Amazing articles about our perplexing Reality

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<font color="yellow">Right! Now, as I mentioned, there have been discovered very many metallic objects, way earlier than 20 million years ago--the semi-official date when Homo Sapiens was born. Of course, there was no way that the primitive humans could have built those metallic objects, so it must have been someone else. Now the question is: who?</font><br /><br />Niceee.....<br /><br />Give us good online sources first. Then if desirable, show us the references for the books where this can be verified.<br /><br /><font color="yellow">Let's take a look at few of those objects, or facts I mentioned. Note that I use the word "few", but you should be aware that the number of those discoveries is in the range of THOUSANDS! Now, a particular aluminum object resembling the landing pod of a flying craft was discovered in layers of rock 150 million years old, near the skeleton of a dinosaur. Aluminum is a particularly difficult to obtain metal, and our actual Civilization was able to produce it in the 20th century. This is an interesting fact, because it tells us that someone very intelligent was here, on Terra 150 million years ago. It was possible that they were extraterrestrial visitors, or, maybe, there was another Civilization before our actual one! The time frame, 150 million years ago, makes it possible that another Civilization like ours has existed before--our actual Civilization has only 20 million years at its maximum. <br /><br /><br /><br />In fact, given the incredible old age of our planet, it is very possible there have been tens or even hundreds other Civilizations previous to ours! This is a strong possibility, and it also MUST be included in the History of Our Civilization. Other interesting discoveries come to support this theory. Very many metallic artifacts have been discovered in coal mines, embedded into coal strata. The geological Carboniferous Period has lasted from 340 to 280 millions years ago, and, again, this period of time is large enough to</font>


Nakka<br />You should consider doing your own research. It might prevent you from posting garbage.<br />As a pointer to the quality (lack of) of the link you provided.<br />The guy doesn't even research aluminium, he says our civilisation produced it in the 20th Century, yet the the apex of the Washington Monument is aluminium, Napoleon the Third had a helmet, dinner service and rattle for his son.<br />It was discovered early in the 19th Century and a commercial method was discovered in 1886 followed closely by aluminium companies.<br />Such laxity doesn't bode well for his other claims.<br />I've looked into Ooparts (Out of place Artifacts) and have never heard of an aluminium object from 150 mya. It's out of nowhere.<br />The article also says :-<br />"The last unexplained fact I will mention is the imprint of a human's footsteps into a rock dated about 100 million years. The human footsteps were in parallel to those of a dinosaur, and the imprint was done in mud, at that time; today that mud is solid rock."<br />That's the Paluxy Man Tracks which a little research would show is bs. Most of the creationists who fervently claimed this as part of their ideology, have given up on it.<br />The page says that all articles presented here deal with scientific topics from sci fi books (as advertised).<br />More fantasy than fiction imo.
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