You have been digitally recorded on programmed mol

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Resistance is futile......<br /> <br />You have been digitally recorded on programmed molecules. You have been reduced to information and software codes?<br /> <br />Has this happened to you lately, or has it always been this way?<br />How is it read and by what does the reading? <br />_________________________________________<br />cy·ber·net·ics <br /><br />1. study of automatic control systems: the science or study of<br />communication in organisms, organic processes, and mechanical or electronic<br />systems<br /><br /><br />2. replication of natural systems: the replication or imitation of<br />biological control systems with the use of technology <br />_________________________________________<br />1 ma·chine<br />2 a : a living organism or one of its functional systems <br /><br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />tech·nol·o·gy<br />1 a : the practical application of knowledge especially in a<br />particular area : ENGINEERING 2 <medical technology /> b : a capability given<br />by the practical application of knowledge <a car's fuel-saving technology /><br />2 : a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical<br />processes, methods, or knowledge <new technologies for information storage /><br />3 : the specialized<br /><br /><br />


Guest<br /><br />24 November 2003<br />DNA Creates Self-Assembling Nano-Transistor<br />Scientists at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have harnessed the power of DNA to create a self-assembling nanoscale transistor, the building block of electronics. The research, published in Science, is a crucial step in the development of nanoscale devices. Erez Braun, lead scientist on the project and associate professor in the Faculty Physics at the Technion, says science has been intrigued with the idea of using biology to build electronic transistors that assemble without human manipulation. However, until now, demonstrating it in the lab has remained elusive. "This paper shows you can start with DNA proteins and molecular biology and construct an electronic device," he said. <br /><br /><br /><br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br /><br />Nanosys: Nanotechnology May Change Lives<br /><br /><br /><br />PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) -- The science of manipulating the smallest building blocks of matter into useful technology has been hyped as the engine of the next industrial revolution, when molecular computers supplant silicon chips and cheap "nanobots" render billion-dollar factories obsolete. <br /><br />The question is, who will capitalize on it first, and when.<br /><br />Most experts agree that nanotechnology -- usually defined as the creation and manipulation of materials no larger than a billionth of a meter, or 1/100,000th the diameter of a hair -- has the potential to transform everything from fabrics to health care to computers and space probes. <br /><br /> <br />


<font color="yellow">[* taken from Yes to Human Cloning, RaEL 2001 *]<br /><br /><br />HOUSES OF THE FUTURE<br /><br />THE houses of the future will be completely different from those of<br />today. New technologies will allow our buildings, be they for<br />individual or collective housing, to be completely self-sufficient.<br /><br />Today, every building is dependent on a centralized network for its<br />source of energy, water, waste disposal, etc. The same applies for<br />food, whose distribution system runs parallel to those mentioned<br />above.<br /><br />But in the future, all these infrastructures will be useless.<br /><br />Our food will not depend on the agricultural model as it does today,<br />but will be produced by individual food synthesizers. Since these<br />will nano-technology to create any food we want from the basic<br />elements, such as beef steak, chicken leg, or any fruit, vegetable,<br />or drink we wish, then the whole agricultural and food industries<br />will disappear.<br /><br />All we will need to do is ensure that these food synthesizers are<br />constantly supplied with all the elements in Mendel's [periodic]<br />table. Just as we presently have water on tap, so will we have a<br />ready source of "Mendel's water" channeled from the mains of each<br />lodging.<br /><br />But, even this system will eventually be replaced by the final stage<br />in complete decentralization when the food synthesizers will be<br />integrated into a complete matter and energy management system for<br />each habitation. Thus, each house or apartment will finally become<br />100 per cent self-sufficient.<br /><br />Our urine will be recycled by nano-technology that will extract 100<br />per cent pure water from it, while not forgetting to leave the<br />precious trace elements, giving us perfect spring water to drink.<br /><br />The same goes for fecal matter. It will be re-used and recycled into<br />tomorrow's food along with the precious minerals extracted from our<br />urine.<br /><br />In s</font>


<font color="yellow">NANO-TECHNOLOGY: The End of Money and Labor<br /><br />[* taken from Yes to Human Cloning, RaEL 2001 *]<br /><br /><br />VERY soon, the capabilities of the human brain will be surpassed by<br />those of computers.<br /><br />Already, even the most brilliant mathematicians cannot calculate as<br />fast as modern computers, and the same goes for memory. No one can<br />recall so much information with such precision.<br /><br />As artificial intelligence and neuronic computers develop, the<br />abilities of computers, including creativity and adaptation to new<br />environments, will become infinitely greater than those of human<br />brains.<br /><br />The first benefit to Humanity this artificial intelligence will bring<br />will be to replace an unimaginable number of petty officials and<br />unproductive employees.<br /><br />The whole socio-economic structure will be turned upside down. In the<br />short term, this will lead to a colossal lowering of taxes and a<br />development of the economy unprecedented in the history of Humanity.<br /><br />Then, nano-technology will appear on the scene, which will totally<br />replace human labor in every industry, from industrial to<br />agricultural.<br /><br />This use of microscopic robots working at the molecular level will<br />allow us to mine and extract minerals without the use of miners, to<br />process this ore at factories without the use of workers, to<br />transform basic chemicals into vegetable or dairy products at farms<br />without the use of farmers, and even without going through the<br />process of planting crops or raising livestock.<br /><br />These nanobots (nano-robots) will produce everything we need by<br />working directly in the infinitely small and assembling the required<br />atoms and molecules.<br /><br />If, for example, we need iron, all we will need to do is introduce<br />billions of nanobots into the ground to extract the minerals for us.<br /><br />Then, the ore will be transported automatically to the factory</font>
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