What Sci-Fi movie remake should we have?

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<font color="yellow">CE - A remake of Forbidden Planet might be good..</font><br /><br />DANGIT $%#$^%#^$<br /><br /><br />You are not supposed to be posting the same ideas that I have while I am taking longer to write them than you are!!<br /><br />ARRRRrrrrrrrghhh..<br /><br /><br />Good idea btw. I concur! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Flash Gordon is prime candidate for a remake. Its a classic that wasn't really that good, thus remake could really improve upon it.<br />And ofcourse Rock should be in it.


<b>Flesh Gordon</b> was an improvement on the original.......!!<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" />


omigod.... You did it. I'm starting to hyperventilate. You thought Omega Man was a GREAT movie? Buddy, then I've got some old Super 8 stuff we made in junior high you're going to just LOVE....<br /><br />Charlton Heston gave it its only dignity, but that wasn't enough. Anthony Zerbe the mutated baddy with that tried-and-true special effect: cataract contact lenses.<br /><br />Poor Chuck spent his time driving around town with a brown sugar mama totin' a beastly fro, busting through the lines of hood-shrouded mutants.<br /><br />And I'm sorry to give a "spoiler" for a movie that is more than 30 years old (!), but the quickie ending is spliced on with old Chuck taking a spear in the gut while standing in a water fountain. This guy has been cleverly fighting a city of mutants for years, hunted them, knows all their tricks, laid low, and all of a sudden--ZZZWippppp! standing out in the open in a public water fountain he gets nailed by an Olympic javelin length throw.<br /><br />bad bad bad....<br /><br />If there were ever a Philip K. Dick story that needed a true rendition, I Am Legend is it.<br /><br />As far as Arnold not taking it like that, I have to agree that I wouldn't like seeing another "End of Days" climax. But you could certainly come up with something better !


Yeah, you could never do a remake of Forbidden Planet justice. Audiences these days have mega-expectations, and the story of FP is just too small. If Hollywood got its hands on it, any correspondence with the original would be purely coincidental.<br /><br />I would like to see a re-make of The Day the Earth Stood Still because you could expand upon it. The writer admitted it was a thinly-veiled Christ allegory.<br /><br />I say re-make it, and have Jesus Christ himself land in a flying saucer to tell the world to repent or face destruction.<br /><br />Now THAT is a re-make worth seeing, IMHO. . . .


He he, I just love disaster movies. About spoilers, I bet many youngsters today haven't seen it yet. They have probably not seen any movie from the 60s, that's were the remake-ideas come in. Richard Matheson wrote I'm a legend, didn't he?<br /><br />Don't you start with TDTESS now! This is truly a good movie. One of the first sci-fi I saw, I was five or six, I'm sure it started my interest for astronomy and everything related. About the Christ theme I read somewhere it was unintentionally.<br /><br />Remakes can't be stopped, as long as I have my old classics they can do what they want.<br /><br />What remakes of films from our time will be done in the future? Let's say 50 or 100 years from now? It won't be 'Barb wire' I'm sure.


Omega Man had a good backstory to it. One, very lonely survivor who has been fighting these mutants for ages. Then, suddenly he deviates from his survival-code for a less selfish purpose which, ultimately, results in his death/sacrifice.<br /><br />Of course, it was supremely cheesy when it was originally done. But, the story wasn't half-bad.<br /><br />TDTESS would be a good remake choice if they focused on the drama and didn't overhype the "sci-fi-special-effects-bells-and-whistles" portion. If they focused on the story, the characters and the self-damning behavior of man then it might not be too bad.<br /><br /><br /><br />As far as Forbidden Planet not having enough "meat" on it for today's audiences, I can agree somewhat, but disagree that it couldn't work.<br /><br />Here is a good, short, synopsis of the original movie. Forbidden Planet<br /><br />Now, let's move it into the 21'st Century:<br /><br />Put in the gritty "reality" feel somewhat like "Alien" or even the Russian ship in "2010." (Dark set with lots of doodads and exposed pipes/fitings/equipment prominent in the background.) The ship sent to check on the good Dr. would be your typical "backwater navy" bucket of bolts that has been posted in some outer-space version of no-where but somehow seems to be kept running in top shape by it's loosely organized but supremely dedicated crew. Add in some strong crew relationships and a prime character that is very concerned with the ship's reputation/mission or some such. Use that character as a foil to add some low sub-plot and inter-character conflict/comedy. Make sure to include some good shots of the interior and exterior of the ship with a very dramatic landing sequence.<br /><br />Upgrade "Robby" somewhat but keep him as true to the original as possible in order to please the long-time Robby fans. (The recent "Lost in Space" movie didn't do to bad a job at that.) <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1">I put on my robe and wizard hat...</font> </div>


