bigbrain---Very nice, all your images are real, not at all faked. But I am not interested in pictures. <br /><br />Bigbrain,<br /><br />I used the photos in order to make a point that you are incorrect.<br /><br />bigbrain---In "" I have read: "The best evidence for the stability of the LM design is empirical. Find a yardstick or meter stick. Try to balance it vertically on end on your hand. You probably won't be able to do it for very long.<br /><br />Sky---But, you had specifically stated the following:<br /><br />bigbrain--- "If you try to keep it vertical making it to go backwards, using its rocket engine as a brake, you will see it is impossible." <br /><br />Sky---As you are now aware, the Delta Clipper rocket did exactly what you falsely claimed, was impossible.<br /><br />bigbrain----LUNAR MODULE IS NOT A METER STICK.<br /><br />Sky---Of couse the lunar module isn't a meter stick! The astronauts would have had a very difficult time riding a meter stick to a safe landing on the moon. <br /><br />bigbrain---YOU ARE COMPLETELY CRAZY AS WHEN YOU BELIEVE REAL THOSE IMAGES OF MARS THAT LOOKS LIKE A CUCUMBER. <br /><br />Sky---I don't recall any cucumbers being flown to Mars so how did a cumcuber happen to show up in a Mars photo? Since I haven't seen a cucumber in any of the Mars photos, can you please provide a link to where a cucumber was photographed on Mars? I would greatly appreciated.<br /><br />bigbrain---The thrust vector is vertical and the thrust force acts upwards. <br /><br />Sky---And, the Saturn V rocket's main engines are located aft but it didn't tip over when it launched the astronauts to the moon.<br /><br />bigbrain---When lunar module is landing, the engine acts as a brake...<br /><br />Sky---I already know that but thanks for the info' anyway. I was aware of that when the astronauts landed on the moon way back in 1969 and all you did was to confirm what many of us have already known.