Question Are we destined/doomed to live lonely throughout our existence?

My eyes have seen the coming of the little green men.

Ok is it me or am I missing something. Why is the James Webb Telescope not already scheduled to look at the potential Dyson Spheres.

Sure, it could be a potential waste of a resource but then we're talking about 43 targets not millions. Then again short of using it to directly identify a potentially identified (one that’s well with in its ability to do so) planet where life could/should exist.

Or should I say taking away from such an endeavor ...what's the harm?

After all what could be more important than proving or disproving the existence of such a technologically advanced structure.
Mr. Avi Loeb is taking his case for ET visitation to the public with his new book. That is what scientists do who can't get traction in the scientific community.

The scientists who generated the list of potential Dyson Spheres are anxious to use the Webb telescope but must go through the same lengthy, competitive procedures as everyone else.
Mr. Avi Loeb is taking his case for ET visitation to the public with his new book. That is what scientists do who can't get traction in the scientific community.

The scientists who generated the list of potential Dyson Spheres are anxious to use the Webb telescope but must go through the same lengthy, competitive procedures as everyone else.
Can’t say as I blame professor Loeb; especially if the information he provided truly did receive nothing but a cursory review only. I mean if after the disappearance of Oumuamua there was no attempted investigation into what if anything had happened with light sails either. Then I would hope his book puts the science community to shame; in the end. I.E. an actual public alien visit happens before his neigh sayers can relegate his hypothesis to obscurity.

As for the James Webb that’s what happens when you put those who have no idea of how life (outside of science) works in charge of the instruments that could further it’s understanding.

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