Universal magnetic fields -limits - can they be FTL?

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Does our universe have a collective magnetic field?<br /><br />Did it have a collective magnetic field as soon as electrons and protons were formed at the origin of our universe?<br /><br />Does our local section of universe, the supercluster, have a magnetic field?<br /><br />Does the Milky Way have a magnetic field?<br /><br />How did the IGM (intergalactic medium) get ionized? Did magnetic fields cause the ionization, or does the ionization cause magnetic fields?<br /><br />How fast does a magnetic field travel. E.g. when an electromagnet is turned on, does the magnetic field reach maximum distance instantly or at the speed of light or slower?<br />Do all stars have coronas heated by internal magnetic dynamos like our sun does?<br />


Zavvy- Excellent post & link.<br /><br />Thank you,<br /><br /><br />An excerpt:<br /><br />Schewe, Phillip F. & Ben Stein. Magnetic Fields are Everywhere. Physics News Update The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News. Number 482 (Story #2), 3 May 2000. [alternate location] -<br /><br /> "Basically, Philipp Kronberg (416-978-4971) of the University of Toronto finds magnetic fields every place he has looked in the cosmos: within the Milky Way (where the fields are typically about 5 microgauss), in intergalactic areas within galaxy clusters (1-2 microgauss for the Coma cluster, 350 million light years away), and even outside clusters."<br /><br />Ok, what caused (causes?) the magnetic fields in the IGM, ie. the intergalactic medium.<br /><br />And at what speed does a magnetic field propagate and/or travel - as per my first post.<br /><br />How much of a role did magnetism play in the origin of galaxies and solar systems and planets?<br /><br />E.g. - which came first: the magnetic field or the planet, etc.?


See my related thread concering the reionization period of our unvierse. Did this precede or come after FTL expansion?


zavvy - It is not just the Milky Way that has a magnetic field.<br /><br />The intergalactic medium (IGM) also appears to be magnetized.<br /><br />Could it have been magnetized FTL during inflation?<br /><br />Compare this from "Scientific American," February, 2003 on Magnetars, p. 35:<br /><br />"Some stars are magnetized so intensely that they emit huge bursts of magnetic energy and alter the very nature of the quantum vacuum."<br /><br />That begs the question as to how magnetized the universe was shortly after or even during inflation - or whatever actually happened?<br /><br />BTW- on limits -hold on to your hat!<br /><br />Those magnetars shine briefly at one million times above the Eddington limit!!!!
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