If we remember the sheer distances involved, the fact that travel to even the nearest star would take over 400 years, and look for motivation - why would such an advanced civilisation want to bother with planet Earth? And do remember that we have only been '
civilised' (if that is what you think it is) for a few decades.
and it is a big if, their (if they exist, of course) technology parallels ours, they must have decided to watch us when we were chimpanzees. Time to establish a local base. Time to
decide to establish a local base. And all for what?
and it is a big if, there is any substance (even
non material) in the observations, then I think that we must be dealing (or seeing flashes of) some extra dimensional phenomena. Maybe we are seeing their thoughts.
In short, there may be nothing there. I do not believe that there are material beings dashing around - not
material beings according to the input which we receive through our senses. Maybe we are interfacing with some other dimensional system. Maybe we are '
dreaming' - not in a derogatory sense - but in the sense of 'catching; some signals from another reality.
No, I do not believe in UFOs, but if there is any substance, even '
dreamy' substance, then I do not believe that it originates from within our system of understanding. I am positively avoiding the word 'universe' here.
If such is the case, what other statement could any government make?