First contact with aliens could end in colonization and genocide if we don't learn from history

Mar 31, 2020
We are exploring new ground in this endeavor. Our history is tainted with the same cycle of social problems we deal with today. Tribal warfare. We have always been and continue to be a socially aggressive species. The human species is separated into different countries (or tribes) Our viewpoint is skewed as we would perceive any advanced form of life as a threat. It is reasonable to believe that this non- human race observing us has achieved unity as a species. This intelligent lifeform observing us has in no way been a threat to us. Their intent has been observation.

It is true SETI must dissociate itself from corporations and the military. A body representing a global government ( likely the UN) is both necessary and vital for both problem solving and decision making purposes. Experts from various fields including diplomacy are crucial. Any contact from earth must be unified.
Then there is the question of what an Extra Terrestrial Alien would be. IF there are intelligent ET Aliens, they might be almost unrecognizable as a species, and intercommunication might not even be a possibility. However, most discussions assume and ET Alien like this.

Anatomy Of An Alien

The popular vision of an ET Alien is rather the same everywhere, but with mass media, that is not surprising at all. In fact, it is to be expected, since media is largely involved in creating news, not reporting it.

Let’s look at ET. His head is large and bulbous, so that it can contain a larger brain. His fingers are long and slender, indicating that he no longer does manual labor because he has developed devices to do all of his work for him. He is small and fragile, because his technology has relieved him of the need for physical strength. His eyes are large, probably because he is into visual rather than physical activities. He wears no clothes, because he has progressed past the need for modesty. He carries no tools or weapons because his superior intellect allows him to control humans without physical interaction.

What can we discover about the ramifications of these physical properties? Look at our own evolution, and it is clear that each of these attributes is a natural evolutionary extrapolation of what we would look like if we continue to evolve along our current evolutionary path. Since it is natural for most people to assume that in order for ET Aliens to visit us they would have to be far advanced, this is then a natural expectation of what ET “should” look like.

If there had been no UFO flap, and no “sightings” of “abductions”, and people were asked to describe what an ET Alien would probably be like, they would all most likely come up with an “alien grey” or something very similar.

There is one other factor which is never talked about. If we assume that ET Aliens would naturally be far more advanced than we, it would be extremely unlikely that ANYONE would EVER propose that ET was “insectoid”, or “reptilian”, or a “bug-eyed monster”. It would be unthinkable, not to mention treasonable, to assume that any of those could be superior to us. The only entities which could possibly be superior to us is……….our own evolved selves.

Stereotypical ET Aliens are clearly the creation of the projection of our own advancing evolution. They are really the only likely form our imaginations would create, but they are certainly not what nature would be likely to create on a distant world. I would be greatly surprised if distant independent genesis and evolution produced beings that so closely resembled humans. There is no compelling reason that evolution should choose this form over the thousands of other possible forms in the complex chain of evolutionary development.
The history, and "pre-history" that was not written down, indicates that tribes of humans have been fighting each other for resources for a long time, probably for the entire duration of the human species. While the most recent colonizations by European ethnic groups provide a good history of how that can hurt less technologically capable indigenous groups, those groups hurt then were most likely themselves the colonizers of some other groups in the past, although they did not document it with written histories. The Americas show evidence of developed societies such as the Aztecs conducting wars with surrounding, less advanced tribes. The Carib "Indians" conquered the Caribbean islands from other groups, actually eating them in cannibalism. It is considered not unlikely that "modern humans" killed off the Neanderthals in ice age Europe by virtue of more advanced weapons and survival strategies, even though the Neanderthals were better physically adapted to the environment there.

So, our history has been self-destructive for a very long time.

But, we do seem to be making some progress in some places on some issues. Most nations have outlawed slavery, and most seem to at least pretend to be "democratic", even when they are totalitarian. Still, we have a very long way to go to become one peaceful society. I am not sure we will even get that done before we crash our technological civilization and revert to more beastly behaviors to survive.

So, do we really think that any other species that is technologically advanced enough to physically reach Earth will have by then achieved what we say we are still striving to achieve in the way of peaceful respect for others? Would their societies have self-destructed before attaining the technological capabilities needed to reach Earth if they had not achieved the ethics we say we want to achieve? Are we sure? Why are we sure? We don't even know what the necessary technologies are, so we don't know what is required of a society to develop them. Maybe they are one discovery away from us, today, and we will make that discovery before we evolve into "our better selves".

We really just don't know what we would be like if we were the ones going to another planet.

