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I was just reading an article titled, 'A New Theory Says the Universe Is Rebooting Itself'.

The universe is always turning over, always in turnover(s), always in reboot(s). The offset turns of the wheel(s), of the dial(s), of time.

Question: When does an ever coordinated 'universal time' begin?!
My consistently constant answer!
"Universally entangled, entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant moment! Branching out infinitely, eternally, from the REALTIME NOW seed trunk (t=0) of the tree into paralleling roots and branches (coordinate points past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) SPACETIME)!"

"The perfect ending (the perfect end) is in endless beginning!" -- Atlan0001.
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A regular witticism is that, "The future is now ((t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0))!"

I've long thought and claimed that light emits -- from (t=0) REALTIME NOW (T=0) -- in two directions of SPACETIME, not just one . . . an observable past history (t=+1). . . and an unobservable future history (t=-1); altogether "coordinate points past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) SPACETIME!"

Most people, well not I (being a multi-dimensional thinker as well as a close student of history and the lessons of history (its physics)), think about time running strictly a rubber band quality 1-dimensional straight arrow of entropy throughout all time. I now have realized, fully and finally, the universe at supremely large (thus, at supremely small as well) doesn't work it, has never worked it, and will never work it, in this ultimately suicidal way! Light's bi-directionality into past histories (+) and into future histories (-), all at once (at the same time), models in a working model how the universe does the physics of time (no past / no future / (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0)).

"Causality" is always (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) only!

Intuitively universe-wide and -wise, "The branches, the future, begins NOW!"

Counter intuitively universe-wide and -wise, "The roots, the past, also begins NOW!"
The shape of SPACE, the shapes of geometry, particularly the shape of gravity, is always in alteration, one way or another (hyperspace, subspace, warp space, jump space (Cantor set, tunnel-wormhole- space), quantum entanglement ("Spooky action(s) at a distance"), on and on).

Given the means, such as means of constant accelerations turning planets, stars, and galaxies, into dots (SPACETIME coordinate points past-future histories), we can alter the shape of SPACE and rearrange the orders, the positions and velocities, of SPACETIME!

I repeat, given means, the shape of SPACE can be altered! It is always in alteration of some geometry or other and can be manipulatively altered (including contracted and/or expanded)!
It was not mentioned at all in this article, but it probably isn't the Solar System's east-west-like orbit of the galactic center but the perpendicular north-south / south-north up and down drift through the dust cloud and so on of the galactic disk that helps to affect the onsets of the greatest Ice Ages.


We don't remain on a static orbital plane of the galactic disk we drift up and down through the galaxy's cloudy plane as we orbit the center of the center of galaxy like everything else!
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