Helio in post #33 said about abiogenesis "It’s hard to argue abiogenesis isn’t a theory, but I suspect it is only a pre-hypothesis, or something along those lines."
This is interesting. Charles Darwin in 1882 thought this about abiogenesis origin of life. "Though no evidence worth anything has as yet, in my opinion, been advanced in favor of a living being being developed from inorganic matter, yet I cannot avoid believing the possibility of this will be proved some day in accordance with the law of continuity.1", ref - Charles Darwin, 1. “To Daniel Mackintosh 28 February 1882,” Darwin Correspondence Project, letter 13711,
Fred Hoyle thought this about abiogenesis (from a source I use). "Fred Hoyle1 (an atheist) estimated the probability as one chance in 10^40,000. He compared the likelihood of life originating on Earth to that of a tornado going through a junkyard and assembling a 747 airplane. Even if this improbability actually happened, one would have an inert, non-operating 747 in a junkyard rut.", ref - 1. Posted on
www.azquotes.com/author/6972-Fred_Hoyle. Accessed April 30, 2021.
Also, "This was shown by Nobel Prize-winning chemist...Ilya Prigogine.2 He is famous for pointing out two aspects of life: it is dissipative and far from equilibrium. All living organisms are dissipative (constantly decaying to a lower state per the Second Law of Thermodynamics) and need a constant supply of energy to repair the decay and operate, just like a 747 needs a constant flow of fuel to fly.3 If a system at equilibrium is disturbed, physics tells us it simply decays back to equilibrium.4 A small displacement from equilibrium is not sufficient to change its state. Give a small push to a vehicle in a rut (at equilibrium), and it simply rolls back into the rut. Life needs a really big push for it to exist far from equilibrium—another near impossibility if we wait for this to happen by chance. How impossible? Before life existed, the probability of assembling molecules into a life configuration was virtually impossible. But now, life exists everywhere! All the correct molecules are assembled in the correct order. When the living thing dies, all the required molecules are still there in the correct order, just without operating—there’s no life."
My observation. It appears since Charles Darwin letter in 1882, the origin of life via abiogenesis has evolved greatly in science where today some may hold abiogenesis as a theory, some think it is *pre-hypothesis*, and perhaps some would like abiogenesis to be a law of nature too, i.e. the law of abiogenesis, just as well grounded in observation as observing the Galilean moons today at Jupiter or Newton's laws of motion