The Movie "Knowing" - Mini-Review

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The family went to see the new movie "Knowing" with Nicholas Cage yesterday.

While it was enjoyable, and Linda and I are big Cage fans, I do feel that the
story seemed to suffer somewhat in a big screen time line. Some elements of
the story - Cage's character's wife has recently passed away, were given
time in the storyline, but I still felt they were dealt with superficially.

On the whole, my results may be biased by my liking Cage, but I would give
it 3 stars out of 5.



My family and I saw the movie as well
wife and I give it 6.5/7 stars out of 10
Basically there was no emotional attachment to the loss for Nic's character
Yes we get it - drinking problem due to loss but don't devote 1/3 of the movie of him drinking jack daniels...
Special effects were enjoyable but a little unrealistic - what no burn marks (1st/2nd or 3rd degree)
secondary characters - no build up - could of easily done without his pal
whispers were a good concept
cliche sometimes especially near the end
and since the kids and the whispers had such a great connection - why not just ask the kids what the hell
the whispers want in the first place....(ooops sorry that basically would knock off 1 hour of the movies plot)....


And why, when his own son started writing the numbers down, did he stop him???? Let him finish!!!

I know, the impressions led to the "clever" bit with the door, which also led to the lady suddenly
no longer believing he was doing the right thing, which led to the interesection etc etc etc.

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