omigod.... You did it. I'm starting to hyperventilate. You thought Omega Man was a GREAT movie? Buddy, then I've got some old Super 8 stuff we made in junior high you're going to just LOVE....<br /><br />Charlton Heston gave it its only dignity, but that wasn't enough. Anthony Zerbe the mutated baddy with that tried-and-true special effect: cataract contact lenses.<br /><br />Poor Chuck spent his time driving around town with a brown sugar mama totin' a beastly fro, busting through the lines of hood-shrouded mutants.<br /><br />And I'm sorry to give a "spoiler" for a movie that is more than 30 years old (!), but the quickie ending is spliced on with old Chuck taking a spear in the gut while standing in a water fountain. This guy has been cleverly fighting a city of mutants for years, hunted them, knows all their tricks, laid low, and all of a sudden--ZZZWippppp! standing out in the open in a public water fountain he gets nailed by an Olympic javelin length throw.<br /><br />bad bad bad....<br /><br />If there were ever a Philip K. Dick story that needed a true rendition, I Am Legend is it.<br /><br />As far as Arnold not taking it like that, I have to agree that I wouldn't like seeing another "End of Days" climax. But you could certainly come up with something better !