Sounds pretty good, actually.<br /><br />And funny that you mention the remake of LIS. I think Matt LeBlanc's all-time best line was said in that movie: "...and the monkey flips the switch." Classic. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><em>Differential Diagnosis:  </em>"<strong><em>I am both amused and annoyed that you think I should be less stubborn than you are</em></strong>."<br /> </p> </div>


"Richard Matheson wrote I'm a legend, didn't he?"<br /><br />oops. Right you are. It was Matheson who wrote "I Am Legend." Just goes to show how long ago I read it. Don't know how I got it into my head Dick wrote it. Time to start the re-reads before Al Zymer visits me again.<br /><br /><br />


I think the movie ’When Worlds Collide’ from 1951 has potentials for remaking.<br /><br />It is an Academy Award-winning story, highlighting the massive panic on Earth when it is discovered that a runaway star is heading for this planet, triggering off a desperate race against time to build a spaceship to carry a limited number of people to another planet...and safety. <br /><br />I see that IMDb has it listed as a 2006 version. But do not know whether that means reissuing the 1951 version or actually a remaking of the movie.<br />


That oh-so-innocent Indian Bollywood-chick should do a remake of Barbarella <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />


How about a remake of Bradbury's Martian Chronicles, there was a mini-series done awhile back that sucked worse than a new Hoover.


I'd like to see "FORBIDDEN PLANET" redone, very darkly with strong horror and yes, even strong violence, because all that including extreme sexual activity between Altaira and the ship's Captain was more than strongly hinted at in the 1956 original. Also, I think that Leslie Neilson, who played the Captain in 1956, should do the voiceover for Robby the Robot!! <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!!  LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>


I don't know any movies that need remaking but they should make another movie like Species 3. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="2" color="#14ea50"><strong><font size="1">We are born.  We live.  We experiment.  We rot.  We die.  and the whole process starts all over again!  Imagine That!</font><br /><br /><br /><img id="6e5c6b4c-0657-47dd-9476-1fbb47938264" style="width:176px;height:247px" src="http://sitelife.space.com/ver1.0/Content/images/store/14/4/6e5c6b4c-0657-47dd-9476-1fbb47938264.Large.jpg" alt="blog post photo" width="276" height="440" /><br /></strong></font> </div>


They should remake War of the Worlds and stick to HG Wells' story and leave Tom Cruise out of it. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Quatermass and the Pit <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#993366"><em>The only laws of matter are those which our minds must fabricate, and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter.</em> <br /> --- James Clerk Maxwell</font></p> </div>


I say don't remake any of them. There're plenty of new, worthy sci-fi/fantasy novels and stories that are deserving of screen time. If Hollywood spent more time actually looking for quality entertainment rather than trying to squeeze the last bit of blood out of a stone that's already been sucked dry...maybe we'd have more quality entertainment, period.


As mentioned in the debate ‘Idea for New Trek Show’; I really would like to see is a remake of the first Star Trek Movie. It has an original and brilliant idea. However, it is not very impressive visually any longer. Do as in Star Wars, brush up the old stuff.


I searched the forum and found no matches for one of my all time favorites which certainly could stand a re-make. In the meantime, good luck finding a copy of it but the effort will be well worth your while.<br /><br />The Movie is <font color="yellow"> FANTASTIC PLANET <font color="white"> c1973 Animated<br />A race of detached, intellectual blue giants called Traags live in abstracted peace. They spend much of their time meditating, sending their consciousnesses sailing over their planet's surface in colorful bubbles. They merge and distort their bodies in a ritual called "Imagination." They acquire their race's collected knowledge through a mental induction device.<br />Their only problem seems to be the presence of escaped pets called Oms, a species of tiny pink-skinned bipeds. Oms have a tendency to escape and breed in the wild at an alarming rate, and they steal food and destroy property. Frequent "de-Oming" runs are necessary to keep the population down, and some Traags debate the wisdom of keeping Oms as pets.<br />One Om proves the point by escaping his owner and bringing a knowledge-induction device to the wild Oms of a local park.<br /><br />This is a sci-fi classic and a must for anyone who considers himself smarter than the average bear.<br /><br /></font></font>


I think it is a good idea to do a remake of the 2001.<br />I even think there should be done films of the whole series: 2001, 2010, 2061, 3001.<br />But I think Arthur C. Clarke have become sceptic to the film industry after the making of 2001. There are these stories of Kubrick and Apollo hoax you know.<br />


I am afraid I agree with Darth_Elmo. There are so many excellent stories out there that have yet to be made, why re-hash old films. Further, these days, 9 out of 10 remakes seem worse than the originals. Producers seem to think - "oh wow imagine how this will look with today's special effects technology" - and that is all we get a "special effects" showpiece that tramples on the original film or story.<br /><br />Danger, Danger ... Warning Will Robinson. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>
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