Question Infinity or not infinity that is the question.

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Hello Atlan
Your right, we will never be able to get close for direct evidence.
Similar with the object in a black box.
We can observe movements and processes and apply scientific know how and make decisions.

So far, we know we can see Deep Field 13.4 billion light years.

In any direction, in an area of a rice seed over 5 thousand galaxies in various stages of formation.
We are looking at billions of galaxies.
NASA tells me that all this was formed in 400 million years.

There is only one universe
Infinite in space
Infinite in matter and energy

To have a Multiverse, you need to have a TIME shift.
Hello Atlan
Your right, we will never be able to get close for direct evidence.
Similar with the object in a black box.
We can observe movements and processes and apply scientific know how and make decisions.

So far, we know we can see Deep Field 13.4 billion light years.

In any direction, in an area of a rice seed over 5 thousand galaxies in various stages of formation.
We are looking at billions of galaxies.
NASA tells me that all this was formed in 400 million years.

There is only one universe
Infinite in space
Infinite in matter and energy

To have a Multiverse, you need to have a TIME shift.
Harry, this goes here in my answer to you, too:

Fundamental Binary Base2, '0' (discrete quanta (null unity)) and/or '1' (unity), and parity . . . ('0' (discrete quanta) will tear its portion out of the guts of '1' (unity) if it comes down to that)!

((+1) (-1)) = 1/0.
Thus, infinities of horizon universes (u) (also being an infinity of infinitesimals) in an "Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe."
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Its funny that the more we learn the more we find that we know very little.
Sometimes our opinions cloud our logic or understanding how things work.

[Submitted on 1 Aug 2024]

The most distant HI galaxies discovered by the 500 m dish FAST​

Hongwei Xi, Bo Peng, Lister Staveley-Smith, Bi-Qing For, Bin Liu, Ru-Rong Chen, Lei Yu, Dejian Ding, Wei-Jian Guo, Hu Zou, Suijian Xue, Jing Wang, Thomas G. Brink, WeiKang Zheng, Alexei V. Filippenko, Yi Yang, Jianyan Wei, Y. Sophia Dai, Zi-Jian Li, Zizhao He, Chengzi Jiang, Alexei Moiseev, Sergey Kotov
Neutral hydrogen (HI) is the primary component of the cool interstellar medium (ISM) and is the reservoir of fuel for star formation. Owing to the sensitivity of existing radio telescopes, our understanding of the evolution of the ISM in galaxies remains limited, as it is based on only a few hundred galaxies detected in HI beyond the local Universe. With the high sensitivity of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), we carried out a blind HI search, the FAST Ultra-Deep Survey (FUDS), which extends to redshifts up to 0.42 and a sensitivity of 50 μJy⋅beam−1. Here, we report the first discovery of six galaxies in HI at z>0.38. For these galaxies, the FAST angular resolution of ∼4′ corresponds to a mean linear size of ∼1.3h−170Mpc. These galaxies are among the most distant HI emission detections known, with one having the most massive HI content (1010.93±0.04 h−270M⊙). Using recent data from the DESI survey, and new observations with the Hale, BTA, and Keck telescopes, optical counterparts are detected for all galaxies within the 3-σ positional uncertainty (0.5h−170Mpc) and 200km⋅s−1 in recession velocity. Assuming that the dominant source of HI is the identified optical counterpart, we find an evidence of evolution in the HI content of galaxies over the last 4.2 Gyr. Our new high-redshift HI galaxy sample provides the opportunity to better investigate the evolution of cool gas in galaxies. A larger sample size in the future will allow us to refine our knowledge of the formation and evolution of galaxies.
In the anti-trapped region, no white hole horizons are found and the spacetime is extended to infinity, at which the geometric radius of the two-spheres becomes infinitely large.""
It is to infinity and beyond as one would say.

[Submitted on 8 Aug 2024 (v1), last revised 9 Aug 2024 (this version, v2)]

A new quantization scheme of black holes in effective loop quantum gravity​

Wen-Cong Gan, Anzhong Wang
Loop quantum cosmology has achieved great successes, in which the polymerization plays a crucial role. In particular, the phase-space-variable dependent polymerization turns out to be the unique one that leads to consistent quantization of the homogeneous and isotropic universe. However, when applying the same scheme to the quantization of black holes, it meets resistances, when the Kantowski-Sachs (KS) gauge is adopted. In this paper, we continue to study the quantum effects of the polymerization near the location that a classical black hole horizon used to be, from the point of view of effective loop quantum gravity in the KS gauge. In particular, we find a phase-space-variable dependent polymerization scheme that leads to negligible quantum effects near the location of the classical black hole horizon, but significantly alters the spacetime structure near the origin, so that the classical singularity is finally replaced by a finite and regular transition surface. The final geodesically-complete spacetime consists of the regular transition surface that connects a black hole in one side and an anti-trapped region in the other side. In the anti-trapped region, no white hole horizons are found and the spacetime is extended to infinity, at which the geometric radius of the two-spheres becomes infinitely large.
The last sentence.

