Nasa writes:<br />"This movie clip shows a dust devil scooting across a plain inside Gusev Crater on Mars as seen from the NASA rover Spirit's hillside vantage point during the rover's 456th martian day, or sol (April 15, 2005). The individual images were taken about 20 seconds apart by Spirit's navigation camera. Each frame in this movie has the raw image on the top half and a processed version in the lower half that enhances contrast and removes stationary objects, producing an image that is uniformly gray except for features that change from frame to frame. <br />The movie results from a new way of watching for dust devils, which are whirlwinds that hoist dust from the surface into the air. Spirit began seeing dust devils in isolated images in March 2005. At first, the rover team relied on luck. It might catch a dust devil in an image or it might miss by a few minutes. Using the new detection strategy, the rover takes a series of 21 images. Spirit sends a few of them to Earth, as well as little thumbnail images of all of them. Team members use the 3 big images and all the small images to decide whether the additional big images have dust devils. For this movie, they specifically told Spirit to send back frames that they knew had dust devils". <br /><br />This bright idea is really ingenious, clever, brilliant.<br /><br />This is an incredible work of a misunderstood genius.<br /><br />Have you spent billion dollars to see dust devils in a perfect way?<br /><br />With compliments, but you need a psychiatrist because also a little child can see those dust devils are faked.<br /><br />You are so intelligent but you never understand that you must use 30 frames per second to make nice movies.<br /><br />Those dust devils look all except dust hoisting from the ground.<br /><br />You are really incredible jokers.<br />