From a drop of water....

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I was just reading an article titled, 'A New Theory Says the Universe Is Rebooting Itself'.

The universe is always turning over, always in turnover(s), always in reboot(s). The offset turns of the wheel(s), of the dial(s), of time.

Question: When does an ever coordinated 'universal time' begin?!
My consistently constant answer!
"Universally entangled, entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant moment! Branching out infinitely, eternally, from the REALTIME NOW seed trunk (t=0) of the tree into paralleling roots and branches (coordinate points past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) SPACETIME)!"

"The perfect ending (the perfect end) is in endless beginning!" -- Atlan0001.
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A regular witticism is that, "The future is now ((t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0))!"

I've long thought and claimed that light emits -- from (t=0) REALTIME NOW (T=0) -- in two directions of SPACETIME, not just one . . . an observable past history (t=+1). . . and an unobservable future history (t=-1); altogether "coordinate points past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) SPACETIME!"

Most people, well not I (being a multi-dimensional thinker as well as a close student of history and the lessons of history (its physics)), think about time running strictly a rubber band quality 1-dimensional straight arrow of entropy throughout all time. I now have realized, fully and finally, the universe at supremely large (thus, at supremely small as well) doesn't work it, has never worked it, and will never work it, in this ultimately suicidal way! Light's bi-directionality into past histories (+) and into future histories (-), all at once (at the same time), models in a working model how the universe does the physics of time (no past / no future / (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0)).

"Causality" is always (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) only!

Intuitively universe-wide and -wise, "The branches, the future, begins NOW!"

Counter intuitively universe-wide and -wise, "The roots, the past, also begins NOW!"
The shape of SPACE, the shapes of geometry, particularly the shape of gravity, is always in alteration, one way or another (hyperspace, subspace, warp space, jump space (Cantor set, tunnel-wormhole- space), quantum entanglement ("Spooky action(s) at a distance"), on and on).

Given the means, such as means of constant accelerations turning planets, stars, and galaxies, into dots (SPACETIME coordinate points past-future histories), we can alter the shape of SPACE and rearrange the orders, the positions and velocities, of SPACETIME!

I repeat, given means, the shape of SPACE can be altered! It is always in alteration of some geometry or other and can be manipulatively altered (including contracted and/or expanded)!
It was not mentioned at all in this article, but it probably isn't the Solar System's east-west-like orbit of the galactic center but the perpendicular north-south / south-north up and down drift through the dust cloud and so on of the galactic disk that helps to affect the onsets of the greatest Ice Ages.


We don't remain on a static orbital plane of the galactic disk we drift up and down through the galaxy's cloudy plane as we orbit the center of the galaxy like everything else!
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Rather than edit the last paragraph of #828 in place, I decided to make additions to its cosmic picture here for a finer realization of the fractal zooms strong-gravitational-interactive structure of the universe:

I repeat, given means, the shape of SPACE can be altered! It is always in alteration of some geometry or other and can be manipulatively altered (including contracted and/or expanded (envision a soliton bubble wave repositioning between coordinate points past-future histories, point to point, point after point, history to history, history after history, of interstellar or intergalactic SPACETIME . . . and there-in per the Heisenberg principle of uncertainty, velocity unknowable and no factor at all nonlocally to the mover moving only between point positions until closing upon (gravitationally accelerating in vector expansion of opening the local-relative SPACE of) a destination star and planet))! A previously invisible un-observed and un-observable rendezvous point in the invisible and un-observable SPACE of the invisible, un-observable, universe outside and beyond Einstein's box -- 4-dimensionally boxed -- geometry of "observable universe" from any departure point in and of SPACE.
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I may have just run across a connection to the above #828 and continuance in #830 between General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics (NOT that I haven't been doing that connection quite often already):

Of course, to me, the above is just another's "mind's eye" way to see the same picture.

(More and more, NOT being restricted just to Quantum Mechanics!)

Just in case the better production (MSN) of the article above disappears for some reason...:

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"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.

("It is an 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U)'" -- Atlan0001)

The apex of a pyramid of time (of times).

("And one ring to rule them all!" -- 'The Lord of The Rings', by J. R. R. Tolkien)
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Repetition in a different light:

You want to see the lights of the dark matter / dark energy dark universe?! Look deep far out into gravity's 'mirror'.