""Our analysis provides the general framework for analyzing non-invertible symmetry on manifolds with boundary and applies both to the case of boundaries at infinity, relevant to particle physics, and boundaries at finite distance, relevant in conformal field theory or condensed matter systems.""

[Submitted on 20 Aug 2024]

Representation Theory of Solitons​

Clay Cordova, Nicholas Holfester, Kantaro Ohmori
Solitons in two-dimensional quantum field theory exhibit patterns of degeneracies and associated selection rules on scattering amplitudes. We develop a representation theory that captures these intriguing features of solitons. This representation theory is based on an algebra we refer to as the "strip algebra", StrC(M), which is defined in terms of the non-invertible symmetry, C, a fusion category, and its action on boundary conditions encoded by a module category, M. The strip algebra is a C∗-weak Hopf algebra, a fact which can be elegantly deduced by quantizing the three-dimensional Drinfeld center TQFT, Z(C), on a spatial manifold with corners. These structures imply that the representation category of the strip algebra is also a unitary fusion category which we identify with a dual category C∗M. We present a straightforward method for analyzing these representations in terms of quiver diagrams where nodes are vacua and arrows are solitons and provide examples demonstrating how the representation theory reproduces known degeneracies and selection rules of soliton scattering. Our analysis provides the general framework for analyzing non-invertible symmetry on manifolds with boundary and applies both to the case of boundaries at infinity, relevant to particle physics, and boundaries at finite distance, relevant in conformal field theory or condensed matter systems.
Oct 25, 2024
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Infinity or not infinity that is the question.

Universe itself is infinite.

All matter in the universe is and always will be.

Since we cannot create matter or energy from nothing.

We cannot destroy matter or energy.

Every object out there regardless of its size has a finite body.

So, objects cannot have an infinite body.

What happens to all bodies in an infinite universe?

They cannot hide or pretend to be Dark matter/energy.

So, we research and study applying whatever science we have at hand to explain the transformation from one phase to another.

This leads to various theories, some scientific and many based on opinions.

When we observe images out there and beyond, we notice clustering.

But! we expected expansion.

What is actually going on?
An interesting thought is whether or not “nothing” can exist. No matter, no energy, no space, nor time. If “nothing” could exist, there can be no boundary between “something” and “nothing”, since the boundary (and what it contains) would be something. This suggests it’s all or nothing. Therefore the universe should be infinite. Unless there can be a third state, that is between something and nothing.
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An interesting thought is whether or not “nothing” can exist. No matter, no energy, no space, nor time. If “nothing” could exist, there can be no boundary between “something” and “nothing”, since the boundary (and what it contains) would be something. This suggests it’s all or nothing. Therefore the universe should be infinite. Unless there can be a third state, that is between something and nothing.
Everything . . . all in one, all at once!
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Oct 25, 2024
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Universe had a beginning, it will have an end, several types are proposed: elements burning into fire; an expansion, until everything is near absolute zero, no work possible: 'the outer darkness'; a Big Crunch, into a Giant Black Hole, where matter can't be compressed below the size of strings: 'the fire Gehenna'.
We all will go to one of it, when, no human being knows.
But some report alien indicated there are 15 billion universes...
Perhaps the resulting black hole following the Big Crunch is unstable, giving birth to another Big Bang, in a cycle that repeats endlessly.
Oct 25, 2024
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What exactly is gravity? Why can't we control and manipulate it with devices?
Gravity is the attraction between bodies of mass. In order to control gravity, you have to increase or decrease the mass in a given space, relative to another space. Since gravity is such a relatively weak force, the amount of mass that would need to be changed, in order to make any measurable change in gravity, in a given space, is massive. It would likely take far more work to move the mass, then you’d gain from the change in gravity.
Oct 25, 2024
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Of course.

What about vacuum energy? It exists in the 'nothingness' of pure vacuum. It's an artifact of the infinite distance, nothing else.

So what? That doesn't prove there's no infinity. Sifi cheers from Allen Somerset, writer of "Brave New Mars" novel.
A pure vacuum is not “nothing”. It still occupies space and time.
Oct 25, 2024
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An infinite density is at once an infinite "hole" ("void", "vacuum"). A 'Schrodinger Cat'.
An infinite density and at once an infinite hole sounds like a black hole containing all matter and energy. And yet it’s still “something”, not “nothing”. Nothingness is almost impossible to imagine since there are no reference points.