Favorite Scene from a Star Trek Movie

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Not being Star Trek savvy, I did not want to start a new post with this but i just read that:<br /><br />"Rumours have spread at light speed that Paramount is working on an enhanced version of the original 79 Star Trek episodes to sell as a syndication package to broadcast stations. The high-definition episodes will reportedly feature state-of-the-art visual effects and new music." <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


So are you saying they Lucased TOS?<br /><br />Man, I'm sick of this s**t! <img src="/images/icons/mad.gif" /> Do the suits honestly think that adding a few more tribbles in every eppisode will enhance The Origional Series any? Good God, will it ever end? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><em>So, again we are defeated. This victory belongs to the farmers, not us.</em></p><p><strong>-Kambei Shimada from the movie Seven Samurai</strong></p> </div>


That's interesting... although I'd have to agree with PistolPete that enhancing the special effects for TOS likely won't much improve the product.<br /><br />First, many (if not most) of the episodes were character driven. Tweaking the special effects won't much affect the interplay between Bones or Spock -- or Kirk's flirtations with every attractive woman inside of five light years.<br /><br />Secondly, the show's special effects were about as good as they could be for '60s television -- which is to say, good enough to enable one to "suspend disbelief" in a dramatic sense. The phaser fire looked good enough to be consistent with what one might imagine phaser fire would look like -- and the ships actually <i>looked</i> like they were flying through space.<br /><br />Enhancing all of that will be cool, no doubt. And the geeks will get excited about it while the purists gripe. This may make sense from a marketing perspective, as folks will no doubt rush out and buy the DVD's so they can make up their own minds. But on balance, it's not likely to much affect how enjoyable the shows are (or not). <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#0000ff"><strong>Just tell the truth and let the chips fall...</strong></font> </div>


Character driven, that's why I like the original B&W Twlight Zone.<br />Special effects were not very advanced, nor were they needed.<br />It all took place in the mind.<br />Star Trek was much the same, even though the effects (such as the swirling glass of glitter that made the transporter work) were light years (haha) behind todays CGI eye candy. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080"><em><font color="#000000">But the Krell forgot one thing John. Monsters. Monsters from the Id.</font></em> </font></p><p><font color="#000080">I really, really, really, really miss the "first unread post" function</font><font color="#000080"> </font></p> </div>


In one sense, enhancing the effects is 'logical': when they did the Deep Space 9 episode "Trials & Tribbleations" and the Enterprise 2-parter that dealt with the mirror universe finding the displaced Constitution class ship -- those effects and the overall look worked very well indeed. <br /><br />They looked *right*. However, I'm usually of the opinion that most movies and TV shows should be left alone for the period pieces they are. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!!  LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>


I stumbled onto this odd article. Very weird and cool indeed. Someone's a Trek Geek for certain! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


You stumble in wonderful places! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080"><em><font color="#000000">But the Krell forgot one thing John. Monsters. Monsters from the Id.</font></em> </font></p><p><font color="#000080">I really, really, really, really miss the "first unread post" function</font><font color="#000080"> </font></p> </div>


A bit late but oh well...<br />J.T Kirk to J.L Picard in 'Star Trek: Generations':<br />"I take it were outnumbered and the odds are against us?<br />If Spock were here he would say I am an irrational, illogical human for taking this mission.. Sounds like fun."<br /><br />And the other scene I find remotely amusing is when Worf has just got the hat off the plank in Generations:<br />Cmdr Riker: Computer, remove plank.<br />*Worf falls into water.*<br />Cpt Picard: I believe that's 'Retract Plank' not 'Remove Plank' number one.<br />Cmdr Riker: *Sarcastically* Yes, of course sir.


Well, since it's been bumped already...I'll add another.<br /><br />ST:TNG the scene between Data and Tasha Yar where we discover that Data is "fully" functional.


One more:<br /><br />When "Q" greets Whorf with the comment, Hello Whorf...eaten any good books lately?" <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


Can't believe this one wasn't mentioned (or that I missed it) ... from ST:TOS when Scotty gets the alien drunk ...<br /><br />Tomar asks "What is it"<br />Scotty says "Well, it's, um... it's green."<br /><br />After that epsiode the standard response to any question re: color was "It's green".<br /><br />And from ST IV ... the scene where Scotty has to use the "old" computer to show how to make transparent aluminium ...<br /><br />Scotty: Computer. Computer? <br />[Bones hands him a mouse and he speaks into it] <br />Scotty: Hello, computer. <br />Dr. Nichols: Just use the keyboard. <br />Scotty: Keyboard. How quaint.<br /><br />Quaint became a good term of derision thereafter. <br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>-----------------------------------------------------</p><p><font color="#ff0000">Ask not what your Forum Software can do do on you,</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000">Ask it to, please for the love of all that's Holy, <strong>STOP</strong> !</font></p> </div>


You reminded me of Deep Space Nine when Sisko met Q and knocked him down after a typical Q tirade. Q told him, You struck me, Picard would never do that. To which Sisko said, "I'm not Picard!!"


In "Star Trek: The Final Frontier," Kirk says, "Get rid of my pain? I <i>need</i> my pain!" <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>
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