We could soon start getting answers to some vexing UFO questions.
UFO answers coming soon? US government to report on mysterious sightings : Read more
UFO answers coming soon? US government to report on mysterious sightings : Read more
Why? I'm not joking. Perhaps I don't understand something, so I would be glad if you explain it to me...CCooper96
Come on! Now you are joking as I was!
I would like to see photo evidence of it although I know it's impossible. No, no, I don't think they want to communicate with us. Who knows, if the nearest civilization is similar to ours and also doesn't have so advanced technology to get to us, and we all will lose ourselves in conjectures for many years and won't find out about the existence of each other...The nearest stars are just over 4 light years away. It would take over 400 years at 1% speed of light, which is still impossibly high. OK It would take 4 years to send a radio message, but what language would they speak? Most stars are millions to billions of times further away.
What sort of true evidence are you expecting? And why do you think they would want to communicate anyway?
By "aliens don't exist" do you mean anywhere in the universe, or that have visited Earth? Let's define "belief" as a spectrum, rather than binary, and the question as "Does intelligent life exist in the universe other than on Earth?". I would wager that the vast majority of educated, science literate adults would lean pretty heavily in the direction of "yes" to that question, while also admitting we don't know with certainty yet. And to the question "Have intelligent extraterrestrial beings or their technology visited Earth", most would lean heavily toward "not likely". Although the percentages are likely somewhat smaller on that 2nd question. Agree or disagree with my perspective?Well, the bigger part of me tends to believe that aliens don't exist, whereas other starts to doubt when someone puts forward arguments (like you here), that's why I'm not sure that I stand by my words. I understand that it sounds silly, but it's just me..