
Jul 21, 2020
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Hi my Name is Chris [Delete by Mod - Personal info],I am a wife and Home maker,and I love to read, in fact I am reading a book it is Astronomy for Dummies and I am learning a lot by reading the Book, I just got a telescope for my Birthday and I am still working on learning how to use my new Telescope.
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Jul 21, 2020
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It is a celestron 70mm telescope
I will have fun with it in time when I learn more about it
Ps I have a question I have been watching Bob Behken and Chris Cassidy doing their 10th space walk on NASA TV
And they kept talking about a tether what is a tether and what
is it used for
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A tether is a long strap that you attach to a spacesuit on one end, and the other end attaches to the space station. It is to make sure you don't drift off into space, because no one can get you back if you do! These folks do not have "rocket packs" to move around in, so the tether is critical. There might be a rocket pack inside the station, but the tether is so much easier to keep them safe.

That celestron 70mm telescope should work very well for you. It has an excellent optical path!

Where is your general location in the world? That will reveal a lot about what you can see in the night sky beyond the moon and planets.