonies

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Many of the space settlement threads here have covered the means to get to mars/moon/asteroids and the supply methods.<br /><br />I feel that the most important part of a settlement is what can you do there. For a settlement to become independent it requires the ability to replicate the all the tools that keep the place running.<br /><br />There are several plans to use resources in situ but they normally include mining water or to get other fuels. <br /><br />How can you mine resources, refine them, shape them, make sure they are air tight and how they integrate with the rest of the habitat?<br /><br />I have been reading these threads for over a year now but was unable to get on due to technical problems. I look forward to discussing things with you all.


well chris look at it like this:<br /><br />1.) we will have to provide the initial habitat to live in. we will also need to provide the power source, vehicles, and greenhouse for when we set up shop. that initial landing will also require us to make our own fuel for reflight back to mars orbit for rendevue and return trip to home.<br /><br />2.) spare parts will be needed and to be sent as well for the initial habitat. then more insitu equipment must be provided on more launches.<br /><br />3.) you can create a small smelter and ore processing facility but it will have to operate in some type of enviroment which is oxygen based or self contained. it will require a large launch for something like this. I heard of a space smelter once just using sunlight but i dont know how affective that is.<br /><br />4.) in order to mine you will need mining equipment that is specifically designed for a non-oxygen atmosphere. so designing and building this equipment and operating it will cost time and money.<br /><br />5.) it can be done but it takes time and the first base wont be over 20 people max even if we go there and stay there becuase of the gravity of the planet. unless studies say we can handle it for long periods of time. but thats unlikely past 12 months.<br /><br />6.) we will have to have nuclear space vehicles to make transit times faster than ion/plasma or chemical means to and from earth.<br /><br />7.) probably the reason not to many ppl discuss this is because most posters here have emphasis on the space vehicles while other engineers and technicians do work on the things you talk about accept they arent as glamerous as a shiny new rocket or shuttle launch...<br /><br /><br />so either way you look at it chris it will require mass resources on both our end and the martian end. it cant be done over night so the process will take several years if not a decade or longer once we are there...<br /><br />hope this helps you out somewhat...


I was rather hoping for specific links to any research being done on this. For example the challenge to get so much oxygen from moon regolith.<br /><br />I know most people concentrate on the space craft. But the size of spacecraft is strongly influenced but what it has to take. Thats one of the problems with using a CEV to go to mars.<br /><br />A settlement might never be allowed to become independent, or it might take only a few trips. It all depends upon the descisions at the time.


Minerals are concentrated sufficiently near about 1% of Earth's surface to make extraction practical. Mars is about the same. A small colony can likely extract only one mineral/chemical and a few by-products at the location. It will not be practical to transport ore more than tiny distances on Mars. Early colonists will likely choose to make oxygen or water. Almost everything else will need to be imported from Earth. When there are several small colonys on Mars, some will specialize in making materials that can be used at nearby colonys such as sand, cement and food in my opinion, but a colony that produes more than three products will be rare unless technical break-thoughs occur. Neil


A hypothetical colony at the Meridiani site the rover is currently exploring would have available<br />to it:<br /><br />chlorine<br /><br />bromine <br /><br />oxygen <br /><br />carbon<br /><br />calcium<br /><br />sodium <br /><br />potassium<br /><br />silicon<br /><br />aluminum<br /><br />magnesium<br /><br />titanium<br /><br />nitrogen<br /><br />argon<br /><br />I'm sure the list isn't complete, but it what I was able to find in just a few minutes.<br /><br /> <i>forgot sulfur</i><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>
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