These type of articles are so anthropomorphic, short-sighted and provincial , they defy explanation. The known universe alone is comprised of 100 billion galaxies. The yet to be discovered or examined universe may contain as many as 200 billion galaxies or even far more. The furthest we can see so far using our best satellite telescopes is about 13.32 billion years ago. Given that we have barely "explored" or even marginally mapped less than 1% of our visible universe and that the furthest galaxy yet seen is now 13.32 billion years older than what we see, then it is sheer hubris, arrogance and narcissism to pretend we "see" or "know" anything about what is going on in star systems that are 10 to 100 times older than us and whose potential for harbouring intelligent life is possibly the same as our tiny solar system's is, then by all means let us continue the search but here are some things to consider:
1) Maybe we haven't discovered other civilizations because they don't want to reveal themselves to us,
2) Maybe we are looking in the wrong places, or in the wrong ways, or even maybe in the wrong time.
3) Also, perhaps we have, in our delusional arrogance, totally missed all the subtle signs that alien intelligence knows we are here and has decided to stand back and watch from a distance.
4) Finally, there is a strong possibility that we are already known and found to be a dull, ignorant, violent, immoral and unethical collection of brutes not worth a true scientist's interest or examination because there are better alternatives out there.