What S_G and the other NASA and contactor professionals do might sometimes seem miraculous (so much has to go perfectly right!), but it never is. It's the pinnacle of engineering and science. Everyone involved deserves a lot of credit. When it goes wrong, we line up to nitpick, criticize post-fact, and voice inane "should haves". When 122 heads on up to ISS on Thursday, spend a little while considering all that went right, from the tiniest wire and washer, to the little / or > in the code (where a or < might have meant failure). When it all works, they make it look easy. When there is a problem, I'm glad they are the ones there to fix it and go fly. (BTW Bobble- You learn more from being well read than you can EVER imagine: history, religion, society, science, technology, sports, humanities - it's all in books!)<br /><br />Kurt