In other words, regarding cosmology, a completely well-formed galaxy observed to be around 300-million light years or so from the Big Bang Horizon isn't there any 300-million light years from that Horizon, nor would the collapsed cosmological constant P/BC/BB 'Mirror Event Horizon' itself . . . a Horizon in cosmological superposition . . . be any 13.8 billion to 46 billion, whatever, light years away.

Both the super-positioned mirror and the mirroring would be closer to being associated with the 'Heisenberg uncertainty principle', a boxed 'Schrodinger Function' ("it 'is', and it 'isn't'"), and/or a 'standing wave', as to position. Being anywhere in space and time! Being everywhere in space and time! and being nowhere in particular at all in space and time!
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There is a theory called the "Many Worlds" (many universes (u), as well) theory. Very young. Very middling, very old! Earth, and us while on remaining imprisoned to it, are in the very middling zone:

Stephen Hawking envisioned life forever migrating to keep in the "Life Zone" of systems and the universe! I think the "Life Zone," thanks to Gerard K. O'Neil among others, may be foundationally and/or creatively wider than Hawking envisioned.
As always, "Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." (Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.)

If you deal in infinity (infinite, infinitesimal, infinity, infinities....) like I do, you have to learn what the equal but opposite is! "Finite" and "finites" (including Einstein's local relative closed systematic box (boxed) dimensionality of SPACETIME! Plus the Trojan . . . "affine!"

"Affine" (including "affinity"): Where a finite is at once infinite or infinitesimal in direction and magnitude . . . and/or two or more infinites (or infinitesimals) cancel each other out resulting in finite. Where, also, remove the finite divider, there is no difference whatsoever between infinite and infinitesimal (the difference disappears into pure infinity . . . each other's vector).
Things that should be obvious and things that aren't so obvious:

The speed of light is 186,000mps (300,000kps) in a vacuum! That is Heisenberg's certainty of velocity ('c') and certainty of no position whatsoever! On the surface of the Earth, we have a "Trojan," the ground surface of the Earth. In SPACE we have a Trojan as well, the immediate surface of the craft we are in or on . . . which is NOT the surface of the Earth!

In SPACE we will SPACETIME travel coordinate points massively changing past-future histories ballooned BIG TIME, whereas, on the surface of the Earth SPACETIME travel coordinate points past-future histories deflates to very SMALL TIME.

In SPACE (hyperspace, subspace, warp space, jump space, accordion space....) we will deal largely in quantum entangling where we are with those coordinate points past-future histories of light time we will power swim among . . . a matter of constant powering, constant acceleration. Two fundamental forces will superconduct a craft under constant acceleration in a vacuum, electromagnetism in and of the vacuum and gravity wave boost (all told regarding forces internally and externally at once, Newton's three laws of motion more and more immensely -- via soliton waving -- benefiting the traveler as well as the quantum entangling assist of the ever-reversing fixture of the SPACETIME coordinate points past-future histories' environment itself).

Recently researchers observed photons existing a material before entering it (time reversal). One problem was they observed it, making it a Trojan 3-dimensional light problem (the Schrodinger problem of the observation itself)! The second problem was, and is, probably that quantum entangled jump-space (possibly 'Cantor Set' spacing as well as the involvement of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle) simply cannot be observed since no space exists between the points -- as far as those points are concerned (that point is concerned) -- regardless of what, from any distance, is observed!
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1.) Strong and Gravity combining (to a singular) interaction is NOT to a point! It vector's (fractal zooms) from a source (source point), systematically opening from a micro- and/or a macro-cosmic point, accelerating in expansion from a point (as in the point(s) of Big Bang)! Newton's apple accelerated from source point into an expanding, opening, frontier before striking a quantum barrier to further acceleration into an expanding open frontier (Inverse square....)!

2.) Electro-Weak interaction and force at all its scales, micro- and macro-cosmic, deals in points and draws, accelerating in contractions to singular/plural clustering, universes, galaxies, stars, planets, mass matter and energy, molecules, atoms, particles, the Planck (Big Crunch) Horizon.

Illustrating below three different dimensions of one and the same dimensional picture:


A couple of illustrations borrowed to illustrate my picture of coordinate points past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) SPACETIME....


