STS-117 (13A) Mission- Part II

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The burn was awesome on video. <br /><br />I'm tuned in tight here.<br /><br />Atlantis is approaching nicely. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><br /><strong><font size="3" color="#3366ff">Columbia and Challenger </font></strong></p><p><strong><font size="3" color="#3366ff">Starships of Heroes</font></strong></p> </div>


Sure is. I'm tuned in too.<br /><br />Andrew Brown. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080">"I suddenly noticed an anomaly to the left of Io, just off the rim of that world. It was extremely large with respect to the overall size of Io and crescent shaped. It seemed unbelievable that something that big had not been visible before".</font> <em><strong><font color="#000000">Linda Morabito </font></strong><font color="#800000">on discovering that the Jupiter moon Io was volcanically active. Friday 9th March 1979.</font></em></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font><br /><br /><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p> </div>


You know what? <br />Hollywood doesn't have a clue on true reality.<br />This is the ultimate reality show.<br />Everybody on Earth should be tuned in until Atlantis is safely home.<br />I know I will. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><br /><strong><font size="3" color="#3366ff">Columbia and Challenger </font></strong></p><p><strong><font size="3" color="#3366ff">Starships of Heroes</font></strong></p> </div>


Missed it <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" /><br /><br />Just watched the launch again on the Nasa website. The camera they switched to that showed a close up of the 3 main engines, aswell as the SRB's burning was amazing<br /><br />One of my favourite launches that i think


Well at least we have the honor to see this, and can we tell we saw the shuttle building building the ISS live over some decades, when it is gone.<br /><br />Other will be able to tell they saw Paris Hilton cry on television, bravo <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /><br /><br />BTW, Atlantis looks b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l on NASA TV!


and of the ISS<br />(the sight is just too long ago! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />)<br /><br />Shuttle will now begin the rendez vous-pitch manouver.


Technically how difficult is it to make a shuttle perform a RPM?


"Hi hanny, (AP Photo/Paul Kizzle). This one??"<br /><br />Yeah, that picture. It's one of the best one's I've ever seen post-launch.


Amazing 360 deg pitch.<br /><br />Atlantis looks magnificent.<br /><br />Passing over Brazil & then out over the Atlantic & just now<br />passed over the Canary Islands Tenerife, La Gomera, & Gran Canaria where clearly visible <br />passing beneath Atlantis (I know these islands extremely well).<br /><br />Just cannot believe this.<br /><br />Andrew Brown. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080">"I suddenly noticed an anomaly to the left of Io, just off the rim of that world. It was extremely large with respect to the overall size of Io and crescent shaped. It seemed unbelievable that something that big had not been visible before".</font> <em><strong><font color="#000000">Linda Morabito </font></strong><font color="#800000">on discovering that the Jupiter moon Io was volcanically active. Friday 9th March 1979.</font></em></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font><br /><br /><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p> </div>


Have you got any stills from about three minutes ago when Atlantis passed right over <br />the Canary Islands???<br /><br />Andrew Brown. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080">"I suddenly noticed an anomaly to the left of Io, just off the rim of that world. It was extremely large with respect to the overall size of Io and crescent shaped. It seemed unbelievable that something that big had not been visible before".</font> <em><strong><font color="#000000">Linda Morabito </font></strong><font color="#800000">on discovering that the Jupiter moon Io was volcanically active. Friday 9th March 1979.</font></em></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font><br /><br /><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p> </div>


Hard to believe this is going on right above us as we speak. Brilliant stuff


I know bobblebob.<br /><br />Soon they are passing into darkness.<br /><br />Already it is dark beneath them as they pass over the Ukraine & over Russia.<br /><br />Andrew Brown. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080">"I suddenly noticed an anomaly to the left of Io, just off the rim of that world. It was extremely large with respect to the overall size of Io and crescent shaped. It seemed unbelievable that something that big had not been visible before".</font> <em><strong><font color="#000000">Linda Morabito </font></strong><font color="#800000">on discovering that the Jupiter moon Io was volcanically active. Friday 9th March 1979.</font></em></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font><br /><br /><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p> </div>


