Re: LRO/LCROSS Mission
Thank you very much radarredux, Calli & nimbus.
All of your responses are most useful. It does seem it is not me, but the equipment used to view them. I printed one off, & it looked perfect so my work appears spot on, it does seem though that the quality varies considerably when viewing on different computers.
So I'll just continue with how I have been doing them as it is not me, judging by the responses.
I agree Calli, small portions of the Moon do indeed look like 433 Eros & also 243 Ida, with the boulders, outcrops etc. In fact with some of these crops, it is quite difficult to tell that we are looking at the Moon, not an asteroid in close up. Iexpect that many of the same processes are occuring, but as you say, the Moon's surface gravity is gigantic as compared to that of 433 Eros or 243 Ida. :shock:
Hi Nimbus, thank you very much too.

That's very interesting regarding the cut off at 740 pixels. I have never seen that on any computer that I have viewed any images on SDC on either my own or any others. Usually they can be scrolled from side to side if too wide for the monitor, with the comments & my avatar positioned underneath on the right hand side.
I assume that what you see is a kind of cut off margin on the right hand side? Where does my avatar & commentary appear? Are they within that margin or still appear underneath?
If possible could you do a screen dump & email it to me or post it on this tread please? I would be interested to see it.
A wonderful update today.
The ejecta blanket immediately to the east of lunar farside crater Tsiolkovskiy, image strip centered on 22 South, 130 East. I have created some crops as usual.
I was hoping that this feature would get some attention during the 'Walk In' phase of the mission. Also these are the sharpest images to date as returned from LRO. 83 Centimetres resolution. That's incredible.

Below an 830 metre wide region showing some large boulders close to far side Tsiolkovskiy Crater. This image is a blown up NASA one, not one of my efforts.
The below are my efforts.
497 metre wide region close to far side Tsiolkovskiy Crater. If you look closely just to the left of centre, rolled boulders with tracks can just be made out. These boulders are pretty small, only a couple of metres across perhaps.
498 metre wide region close to far side Tsiolkovskiy Crater. More boulders in the hollows are visible.
499 metre wide region close to far side Tsiolkovskiy Crater.
499 metre wide region close to far side Tsiolkovskiy Crater.
500 metre wide region close to far side Tsiolkovskiy Crater.
Andrew Brown.