<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>The chances of two alien races making contact where they are more or less evenly technologically matched is a googleplex to one. (Or at least a google to one, which is still quite alot.) You envision their ray-gun being different from ours but of the same destructive power, get real. All you have to do is look at the history of our own planet to observe-not infer or deduce, but plainly observe- that this is astronomically impossible. Look at the Natives of the Western Hemisphere when encountering the Europeans in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. You've been watching too much Star Trek the Next Generation or something. <br /> Posted by ZenGalacticore</DIV></p><p>Or not...</p><p>This is based on alot of assumptions, which goes with the nature of the thread, so I don't think I am too out of line in what I am saying...</p><p>Your Googleplex to one and google to one numbers are obviously contrivances, or your using incredibly skewed values in your manipulation of the Drake Equation. </p><p> As for the ray guns, you can look at history all you want, I'd rather look at physics, where eventually, weaponry is going to evolve to a point where it just becomes a matter of getting so many joules on a target it gets destroyed. I don't care what your flying, if I get enough joules on your craft, you are going down. So yes, there will be disparities in efficacy, but not power between two alien species weaponry. </p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <span style="color:#993366">In the event of a full scale nuclear war or NEO impact event, there are two categories of underground shelters available to the public, distinguished by depth underground: bunkers and graves...</span> </div>