Hi ckikilwai.<br /><br />Not to worry mate. How are you getting stills anyway?<br /><br />I will contact JSC & see if they can furnish me any.<br /><br />I know the Canary Islands extremely well, having been several times, looking<br />at the volcanoes (Pico Del Teide on Tenerife, Cumbre Vieja on La Palma & Timanfaya<br />on Lanzarote in particular).<br /><br />Amazing seeing them pass under Atlantis a short while back.<br /><br />Andrew Brown.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080">"I suddenly noticed an anomaly to the left of Io, just off the rim of that world. It was extremely large with respect to the overall size of Io and crescent shaped. It seemed unbelievable that something that big had not been visible before".</font> <em><strong><font color="#000000">Linda Morabito </font></strong><font color="#800000">on discovering that the Jupiter moon Io was volcanically active. Friday 9th March 1979.</font></em></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font><br /><br /><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p> </div>


Atlantis over the Himalayas & northern China now!!!!!<br /><br />Andrew Brown. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080">"I suddenly noticed an anomaly to the left of Io, just off the rim of that world. It was extremely large with respect to the overall size of Io and crescent shaped. It seemed unbelievable that something that big had not been visible before".</font> <em><strong><font color="#000000">Linda Morabito </font></strong><font color="#800000">on discovering that the Jupiter moon Io was volcanically active. Friday 9th March 1979.</font></em></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font><br /><br /><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p> </div>


Atlantis just about to pass over my wife's home area near Zhanjiang City, as well as, <br />Guangzhou (Canton) Guandong Province, China & Hong Kong.<br /><br />Gives some idea of the orbital speed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br /><br />Andrew Brown. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080">"I suddenly noticed an anomaly to the left of Io, just off the rim of that world. It was extremely large with respect to the overall size of Io and crescent shaped. It seemed unbelievable that something that big had not been visible before".</font> <em><strong><font color="#000000">Linda Morabito </font></strong><font color="#800000">on discovering that the Jupiter moon Io was volcanically active. Friday 9th March 1979.</font></em></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font><br /><br /><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p> </div>


Thanks ckikilwai.<br /><br />Is it downloadable or only on CD ROM?.<br /><br />I am having to leave for a short while, will be back soon.<br /><br />Andrew Brown. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080">"I suddenly noticed an anomaly to the left of Io, just off the rim of that world. It was extremely large with respect to the overall size of Io and crescent shaped. It seemed unbelievable that something that big had not been visible before".</font> <em><strong><font color="#000000">Linda Morabito </font></strong><font color="#800000">on discovering that the Jupiter moon Io was volcanically active. Friday 9th March 1979.</font></em></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font><br /><br /><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p> </div>


indeed! the Shuttle is now only 100 feet away the ISS.<br />just amazing flying, so close and so fast <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" />


Yes very true.<br /><br />Thanks again ckikilwai. I will download from your link later on.<br /><br />Atlantis & ISS hurtling over Indonesia right now, just east of Borneo, over Sulawesi <br />towards northern Australia.<br /><br />Andrew Brown. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080">"I suddenly noticed an anomaly to the left of Io, just off the rim of that world. It was extremely large with respect to the overall size of Io and crescent shaped. It seemed unbelievable that something that big had not been visible before".</font> <em><strong><font color="#000000">Linda Morabito </font></strong><font color="#800000">on discovering that the Jupiter moon Io was volcanically active. Friday 9th March 1979.</font></em></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font><br /><br /><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p> </div>


and a successful docking!<br />I'm looking forward to spacewalks to come <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />


Contact!!!!<br /><br />Atlantis & ISS are at one, over south east Australia.<br /><br />Docking confirmed.<br /><br />Andrew Brown. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#000080">"I suddenly noticed an anomaly to the left of Io, just off the rim of that world. It was extremely large with respect to the overall size of Io and crescent shaped. It seemed unbelievable that something that big had not been visible before".</font> <em><strong><font color="#000000">Linda Morabito </font></strong><font color="#800000">on discovering that the Jupiter moon Io was volcanically active. Friday 9th March 1979.</font></em></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font><br /><br /><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p><p><font size="1" color="#000080"></font></p> </div>
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