'No evidence' UFOs are alien spacecraft, but they're not American, Pentagon says

May 14, 2021
Sure, the popular conception is that if we can’t figure it out, they must be E.T.s, but, from a correctly scientific point of view, if we don’t have physical evidence that they are extraterrestrial, we don’t conjecture. Seems more likely photo equipment artifacts.
May 15, 2020
Ok, lets accept they aren't DARPA made, not Chicom or Russian, not alien. That doesn't leave much to explain them: Earthly time travelers, intersections with 4th dimensional material (that would at least explain the spherical shapes), or our own government's attempt to fool us into more dependency on them for safety from this obvious threat. If the Navy's encounters with these UAPs are as prolific as they say, then they have to have close-up hi-def pics; I dare say infrared and x-ray, etc., too. Will those be in the report? Why haven't they been released to the public? What are they afraid of us seeing?
Consider that the U.S. is using denial as an artifact to have adversaries believe the opposite. The Report is just a continuation of the UFO spoof/delusion/hysteria that has spawned an entire industry and culture.
Jun 14, 2021
Still, what are they? Why can't we see the clear and up close pictures? Is there some kind of proof in the pictures?
Why are the pictures of UFO’s always blurry? Good question, but one answer is their technical knowledge. Is it a “stealth tech”? But a larger issue is the avionics. 99.99% of current avionics has two elements that are missing on the recent chicklett UFO’s. #1 Airframe(wings) and #2 normal propulsion ( engines using fossil fuels). The recent cigar shaped UFO’s are showing up cold, so there is no evidence of propulsion, and they move without wings. Their ultra high speed including rapid speed change makes these stand out. I can only hope they’re developed by one of earth’s nations. We can deal with that, but otherwise, ???
On one dreary, cloudy, chill night devoid of any beauty in the skies, a small group of neighborhood star gazers who should know better, pondered the reality of life forms aboard UFO's. After a bottle of Bushmill, needed to ward off the chill, the conversation turned to wild speculation mixed with "somewhat noisy" hilarity. One of the sleeping, dull witted neighbors called the police who were told the subject of the disturbance. The cops laughed and sent us walking home. The next day, the local paper printed a story "local star gazers see UFO's", fortunately it was sans names. My chagrin was palpable, and UFO's have been in my ill repute ever since.
May 15, 2020
I'm not asking why the pics & video are always blurry. I'm pointing out that very clear and very close up pictures and video of these object do exist now. While our pilots and other assets are seeing these objects nearly every day for years, of course there is going to be a major effort to visualize and record them in the highest resolution possible. I'm asking why we aren't shown these instead of the blurry images. You also know that they have already scanned the objects with every sensor known to man to detect emissions from any recognizable avionics packed into those things.
Jul 10, 2021
The reports actually neither confirm nor deny. With the likelihood that intelligent life exists (given the size of the universe it would be unintelligent to doubt this), I wouldn't have much trouble taking the leap to believe they may have visited earth. Unfortunately, due to the nature of these sporadic events and the apparent evasive behavior of these objects, it won't be easy to get confirmatory evidence of this.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
If we remember the sheer distances involved, the fact that travel to even the nearest star would take over 400 years, and look for motivation - why would such an advanced civilisation want to bother with planet Earth? And do remember that we have only been 'civilised' (if that is what you think it is) for a few decades.

If, and it is a big if, their (if they exist, of course) technology parallels ours, they must have decided to watch us when we were chimpanzees. Time to establish a local base. Time to decide to establish a local base. And all for what?

If, and it is a big if, there is any substance (even non material) in the observations, then I think that we must be dealing (or seeing flashes of) some extra dimensional phenomena. Maybe we are seeing their thoughts.

In short, there may be nothing there. I do not believe that there are material beings dashing around - not material beings according to the input which we receive through our senses. Maybe we are interfacing with some other dimensional system. Maybe we are 'dreaming' - not in a derogatory sense - but in the sense of 'catching; some signals from another reality.

No, I do not believe in UFOs, but if there is any substance, even 'dreamy' substance, then I do not believe that it originates from within our system of understanding. I am positively avoiding the word 'universe' here.

If such is the case, what other statement could any government make?

Cat :)
The four genera that comprise the Family Hominidae are composed of dominance structured species. Most likely, this need/drive for dominance is the basis of formal/organized religions and politics which bind our large populated societies into governable groups via mysticism, magic, rote belief in the supernatural, miracles, rituals, prejudice, etc. Consider that the anticipation for the existence of extraterrestrial UFO's, and space aliens is simply a human extension/personification and expression of our need for having dominance. Now consider that no government in "it's right mind" would divulge, imply or suggest spoofing methods which could prove useful when "push comes to a nuclear shove".
Jul 10, 2021
Here's a theory that extends upon the idea that earth is a zoo exhibit for advanced aliens. Any alien visitors may be zookeepers, scientists or viewers with front-row access. Don't feed or touch the animals, as they say; hence the limited interaction. 🦁


Apr 1, 2020
Here's a theory that extends upon the idea that earth is a zoo exhibit for advanced aliens. Any alien visitors may be zookeepers, scientists or viewers with front-row access. Don't feed or touch the animals, as they say; hence the limited interaction. 🦁
I keep saying that we're either some alien student's science project or part of a Sim Galaxy video game.

-Wolf sends
Ref: Wikipedia: Economically, the Incan Empire, (The Inca), had neither money, markets, nor the wheel, and the rulers owned the means of production/land. Such seems to match closely to the economics of today's average, married taxpayer with more than 2.3 children, a 15+ year old high mileage car, a non-working wife with a credit card(s), and a live-in mother-in-law. Those Incan aren't visiting space aliens; they're escapees.
Jan 31, 2022
would you tell anyone if you have achieved the impossible? The videos released by the pentagon, in my opinion look like all the other ufo videos circulating the internet.
Even in 2004, we had the technology to get a perfectly clear image of whatever was supposed to be a ufo, but mysteriously it turned out to be a fuzzy image on one of the most advanced systems of the time.
There’s no excuse of why the videos or the images…. were like they were from a cheap throwaway phone.
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I enjoyed venting my cynical opinion about UFO's, and I further enjoyed the comments of the many contributors more clever, insightful and in some cases ascorbic than I. Perhaps, it's best that humans come to realize that UFO's sightings and visitations by LGM's are simply physical and psychological events that appear unique to H. Sapiens' psyche and, alternatively, in some cases are a natural part of our wonderfully complex world/Universe.
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Mar 8, 2022
The day before 9-11 Rumsfeld cited the 2.3 trillion dollars unaccounted for in the Pentagon budget.
The Pentagon has never passed an audit.
The fact is they have no clue what's going on in their own house.
Incompetence, lies and lies masquerading as Incompetence.
Still waiting for those WMDs, "We know where they are."
Blowing buffalo chips again, as usual.
One obvious answer to the question of "Where are the clear photos of UFOs?" could be that the cases where clear photos were obtains allowed them to be identified, and their identities were not controversial. Thus, it would be that only the fuzzy pictures allow those UFOs to remain "unidentified".

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