Hello boys, and you too, Andrew 3488.<br /><br />What all readers of this thread need to realise, is that Richard Hoagland may carry the banner for the off-earth artifacts crowd, but yet a crowd it remains, and includes an honorable "crew" of some of NASA's finest, and academe's brightest, most lettered, published, and respected.<br /><br />I know you do not want to hear this.<br /><br />But over the rest of the summer, I am going to introduce you to some new names. For today (Sunday the day of rest) I will leave you squirmming, wondering just how inside NASA some of these "insiders" are, or how high up in the "hallowed-halls" some of these men have risen.<br /><br />Either way, get your skeptic thing going. You know, the thing ya'll do whenever we gets-to-chattin'. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /><br /><br />Like addressing everything I say about Sagan, and NOT addressing his <i>"I might be wrong"</i> quote. Make sure you all keep saying how I, Zen, "will not admit" that I am wrong, <i>(remembering that I have already admitted here publicly and <b>BOLDLY</b>that I might just be wrong)</i>, when NONE of you can or will make that same statement. <br /><br />3488: <font color="yellow">"I suppose in a democracy it is not a crime"</font><br /><br /><b>Lol....ya figure???</b><br /><br /><font color="yellow">"conspiracies"</font>? As in those nuts who said <i>'we entered Iraq under false pretense looking for WMDs that weren't there, pretended to create democracy when simply securing one of the world's biggest oil supplies to ensure that that oil would never get pumped in order to drive US gas over the $3.00/gallon mark"</i>? Yeah. Those types are loonies.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">"Hoagalism"</font>? His name is <b>HOAGLAND</b> and if he represents an <i>ism</i> at all, it is the very empiricism and logical positivism he is accused of trampling on.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">"It makes me very cross indeed."</font><br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>