And consider that another species coming to this planet might be so different from us that the would not even consider us worthy of preservation. Earthlings step on bugs - why wouldn't a space faring bug species step on humans, especially if they see us stepping on bugs that remind them of their ancestors?
May 14, 2021
Chimpanzees and Bonobos separated a couple million years ago with the rise of the Congo River. The Chimps are more warlike, sometimes attacking other tribes when encountered. Bonobos are more like hippies. Make love not war. If only we had inherited the Bonobo personality traits. So, that’s not to say that all exocivilizations would be like us.
But, anyway, we seem to be spending a lot of time and energy conjecturing what aliens will be like when we have no clue what any kind of life is like out there besides us.
I think man has tried to characterize himself as an explorer, seeking news lands, new resources and new peoples, where no man has gone before. I'm more cynical. I don't believe migration was due to lack of resources, famine or climate change. I think it was to get away from people. People change their nature when making groups. I think disease and conflict caused migration. The want of getting away from the screwy people. And taxes. And conscription. Servitude. You know.....the screwy people.

Societies run-a-ways. Awol-ers. People who don't want to put up with other people. And are willing to live in hardship to be free of it. Who had to grub much.

Maybe the first to visit us will be considered misfits from the home they come from. Hunter gatherer lifestyle.

And then some say the first would likely be machines and probes not living forms.
Aug 20, 2023
The aliens will be the ones who determine the parameters of a first contact, not us with our petty little divisions.

Any alien race advanced enough to accomplish interstellar travel will be so far ahead of us technologically and sociologically that we will be toddlers in comparison. They will set the rules regarding contact and we will follow them.

It is much more probable that our first evidence of alien intelligence will be found remotely by our radio telescopes. Giving us decades or centuries or even millenia to adjust to the idea that we are not alone before direct contact is made. If it is ever made before we destroy ourselves.
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Mar 31, 2020
Agreed. At the moment, they do not wish contact. But, we may be forcing their hand. For all the terrible things humanity has done (think back to back world wars) there is the other side of the coin, we do great good as well.
if a someone falls overboard on a boat, everyone around him will do all that they can to save him.
Do not discount the greatness of humanity. Give us any environment and we will adapt to it. They have been observing us, even the smallest of our inventions could be an enormous breakthrough in their society.
It is more like we are a wayward child or teenager and in the background we have a mentor, attempting to guide us.
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Oct 19, 2023
I am forever haunted by Iain M. Banks description of the Idirans (in Consider Phlebas) as apex predators on a planet of monsters.

Lets hope they're not the first folk we meet!

Mar 31, 2020
Social aggression is a trait of tribal warfare. If all goes well in our future humans will begin to act as one race, the human race. There will be no need for aggression or warfare. It is likely that any race capable of star travel would also be a race that achieved unity amongst themselves. An alliance between different species benefits both parties in this scenario.
There is another possibility. The most advances, the fastest and most dependable advances......come from conflict. A few thousand generations of war might produce the tech that would allow space exploration....for resources and slave labor. Maybe even a place to live. To make more war.

Then again, space and time might prevent ANY star wars.
Jan 2, 2024
How likely is it that Aliens at this particular time 'Discover' us? Eons have passed and hopefully, eons to come. If 'They' exist the
  1. They have likely been around for 'ages'
  2. They have sampled our genes and cells,
  3. They have bred millions if we were of any use
  4. If there were Any Alien types it is likely there would be Many Alien types
  5. Modified DNA would enable us to be used in many different environments
  6. Any contact with us would use smiley versions (humanlike) creatures
  7. There would be a great variation in ambition/agenda between various types
  8. Possibly aliens recently discovering us would be less advanced both technically and morally (at ease with their place) and therefore possibly hostile
  9. Aliens familiar with us (still) may well be sympathetic if contact is historic
  10. Is it more likely that what we regard as Aliens are 'lost to us' Earth Civilisations?
  11. It is more likely AI intelligence anyway - with or without biological content
Mar 31, 2020
Einstein was once asked "What type of weapons will we use in World War 3?" He responded
" I don't know, but I do know what weapons we will use in World War 4. Stones."

We do not have a choice we have to figure this out, now. We are only a danger to ourselves. UAP's have been witnessed by many credible people. Military personnel who have seen them all report spacecraft which are non threatening. They appear to be interested in observing nothing more. Still, the UAP spacecraft do as they wish moving in ways that defy the laws of physics. They are regarded as a threat to flight safety.
Make no mistake, we are the only ones who are dangerous.
Jan 2, 2024
Einstein was once asked "What type of weapons will we use in World War 3?" He responded
" I don't know, but I do know what weapons we will use in World War 4. Stones."

