Question Is the Universe Only Relatively 13.787B~ Years Old?

Is the Universe Only Relatively 13.787B~ Years Old?

I believe and there is evidence to support the idea that space volume & time speed are a co-extant function.
A faster time speed is concurrent with a greater volume of space.

The early universe was dense with energy/mass.
It was concurrently shrunken of space.
This quite possibly means time was dilated per the POV of the vast majority of the current universe.

So while technically from an internal POV it's 13.787B~ years old,
if one could use a contemporary clock in its own adjacent time-space bubble & POV the time measured back to the start of the big bang the universe would be vastly older.

The big bang may have been in slo-mo in the molasses of time dilation.

The initial instant might stretch back through a span of time that from our POV approaches infinity.