i'll try to keep this somewhat short, and intelligible...<br /><br />i saw Challenger tragedy as a kid, and have learned/memorized a lot of technical spcifications available to the general public (weights, dimensions, cabin layout and capacities, etc), kept newspaper clippings, pics, copied pics from books, etc, and later on, even mailed nasa in 8th grade, expressing my interest in the flying brick. i got a bunch of goodies about STS-49 and -50 and other neat stuff about the shuttle fleet in reply to my letter. i joined the navy, served for 8 years, in hopes of possibly becoming an officer, pilot, test pilot, then astronaut. <br />i realized that was a bit of a stretch, and stuck with being an elisted maintainer on US Navy aircraft. i loved it, but ive always had a special place in my heart for the shuttle. i was in the active reserves when the Columbia broke apart, and my stomach sank when our CO informed us over the PA speaker that it was lost. when the CAIB was released, i downloaded and read every page with a foul taste in my mouth. i still have it buried somewhere on my hard drive.<br /><br />shuttle fans will be pleased to know that i still get goosebumps watching liftoff. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" /><br />i work at an airport, i'll be 28 at the end of this month, but i still see the magic in flight. ive racked up between 10-15,000 hours in M$ flight simulator '02 and 04 on many different aircraft. (there's even a space shuttle available for download with a fairly accurate set of flight dynamics for reentry below 100,000 ft <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> i need practice with that ship)<br /><br />i was fortunate to meet several astronauts while based at Andrews AFB, MD and got several dozen mission patches from them. <br /><br />edit: i still have at least 95% of everything ive ever collected printwise, including STS-49 mini payload-handbook, and a comic drawing showing how NASA planned to fix the HST as an astronaut was shown floating towards it with an ove <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>