Q & A<br />Rueters : <br />Q:4 Lanes working, will the other 2 be activated soon?<br />Mike: 2 lanes are beleived to be hard failed, and they will likely have us bring those 2 home, because they are likely dead. <br /><br />Q: Elaborate on the testing for stability overnight?<br />Just going to let them run overnight, doing nothing at all with them. The C&C is operating cooling, so it is doing something.<br /><br />name? CBS<br />Q: Do you know what they bypassed<br />Mike: I could show you on a drawing, but hard to explain. Low voltage switch, not sure of exact function. Normal to over current protection circuits . One leg to power one leg to ground. Switch would trip in noise and cutoff power. They bypassed that switch.<br /><br />Q: Work out progress/Soyze control scheme incase?<br />"Ultimate attitude control" team, as it's called, will keep working. Looking at CMG handoff. Want to learn how to handoff strait from shuttle to CMGs, that could be useful. They already have a possible solution for that. Probably will set aside efforts for progress/Soyuz control. All teams acting as if computers are not recovered<br /><br />Q: What is the mood of the team?<br />Mike: Exhausted. This was special, because they did know what the problem cause was. When crew said 2 were working, I knew that we had changed things for the better, was happy. Team prob feels relief.<br /><br />ABC News<br />Q: Is there a big tool box that they have? How do you do these things?<br />Keith: I like these q's. Nobody knows what we do at mission control. its like apollo 13 (movie) where they dump piece on table 'make it happen'. That what they do, collect people in a room and brainstorm, then they would go off and build a basic mockup, then bring in the 'real experts' for that area (like materials) and refine it.<br /><br />Q: How did it make you feel to watch danny do that repair?<br />Kelly - It was great to watch him work, Danny did a wonderful just, just to spec<br /><br />Houston Chronicle<br />Q: Were all of <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>