<font color="orange">a_lost_packet_ - 'That's what irks me about topics like this... it serves as an example why crackpots like RCH+crew are able to spread their garbage while flooding various topics with links to "mainstream supporting evidence" that are neither supporting of their claims nor serve as evidence"</font><br /><br /><font color="yellow">ZenOnMars - The Shadow knows this: "UPG 4. Thou shalt not post Global Ad Hominems. A Global Ad Hominem is an Ad Hominem comment which is directed at a group that would include Uplink members engaged in the debate." </font><br /><br />I apologize if you took offense. Unless, of course, if you are RCH or one of his insider compatriots. Then, I must submit challenge, provide evidence and, in turn, require refutation of my statements and conclusions or I would have to respectfully request you withdraw your accusation. I will explain further.<br /><br />I honestly, and sincerely, was not trying to include you in that statement or any other regular member of SDC that engages in discussing these topics. I'm not even including the non-SDC fans and believers of RCH + crew. My statement was directed at those, including RCH and his henchpeoples.. persons.. whatever, that perpetuate these crackpot ideas based on either pure fabrication, outright misdirection or a complete misunderstanding of the subject in order to further themselves and enrich their own egos and pockets. The innocent victims in this are the rank and file followers of RCH+Crew that gobble this stuff up like it was some sort of fantastic candy. RCH is not stupid. He knows what he is doing. He may have been, at one time, intelligent enough to be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Unless he has somehow lost this ability, he is doing nothing more than acting as a sensationalist of the unprovable.. the PT Barnum of the wuwu community.<br /><br />So, in closing, I was not directing my comments at anyone in this thread unles <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>