We do not have a choice we have to figure this out, now. We are only a danger to ourselves. UAP's have been witnessed by many credible people. Military personnel who have seen them all report spacecraft which are non threatening. They appear to be interested in observing nothing more. Still, the UAP spacecraft do as they wish moving in ways that defy the laws of physics. They are regarded as a threat to flight safety.
Make no mistake, we are the only ones who are dangerous.
Love the quote!
I agree the UAP reports need to be taken seriously.
I am unsure you are correct that Aliens are only interested in observing. I think this is unlikely. I suggest "Monitoring" is a better term. Especially if reports of interest in - and interference with - nuclear sites and silos are real.

Unless UAPs are 'homegrown' as per a hidden Earth civilisation, or in a dialogue with the USA or others, I would say UAPs are intrusive. Disrespectful also. If Physically real they must surely perform according to the laws of Physics; The ones we are ignorant of.

So I hope the rumours of co-operation with the USA are true and they or some of them are benign. Perhaps even to the point of acting in our defence against ourselves or others.


Sep 1, 2024
Let's let them see all our movies about when aliens attack, would they accept our fighting spirit thus ? And then come in peace-sincerely ??
Mar 8, 2022
If there are ETs near & about they seem to have chosen to be largely covert.

While one can make arguments & rationales for secrecy it without fail slides into corruption, manipulation & condescending power mongering.

Humans on a broad basis need to be sharp, alert & skeptical.
Looking for significant discrepancies in proffered narratives.

It helps if we are self-stable so we can challenge flaws & deceptions, firing back with lined up hard facts.

These advisements appliy when dealing with both human, nonhuman & co-opted actors,
both individually but especially in groups which have a scientifically evidenced propensity for duplicity.

Space is the most slippery fluid of all so expecting some big brother humans or ETs to lean on too heavily upon is unwise, unadult.

Adult first rule, hang on to yourself gently but firmly.
Apr 11, 2024
If there are ETs near & about they seem to have chosen to be largely covert.

While one can make arguments & rationales for secrecy it without fail slides into corruption, manipulation & condescending power mongering.

Humans on a broad basis need to be sharp, alert & skeptical.
Looking for significant discrepancies in proffered narratives.

It helps if we are self-stable so we can challenge flaws & deceptions, firing back with lined up hard facts.

These advisements appliy when dealing with both human, nonhuman & co-opted actors,
both individually but especially in groups which have a scientifically evidenced propensity for duplicity.

Space is the most slippery fluid of all so expecting some big brother humans or ETs to lean on too heavily upon is unwise, unadult.

Adult first rule, hang on to yourself gently but firmly.
If alien civilizations do exist, do we choose to hide or communicate with them?
At this point, we aren't trying to hide, and have even sent out some intentional communication attempts.

And, I don't think we could understand the intentions of some alien society without having a lot of info about them - more than we are likely to get just from listening to their most powerful emissions.

Any extraterrestrial civilization that could actually get here and interact with us in-person (in-being?) would surely be able to find us and would have probably studied us for a while, if only by traveling through our emissions for the number of years that they are light-years away from us when they start.
Mar 31, 2020
Alliances build a stronger and more productive group dynamic. Intelligent lifeforms observing earth civilization are no threat. Nothing has happened so far. Humanity as a whole has many positive traits. If they wish a more covert contact with us, the ISS is a perfect meeting space.

We have everything to gain. Even the simplest of our inventions can have a powerful impact on our world. Think for a moment how the microchip has completely changed the landscape. Now just imagine how a more advanced species could transform our lives. It would only take one invention. There is also the other side of the coin, when observing us they have learned many things. We have had an impact on their society as well. The future will determine how our relationship plays out.

Be wary of the frauds and the 'spoofing' of any evidence. People who make false claims trying to make a name for themselves.

We have come to trust science to tell us facts and in every scenario this is true. Science cannot help us here. There is a better science, rigging the game. Make no mistake they are there. The unexplained is flying in our skies. We must put our trust in both common sense and vision. Believe the credible witnesses and also the evidence. The DOD and the Pentagon should release whatever evidence they have hidden. We will wait , and be watchful.
Jan 2, 2024
When discussing Aliens we seem to fall into 2 camps-
1. They are probably out there somewhere maybe we will discover them someday
2. They are here.

The suggested responses are very different; one is "well, maybe tomorrow we will need to do something" and the other is a nervous equivalent of are we being cultivated or exploited by those already here.

Considering the timescale of the universe I personally think the "tomorrow" approach is naive. If it can happen at all it probably has already.


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