SPACE.... (borrowed, rendering illustrating paragraph '1' . . . particularly Newton's apple accelerating from source into opening frontier before striking quantum barrier . . . illustration up to a certain point)!


Borrowing to illustrate, as I picture, entangled, entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant (aka, "spooky actions at a distance")....

Being continued....
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Thinking about the dueling realities, infinity versus finite (outside the box versus inside the box):

1.) E=mc^2
2.) "The grand total of mass matter and energy in the universes total exactly '0'."
3.) c=1 | t=0
4.) c^2 = infinity (∞)
5.) The mass matter (+/-) of the universes cancels to '0' (equals infinite '0').
6.) The mass energy (+/-) of the universes cancels to '0' (equals infinite '0').
7.) Repeating 2, "The grand total of mass matter and energy in the universes total exactly '0'."
8.) ((+1) (-1)) = 1/0

To be cont'd.... maybe!
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And so it continues:

The better the telescope dealing in deepening, enhancing, light's resolution, as I see it, the worse the idea that it is looking backward in time beyond a certain point. It changes from a telescope upon the macrocosm to a microscope upon the microcosm searching out the permanent firmament of the Planck Horizon in the light itself.

I look through such scopes, both telescopes and microscopes, I know I'm seeing it really do a job of stretching out the light. I have to refer again to the illustrative developing 'Flatland Universe' picture in a "Mandelbrot Set!" That is where the Hubble, and especially the James Webb Space Telescope is taking us beyond a certain point, into a microcosmic Lilliputian universe inside the light itself, so to speak, NOT backward in time! SPACE, especially the fractal zooms Flatland Universe (U), is not tied absolutely to a longer and ever longer telescoping rope of past-future histories SPACETIME!!!!

Relativity, so I do understand very well, breaks down beyond a certain point! Breaks down into what?! if and when you find you can push it?! I think we are finding out (via the Hubble and James Webb scopes upon light resolution, not time) that 'what' in String Theory's -- and Chaos Theory's -- Flatland Universe (U) "Mandelbrot Set"!
"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

1a.) Electromagnetic-Weak force interaction gyroscope (Flatland disks, equatorial bulges, solar systemic disks, galactic disks, Flatland Universe (U) and roping past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) SPACETIME 90-degree angle perpendicular poles).
1b.) Entangle, entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant moment.
2.) Mobius strip of rolling self-similar strong-gravitational-interactive fractal zooms structure of universe . . . a hot fire-cold fire, hot and cold as hell (so to speak . . . exactly the same hellfire), superconductive smooth as silk (so to speak) plane interactive with a coarse-grain chunky (so to speak) plane.
3a.) SMOOTH = high energy / low entropy plane.
3b.) COARSE-GRAINED CHUNKY = low energy / high entropy plane.

To be cont'd.
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Some people say there is nothing outside the universe! I wonder which universe they are talking about? The "observable universe"? The object house down the street, versus the relative subjective house down the street, in "entangled, entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant moment," is a split-second outside the observable universe's SPACETIME of past-future histories (t=+1) (t=-1))! Our object Sun, versus the relative subjective Sun, in the same (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0), is eight minutes outside the observable universe's SPACETIME of past-futures (t=+1) (t=-1))! Observable time is falling back to the Horizon of the Universe (U), split second to eight minutes dilated time! Time dilation is the difference in distance elapsed time as measured by two clocks!

the object Andromeda galaxy across the road from the Milky Way, versus the observed relative subjective Andromeda galaxy, in the same (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t-0), is 2.2 million times six-trillion miles or so outside the observed 2.2 million years in observed, observable, light years! That is to say, 2.2 million years in advance, this way forward in SPACETIME future history (t=-1) of the observable SPACETIME past history (t=+1) the observable is residing in toward the distant Horizon of the Universe (U).

Any traveler, all travelers, if it weren't for the fact they disappear into or appear from out of point-portals in the universe, would be observed to be traveling in acceleration away into time reversal . . . or, in oncoming to observers, be accelerating this way out of some past history of the universe . . . always to or from the direction and magnitude of the distant superposition Horizon of the Universe (U), even if it's just down a local street or from across the room from the observer.

Once more! Time dilation is the difference in distance elapsed time as measured by two clocks!

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard or one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.

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